
Forced to marry the old ruthless CEO

"You are going through with this marriage and there's nothing we can do about it Melissa," my dad said to me like it was okay and he owned my life. " Dad I have someone I love and you know why are you forcing me to do this?" My dad had never been there for me, I lost my mom when I was 3 and my dad married Rebecca a year later. Rebecca was nice to me when she courted my dad but the moment she got married to my dad and came in with her daughter who I was a year older than my life became hell. "Melissa our company is in huge debt and the only person who can help us is Asher Kelvin. We owe him a huge debt right now. Am sure he can take care of you, baby, please help your dad." my dad pleaded but I wasn't ready to throw my life away. " Dad you want me to marry a man I have never met? Is a man old enough to be my dad? A man known to be a renowned womaniser, who is known in almost all brothels. Is that what you call taking care of me Dad? I can't do this please, I really can't". I told my dad " Okay how about the school? I have to go for my internship in a month, so how can I marry now?" I tried helplessly. " Lisa it's already a done deal, there is nothing we can do about it as I already permitted him to go ahead. And by tomorrow morning his men would come by to pick you up to go register your marriage" my dad said in a hard tone as he turned around and walked to his room quickly. " Dad!!!" I shouted at the top of my voice " Dad, how can you be so cruel? Am I just a commodity to you? Did Rebecca tell you to do this? Is this all am worth? am not going through with it you hear me, Dad? I will not " I shouted as I stormed out of the house in anger. Even though Asher Kelvin was a womaniser, he was also known to be a ruthless old man. My eyes were clouded with tears but I held them in only wishing to be in Ken's arms. ----‐------------- " You can only be mine Melissa, you're mine." He hugged me so tight like his life depended on it. "You'll be alright without me, It will take a while but you'll be fine" I gently pushed him away but he wouldn't let go. " Am sorry I hurt you, Melissa, am sorry I kept the truth away from you but please don't leave me. Lisa you've become my light, all I see is darkness without you......" His voice broke, and my heart ached so much. I love this man with my whole being. " I don't have the same feeling I had for you anymore Asher, just let me go, please. I gave you my heart for a long time but you wouldn't take it, revenge was your priority now I have someone else in my heart." I tried but he didn't let go. " Melissa please don't go, I'll do anything just don't go. You're my life, Melissa, please." I could feel his tears dropping on my neck as he sobbed gently, He raised his head to look at me still crying and I stared back into his eyes and before I knew it, I was lost in those blue eyes I couldn't take my eyes off him, He bent his head slightly and covered my lips with his.

Royalty_P · Urbain
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49 Chs

Chapter 17: Where is my wife?

When I got to my room, I was breathing like I just ran a marathon race. I took a deep breath several times but I was still breathing fast. I went to the bathroom and took a long shower, all I could think about was her, I was feeling a very strong urge to hold her in my arm. Her eyes were so captivating, and her lips... " What the hell is wrong with me?" I muttered angrily.

I came out of the bathroom, dried my hair and went to bed. I couldn't sleep, I kept tossing around the bed angrily. I wanted to go to her, I thought about the day she took milk and hugged me, how soft and warm she felt. I was completely frustrated, I stood up and went to the living and the wine rack.

' I wish I could take this, probably I would have felt better ' I thought but I can't drink, just like she has lactose intolerance I have alcohol intolerance. I stared at it for a while before walking to the kitchen. Nancy was back in the kitchen now, and they all went to their rooms when I was walking close to Melissa probably to give us space.

" Hello sir, do you need anything?" She was mixing something but she left it as soon as she saw me and came to me. " Hey Nancy, shouldn't you be getting some sleep? I would have thought you were a ghost if it was dark in here" I was moving towards the refrigerator. " I wasn't sleepy so I came to bake something instead. Am sorry if it bothers you, sir." She was gathering up her stuff as she said this.

" It's fine, go on" I had gotten soda from the refrigerator and was opening it. Nancy was like a sister to me or more like a daughter, I had helped her leave a brothel.

" Are you okay sir?" I heard her ask with a little voice. I could tell she was scared as she asked. Nancy and I were good but we never really talk much, the most we ever talk about is when I come back from work and she serves me dinner and ask about work. But she talked a lot when Tom was around, I could tell she liked him a lot.

" Am okay Nancy. " I smiled at her as I left the kitchen. I went back to my room and tried to distract myself by working on my document but I couldn't concentrate still. All I wanted to do was feel her warmth, these desires were new to me.

" If keeping your identity safe is important to you then you need to stay away" It was more like I was reprimanding myself.

I woke up early the next morning with a nasty headache, I barely had 3 hours of sleep. I hissed as I got up from my bed and showered, I just wanted to leave the house before she woke up, I didn't want to see her because it would only increase my yearning for her. I wanted to avoid her because the more I saw her the more I yearned for her. ' Was I falling in love with her?' I shook my head repeatedly at the thought. I suddenly smiled, why was I behaving like her? She always shook her head whenever she had an unpleasant thought. Everything about her amused me. It was Saturday so I just decided to go to the penthouse because knowing she was just two rooms from mine wasn't helping. I stayed there all day and didn't go home that night so I just spent the night in the penthouse, but staying away wasn't helping either. The next next day I called Gabriel and he told me everything was okay and she had gone to church with Nancy and then went shopping afterwards. ' Obviously, she's happy when am away. Really? I get to feel this way and she's happy? Oh yeah? enjoy it will it last' I scoffed angrily.

I decided to go home, I wouldn't allow her to be rejoicing I wasn't coming home. I had an appointment with one of the old man's girls so I took her home with the hope that I would annoy her but I didn't. She was happy instead. I was so annoyed.

" Mr Kelvin! Mr Kelvin!!" I snapped out of my thought and turned to him. " Yes Jason"

" Mr Thompson called, the deal with Bright Enterprises is going well."I nodded as he said this. " Sir, you're so lost in thought these days, does it have to do with Mrs Kelvin, sir? You were never like this before you married her" Jason continued.

" Tsk, leave me alone Jason," I told him but Jason was talkative.

" Your mood is always changing too, you easily get upset."

" Jason?" I called with my eyes closed, he was annoying the hell out of me. " Yes, Mr Kelvin" He answered quietly.

" Help me get a new secretary first thing tomorrow morning."

" Am so sorry Mr Kelvin, I was saying we could develop another plan that could ruin Bright Enterprises faster," I smirked.

I got home an hour later. It's been several hours since I'd been waiting for her still she wasn't back. Gab told me she closed up the cafe by 8 pm and it was 10:30 pm still she wasn't back.

' Did she go out with that guy?' It was driving me nuts thinking she might have gone out with him. I decided to call Gab, he answered on the second ring " Hello Mr Kelvin"I heard him say over the phone. " Where is my wife?" Even though I knew she would be with that guy I was still wishing she was the other girl instead.

" She's hanging out with her friends' sir"

I stood up and went to my room angrily and came back to the sitting room again after lying restless for 30 minutes.

She walked in some minutes later, I was sitting down holding some documents as she walked in but of course, I wasn't working on them, I couldn't even focus on anything.

" Hello Mr Kelvin, am so sorry am back late." She apologized as she bowed her head slightly. 'Why did she have to apologise before I could complain?' I just watched her without saying anything. She waited for me to say something but I didn't say anything, I just kept looking at her.

" It wasn't intentional, I lost track of time while hanging out with my friends." She tried again. I could feel she was anxious.

" Welcome back wife, I thought you weren't coming back today"