
Chapter 11

"There isn't anything" I answered quickly while turning towards the elevator, ugh, the same elevator again.

"Maybe we should go down the fire escape."

"Yup." Alex walked ahead of me to the fire escape.

Mum came into my room after dinner with a big box in her hands. "Cara, this is a dress-'

I groan before Mum finishes her sentence "No fluffy dress Mum!?

"Of course, fear. Are you underestimating my taste? I chose it myself this afternoon." Mum replied sitting on the end of my bed and opening the box and the paper packet inside. Mum pulled on a dark green velvet dress, no puffs and no bows. Simple and very elegant. I stare at the dress in Mum's hands for a few moments with a stunned expression.

"You like it?" Mum asked with a big smile.

"I like it very much."

"I think this dress matches your eye color." added Mum still with her big smile. "But I can't show you your prom dress right now-"

"Wait a minute ... This isn't my prom dress?" I asked confusedly.

Mum chuckles and shakes her head "Of course not, Cara. It's just a normal dress. Too simple for prom. Yours will be out the day after tomorrow."

"But this dress is perfect." I answered quickly. "I don't want another dress." I added a little pleading. Mum frowned at me.

"But I already ordered it." Mum replied with a disappointed expression.

I totally gave up. "Tell me the other dress isn't flashy."

Mum shrugged her shoulders "It's definitely not as simple as this dress."

Ergh. "Okay ... Thanks for the dress, Mum." I said while hugging my mother.

"Mum? Do you remember when you adopted me?" I asked suddenly. Mum paused and frowned.

"Of course. Alex suddenly brought you to us, he took you by the hand and refused to let you go before we took you home. He even threatened to live in the orphanage if we couldn't take you home that day." Mum laughs at me "What's wrong?"

I smiled at her "Just curious Mum."


I dropped my body on the bed while looking up at the ceiling of my room which was decorated with dozens of stars, the darkness made the glowing light look brighter. Suddenly my cell phone rang from inside my bag, I forced my half-asleep body to get up.

"Alex, it's getting late." I grumbled without looking at the caller id. No one would call me this late except Alex. "Oh,sorry! Can Icall you tomorrow morning?" It wasn't Alex's voice that answered me but a voice I didn't recognize-I pulled my cell phone away to look at the screen, a line of numbers I didn't recognize appeared on it.

"Who's this?"

"Vincent, from Geometry." he replied.

"Oh, I thought it was my brother. I didn't check who was calling."

"Yeah..." he answered then interrupted by a slightly awkward silence, "So Alex is your brother?" then came the sound of nervous laughter.

"Yep. You know Alex?" I asked before laying back down on my bed.

"Uhhh ... Cara, actually I want to talk about something ... " Vincent sighed and then fell silent.

" Okay ? "

"I don't think I can go to the prom with you." Vincent paused waiting for my reaction.

"Oh ... OK?" Even though he just asked me today.

"It's not that I don't want to ask you ... I really want to ask you. In fact, almost every day I ask Jen if anyone has asked you, but Jen says you're not going to the prom. Then this morning she-"

"Vincent, what's wrong?" I cut.

"Well ... something keeps me from asking you, Cara." he replied.

"Because ... ?" then suddenly I realized something "Wait a minute, did something make you cancel it? Someone?"

"Y-yeah ... sort of. But I can't tell you."

"Don't tell me because-"

"I can't tell you why. I'm sorry again, Cara." before I could press him, Vincent hung up the phone. I angrily walked out of my room and headed downstairs. My parents who were watching TV in the living room turned their heads when I entered the room.

"Dad. Where is Alex?." I asked through grinding my teeth. This time he had really gone too far.

"Alex is back at his apartment, Cara." Dad said, "What's wrong?"

"When did he return to his apartment?" I asked again.

"After dinner, right?" Dad looked at Mum.

"Damn Alex." I muttered under my breath, then I walked back to my room.

"What's wrong Cara?" Mum asked from downstairs.

"I'm not going to the Prom!" I shouted angrily from in front of my room, then slammed the door shut.

For a few moments I just swirled in my room trying to cool my head. Alex! How dare he threaten Vincent to cancel his prom invitation. Even though it was just this afternoon that I told him not to meddle in my business. My head almost exploded from my anger. I will not forgive Alex! This time he had gone too far. I thought for a second about calling him, but I'm sure nothing I say at this point won't get into his stubborn head.

That night I went to sleep feeling irritated and angry, if there was advice that said never let a woman go to bed feeling angry ... Well, that's absolutely true.

The next morning I woke up feeling no better than yesterday. I closed my eyes for a moment then glanced at the clock on my small table which showed 10 o'clock in the morning. I closed my eyes again slowly, then like a bucket of ice water poured over me I jumped out of bed and ran downstairs. Mum was in the kitchen, reading a recipe book. She looked up when she saw me coming in, "Morning-"

"Mum! Why didn't you wake me up?! It's already ten o'clock!" I screamed.

"Good morning too, honey. I thought you'd like to sleep a little longer" Mum replied while going back to reading the recipe book in front of her.

"Mum! I'm late and now I have to play school!" I sit across from Mum and put my head on the dinner table dramatically.

"Way ... It's Saturday." Mum looked at me like I was crazy and shook her head. It's Saturday?

"Oh." I replied weakly, now my head feels dizzy because I suddenly have to get up before I can collect my life.

Mum looks up again from her cookbook "You need help getting ready for tonight? Put on the dress I bought you yesterday, okay? Alex stopped by this morning, he said he'd pick you up at two in the afternoon."

Now I'm the one looking at Mum in bewilderment. Mum watches my expression for a few moments then glares. "Oh, don't tell me Alex hasn't told you yet!" Mum closed her recipe book with a bang before looking at me with a furious face. "Today is the night of the first full moon. Alex has to formally introduce you at thebPack meeting as mate, Cara.", Mum massages her temples in frustration, "And he forgot to tell you?!"

I gape at Mum, Pack meeting? Introducing me formally? Tonight? Suddenly my feelings of anger towards Alex returned, this time worse.

"I'm not leaving." I muttered angrily as I stood up.

Mum looks up at me "Cara ... you have to go. This is an important event for the Pack."

"Well, I'm not part of the Pack, am I?" I replied as I walked back to the room with angry steps.I can't hear Mum mumbling behind me. I decided to take a shower to relieve my anger, I turned on the bathtub faucet and filled it with warm water. I took off my clothes and stepped into the bath, letting the warm water evaporate some of my anger. Once satisfied I went to the shower to wash my hair. When I came out of the bathroom with still wet hair, Mum was waiting for me on the bed in a velvet green dress placed beside her.

"Cara ... " Mum looked at me with a slightly worried face. It was clear that this event was very important to him.

"Okay, Mum." I replied in a resigned tone. This is all Alex's fault, I shouldn't take it out like this. Mum looked so relieved when she heard my answer, she took a make up box from my table. "I'll help you get ready."

Oh. It's gonna be a shitty day.

Two hours later I hear Alex's car pull into the driveway, Mum has just finished curling my hair neatly. When I looked at my reflection in the mirror, I looked ... so different. Like not the usual me. This dress clung to my waist then fell down to my knees, the velvet felt soft against my skin. Mum gave me minimal makeup and pulled my hair back to make me look more mature. Mum smiles from behind me, her blue eyes looking at me proudly. "You are very beautiful, honey. Everyone will like you."

I smiled back with a little sad, "Thanks, Mum."

'Come down when you're ready." Mum said while walking towards my bedroom door.

"Mom?" I call, Mum looks up and raises her eyebrows at me. "Don't let Alex come up to my room, okay?"

"OK, baby." Mum replied before closing my bedroom door.

I gritted my teeth angrily. Of course I had no intention of going to the meeting. I have to teach Alex a lesson not to meddle in my business anymore. I take off Mum's heels and change into flats that match my dress. I opened my bedroom window while taking a small bag containing my cell phone, books, and wallet then crawled out of the window.

I have to admit, wearing a dress while crawling through the window is not a very good idea. With great difficulty I managed to get out of the window and then down the stairs at the side of the house. I've done this before if I wanted to go out without my parents getting to know me, usually Jenna would pick me up a few feet from the house. But this time I'm alone.

After stamping my feet on the ground I ran towards the nearest bus stop without looking back. After being on the bus a new feeling of relief enveloped me, I took out my cell phone and turned it off so no one could disturb me. Some people looked at me because of the dress I was wearing.

Maybe I'll come home tonight, after the show is over. I could stop by Jen's house to buy some time. A pang of guilt enveloped me for a moment but Alex deserved this after everything he'd done to me.

For a while I didn't know where this bus was going to take me because earlier I just got on without checking the destination, after awhile I decided to stop on a road that was quite far from my house and then entered the first cafe I met. I took a seat at the bar and ordered a large glass of chocolate sundae, the waiter behind the bar looked at me strangely before taking my order.

Luckily the cafe was quite quiet, there were only a few customers and two waiters. I took out a book I hadn't finished reading from my bag and started reading it. In an instant I was dissolved in the story in it. After two sundaes and a plate of velvet cake, I glanced at the clock on the cafe wall. I've been here for almost two hours. I closed my book with a deep sigh. By now it must have just started, I'd need at least another three hours before I could go home. I imagined Alex's current expression. What is he doing at this time? Still looking for me?

I sighed again. I don't know why instead of feeling satisfied, I feel restless. Should I just go to Jen's house now?

I suddenly felt something-no, I felt someone from behind my back. The fuzz on the back of my neck bristled before I heard his voice.

"I already told you, you can't run away from me." his low voice made my heart jump inside my chest cavity.