

Rudra talks to his mom on the phone, after talking he disconnected the call, then starts working on his laptop and checking some files. Then Sahil knocks on the door of his cabin, Rudra permits him to come and he comes to Rudra's cabin along with Naina.

"This is Naina Verma and today she has joined the office as an assistant designer. Today Nisha (designer) has not come, so she will have to tell you about the current project. Nisha has taken leave for one week. I have already delayed our consignment, if that consignment does not come on time, then all our work will stop," Sahil explained.

"Sure Sahil, I will tell Miss Naina about the project. Now the new project will start only with the arrival of Nisha, but I will get them done through the last project. I ask PA to ask for project-related files. Sahil, you do not worry about this and you do your work," Rudra assured him.

"Thanks, Rudra, I have to go right now. Please keep calm Rudra," Sahil told him.

Sahil explains everything to Rudra and leaves from there Rudra asks his PA to ask for project recording files and asks Naina to sit on the couch in front. PA files are given and gone from there.

"Miss Verma, please check out these files and if you have any doubts then tell me, and I will help you to sort out your doubts. Please you come with me," Rudra said to Naina.

Rudra and Naina come out of the cubicle Rudra comes to the cabin in front of his office.

"Miss Verma, This is your cabin. I hope you will be comfortable here, if you have any problems tell my assistant, and he will assist you," Rudra said to Naina.

Afterward, he comes out from her cabin and goes to his office.

In one such design, Naina has a little doubt, so she goes to Rudra's office Rudra does not wear his blazer and he looked very hot in his white shirt. A few moments later, Naina knock on his door.

Come in, Miss. Naina," Rudra added.

Naina starts staring at Rudra and thinks in her mind he is looking so hot. Naina realized and she stops staring at Rudra, she goes inside. She gives the file to Rudra and Rudra does not understand which design he has doubts about. To tell this, Naina goes to her chair and they are both very close to each other. Both are lost in the pleasant aroma of each other's perfume and they look intensely. Just then Rudra gets a call from someone and he comes back to his senses. Rudra gets a call from his mom and picks up the call.

"Mom I call you a little later, I'm a little busy now. Sorry, Mom. I will call you later (he disconnected the call). Miss Verma, tell me what design you have doubts about," Rudra spelled out.

"Sir, this design is unmatched by the client's detail," Naina said.

"Okay. Give me some time, I will figure out the issue and call u later. Please you may go now," Rudra said.

Naina leaves there and directly go to the washroom.

Rudra's POV...

Naina is a pretty and innocent girl. She is a workaholic as well as a smart person, so attractive girl. Then he realizes what am I doing about that girl and he starts looking at the designs.

On the other hand, Naina was also thinking about Rudra, she is blushing hard. After a few minutes later, she realizes how she can think of Rudra, he is her boss and she is only an ordinary employee.

In Bajaj Palace,

Sarita and Mohini were talking to each other about random things in the living room.

"Mummy (mother-in-law), now just Rudra say yes to Papa for marriage, then we will find a good girl and get her married. I wish that Rudra gets married and someone to take care of him comes and some of my tension ends. He lives alone far away from all of us, I am always worried about him," Sarita said.

"Yes Sarita, you are right, just now my Rudra gets married and he starts living with us in this house," Mohini spoke.

After some time, Anil comes there, he sits with his mother and starts talking and Sarita gets up and goes to the kitchen.

In evening....

Rudra and Naina also leave the office for their home. Naina goes home and tells her parents about the office and says that her first day in the office was very good. Naina's mumma goes to the kitchen to prepare breakfast and her father was doing some of his work in the living room (Naina's father is a temporary accountant in a company, due to Corona, that company has lost, but those who were trustworthy employees still work for that company, Because the company was not completely closed and Naina's father used to work on his accounts from home) Naina asks her brother Kunal how his studies are going, so Kunal lies to him that it is going well. Kunal was rusticated from college because some boys had fought in college and Kunal did not tell this his family members.

All the family members have come to Bajaj Palace, whatever decision Rudra and Ritik have taken, it has to be told to all the family members. Everyone is talking to each other.

"Rudra, you are the elder son of this house, tell your decision, what have you decided, and then Ritik you tell," Grandfather said to both of them.

"Okay grandpa, let's tell you first brother," Ritik answered.

Rudra looks at his mom and his mom gives him permission with a gesture..

Rudra said,".....