
Orders II

Margo nodded but Antione sighed. Neither were at all that content with their current options. They went back into the living room where they waved Cora and Jared to them.

Margo wrapped her arm around Cora's waist and pulled her against her body. She used her other hand to weave into her mate's hair at the back of her neck and pull her into a hungry, desperate kiss. They were both gasping for breath when Margo finally pulled away.

"Sweets, I need you to swear to me that you will do exactly what your instructions that Ian gives you say." Margo demanded hoarsely.

"I don't want to leave you. This is stupid." Cora was clearly upset.

"Does the knowing tell you anything different? Anything at all." Margo asked hopefully. Cora shook her head unhappily after a moment.

"Then I need your word, baby." Margo pleaded.

"Okay," Cora whispered brokenly.