

little amanda lay on the hospital bed pale faced. she had bruises on her once pretty face. her head was bandaged and she was placed on drip unconscious.however when roseline got close to her she opened her eyes and began to cry. she tried to speak but found out she lost her voice.

"how did this happen to my child?"asked roseline.

"she was raped on a lonely road. she was then dumped --but a racer found her and he took her here. she's really lucky."said the male doctor

"lucky?--how dare you say that my baby is lucky to be raped?"barked mr parks in anger. roseline's ears were practically bringing out smoke.

"no no no that's not what i meant---" the doc tried to defend himself

"enough. how is she now?"asked andy with fake concern.

"the injuries aren't too severe. with time she will heal but i advise that someone always stay by her side to help her get through this trauma."said the doctor

"andy---is this what you meant by watch out.? amanda was in the house when i left how did she appear on a lonely road? tell me now and don't you dare lie."said roseline.

"you want the truth right? all i know is that a certain princess left me to die when i needed help the most."andy said

amanda smiled weakly

"big brother----i know you---why did you abandon me on that road? i felt so scared. i wanted to call mama but my cell phone was broken."amanda began to cry hard

roseline hugged her

"don't worry.mama is here now. mama is here---

"mama why does big bro hate me so much.?---papa mama big bro andy---

"it's enough amanda. boys?"

"my lord"chorused the bodyguards

"take him away for the surgery. make sure the result satisfies me. "said mr parks

"yes boss"they chorused again and dragged andy away .

finally ive been able to change my cover and title. i hope you guys see it fitting. thanks for reading anyway.

stella2138creators' thoughts