

[CONTAINS MATURE CONTENT] * To you, my old and new readers, my hope is not that you finish this book, but that the book finishes you.” * Adara Langford woke up one morning to discover that she was to marry into one of the wealthiest families in the world. The Bancrofts. However, it is not her husband who pursues her, but his bastard brother. The unwanted son of the family. A man who has laid claim to her from the moment they met. He is dangerous and sinful, and whispers promises of immorality in her ears. She yearns for a man she cannot have. A forbidden desire brews between them, and she is terrified of falling into damnation with him. * * Note: Book cover is not mine. FOR MORE INFORMATION ON THE BOOK, YOU CAN FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM @sspears OR FACEBOOK @Kourtneysspears

Kourtney_Sspears · Urbain
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141 Chs





The car was dead silent and the only noise in there came from the heavy rain that continued pelting down the roof of the car relentlessly drenching everything in its part. I glanced at the man seated beside me in silence. Though the car was dark, I could still make out a little glimpse of his face and silver hair from the dim street light we drove by.

"Having an eyeful Princess?" He suddenly turned to me. With eyes as bright and spellbinding as lode stars, they bewitched all those who fell under his steady gaze.

They were like sparkle with mirth and shone like two eternity-silver jewels enwrought with intrigue.

I blinked rapidly and turned my face away from him adjusting my glasses and sniffling the air. My cheeks burned from embarrassment. And for a moment, I was glad the car was dark. At least he couldn't see my expression even if he wanted to.

I hated that he called me a princess, I wasn't one and I didn't want to be called that. I was Adara and nothing else.

"What is your name?" He asked and I turned to look at him again.

I hesitated for a moment biting my lower lips as I contemplated inwardly whether to tell him my name or not. This man looked dangerous and I wasn't sure I would love to meet him ever again after tonight. 


"Adara," I whispered still unable to find my voice. I had no idea when the word slipped out of my mouth but it did and I felt so betrayed by my mouth.

A predatory smile played at the corners of his mouth, his gaze lingering on me for a moment longer. "Adara," he repeated as if savoring the sound of my name. 

There was something about the way he spoke as if each word held a deeper meaning yet to be unveiled.

"What shall I call you?" I dared to ask, my voice barely above another whisper.

His lips curled into a wicked smirk, his voice dropping even lower. "You can call me whatever you desire, princess. But for now, you can simply call me your deepest temptation."

Deepest temptation? I repeated the words unable to understand why he would want me to call him that.

"Though names are inconsequential in moments like these," he continued, his voice low and husky. "What matters is the connection we share from now on Adara." His eyes trailed from my face down to my chest lingering there longer than he should and I had to look at what he was staring at.

I quickly crossed both hands around my chest. My wet shirt stuck to my body revealing the red bra I wore inside. I knew my hands weren't enough to cover anything but at least he stopped staring.

"C... connection?" I stuttered even if that was the last thing I wanted licking my lower lip and that didn't go unnoticed. Nothing I did went unnoticed. He watched my every movement like a hawk ready to strike.

"Tell me, Adara," he murmured, his voice caressing my name once more as he spoke. "Have you ever been drawn to danger?" There was a hidden sin lurking in his voice. Something evil.

"D... Danger?" I whispered. A knowing smirk tugged at the corners of his lips when I repeated his words. I had no idea what he was talking about. Or why I would want to meet danger.

Right now I regretted getting into this car. Maybe it would have been a lot better if I stayed by the bus stop and waited for the bus.

"I... I." I couldn't think of anything at the moment. My brain and mind were clouded with fear. My head was in chaos. I'm not always like this. I'm not always so speechless and fragile and I couldn't tell why I acted this way before this man.

He leaned in closer, closing the safe space I had kept between us and my heartbeat intensified. I moved backwards a bit creating more space but it seemed as though his large frame kept closing the gap till I was trapped between the car door and his huge self.

"Do you want me to show you?" All words failed me at that moment. My brain turned so fuzzy that I couldn't think of a thing.

"S... show me?"

What is he talking about? Is he planning to kill me?

"I'm the danger Adara, and I think I'm drawn to you." He said in a low voice tilting his head to the side as he watched me tremble beneath him in satisfaction. My heart pounded harder than it had ever pounded before and I was scared he might hear it.

How could he be drawn to an ugly girl like me? Or could he not see how unattractive I was because of the dark sky?

I wasn't ugly, but I had purposely appeared ugly to scare men away from myself, but this man looked beyond my clothes choice.

The mysterious man tilted his head closer and closer to mine. His eyes were fixed on my lips and I gulped.

"W... What do you want from me?" I managed to voice out and he returned his gaze to my eyes.

"You." He said plainly and I almost choked at his words. Why would he want me? I was nothing to be wanted by this man.

"I just told you I'm drawn to you. Is that so hard to understand?" He brushed a strand of wet hair away from my face, his touch sending an electric current through my body. I quickly slapped his hands off my face as if realizing myself.

"Sir I don't think you're in the right state of mind." I tried pushing him off me with both my hands, but I should have known my strength was no match for him. It didn't even feel like I did a thing.

"A fierce little woman, I love it. What state of mind do you think I'm in?" He growled so low in his throat, his hot breath brushing against my skin. I knew I was in trouble, there was no escape from this man and I couldn't imagine what he wanted to do with me.

"Please stop the car I want to get off." I tried to sound as firm as possible even though the words came more like a whisper than actual words. He had turned me breathless by just sitting so close to me.

He held both my hands with his large ones when I kept fighting against him, he raised both hands and pinned them against the wined-up glass as he clasped my legs together trapping them between his thighs.

I looked so vulnerable and defenseless before him. He had easily held every moving part of my body like it was nothing. His eyes stared down at my cleavage and then back to my face.

"Please don't, I beg. Don't do this."

"Do what?" He suddenly asked as if he hadn't just pinned me against his window. I licked my lips unable to give him an answer. What am I thinking? But the position he had placed me in was far from being normal.

He took the glasses off my eyes and smiled.

"You're so beautiful, Adara. Do you know that?" He placed the glasses back on but I said nothing to him. I had nothing to say. This man was messing with me and I hated it. He was playing a game with me.

"You'll be mine from now on Adara. Mine alone do you understand?" He said nonchalantly and my eyes widened at his words unable to still grasp what he just said.

I couldn't believe my ears. This man is crazy. What man claims a woman they just met?

"You haven't given me an answer." He said impatiently. I had nothing to say to him. There's no way in this life he could be serious right now.

"I... I'm already getting married." Even if I wasn't getting married, it would be insane if I agreed with him. He frowned at my words groaning slightly.

"To whom?" He asked, his face darker than that of the devil.

"D... Dalton Bancroft."

I was going to be married to Dalton Bancroft. And I knew that after tonight's meeting, either I or Scarlet would be given out.

"So you're the one they're looking for." He murmured. 

"What are you talking about?" I asked for his smile to only widen. This man has a thing with smiling cause he hasn't stopped smiling since I met him.

"I don't care if you're taken by the president or even the devil himself. You're mine alone princess. Tell me you understand." His grip tightened around my wrist as he bit on my chin, "Ah." Pain shot through me and for a moment I was sure I bled but he suddenly swiped his tongue across it and I shivered.

I tried forcing myself out of his grip, but every effort turned useless.

This crazy man. How can a man who barely knows who I am want to claim me this very Instant? Even after telling him I was getting married to a Bancroft, he still wanted me to be his.

Just who is this man that doesn't fear the Bancroft's? Is he bigger than them?

I doubted. The Bancroft's are the biggest families in this city. They've been in power for years before I was born, there's no way anyone could be as rich as they are or even surpass them.

When I said nothing to him, he bit on my left chin but this time it was a bit harder and I whimpered cause of the sharp pain I felt. "I'm still waiting Princess, unless you want me to claim you here and now." He said next to my ears biting my earlobe and my breath rushed out of me.

"I... I am your's." I said to hear him groan so deep in his throat. He clicked his jaw.

"You're lucky I have an important meeting right now. I wouldn't have let you go until a week after you're barely on your feet." I reddened at his words. No one has had the boldness to say such words to me before. No one would even say this to me cause I wasn't attractive enough.

He sat up letting me go immediately, he took out his well-ironed suit at a corner to spread on my body. "You'll be going to a place filled with people soon, I wouldn't want anyone looking at what's mine in this state." He said as if explaining why he had covered me and almost immediately his phone rang.

His deep voice was low as he murmured a few words to the caller. I had no idea what he was talking about and I didn't care. All I wanted was to get out of this car but I'm locked in here with a crazy man.

A man who has brought out emotions I just never thought existed in me.

His perfect jawline clicked again as he ended the call.

"Berrycloth turn to the Bancroft's residence."