

[CONTAINS MATURE CONTENT] * To you, my old and new readers, my hope is not that you finish this book, but that the book finishes you.” * Adara Langford woke up one morning to discover that she was to marry into one of the wealthiest families in the world. The Bancrofts. However, it is not her husband who pursues her, but his bastard brother. The unwanted son of the family. A man who has laid claim to her from the moment they met. He is dangerous and sinful, and whispers promises of immorality in her ears. She yearns for a man she cannot have. A forbidden desire brews between them, and she is terrified of falling into damnation with him. * * Note: Book cover is not mine. FOR MORE INFORMATION ON THE BOOK, YOU CAN FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM @sspears OR FACEBOOK @Kourtneysspears

Kourtney_Sspears · Urbain
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141 Chs


MUSIC RECOMMENDATIONS: "Fallen by Gert Taberner.💙




"Smile for the camera, Adara." Liliana's voice resonated with a clap bringing me back to reality. She puffed her gum, it's sound echoing around the room. 

Liliana as always wore her grumpy attitude with pride which I barely cared about. She's always like this if thing's didn't go her way.

"You don't seem like yourself today are you alright?" Liliana asked and I quickly nodded. I wasn't alright but I had to pretend. Father had only informed me about my marraige with the Bancroft's. 

I was going to be married to a man I've never seen in my god damned wretched life. He said I'm useless and bring nothing to the table and the least I can do was get married.

That is why I need this job, cause this job is my ticket to leaving a normal life.

"Then smile Adara, remember this is your last chance into the fashion world." She was right, this photoshoot will determine my future today.

And as much as I didn't want to smile, I obediently followed her instructions, my radiant smile illuminating the room as the vibrant flashes from the cameras bathed my face in a captivating glow. 

I effortlessly shifted from one pose to another, embodying the essence of grace and the beauty they sought.

"Good..." I heard the photographer say and my smile expanded.

Deep down, I knew that being in front of the camera was where I truly belonged. Though I wasn't as good as my sister when it came to this, modeling was my passion, my calling, and I yearned to become the country's most revered and sought-after model. 

However, a shadow loomed over my aspirations – My father.

He's hated the idea from the beginning. I wanted to be a model and I will be one day. 

Maybe that day is today. who knows? 

This here is my ticket to being the best model in the country, after so many try and failed attempt.

"When will the pictures be ready Lily?" I asked Liliana once we were done carefully packing my bags, readying to depart. She conversed with the photographer, carefully analyzing the captured images. I was so sure I would get the job this time cause I have been my best all through the photoshoot.

Liliana turned her gaze towards me, and in that instant, her expression revealed the news I dreaded.

No no no no...

The disappointment was etched upon her face, and I instinctively knew that the outcome wasn't in my favor. I shook my head, silently pleading for a different outcome, but deep down, I could sense the rejection.

"I'm sorry, Adara," Liliana began, her voice filled with regret. "The pictures turned out flawless, but the company has expressed their preference for a more experienced model for the promotion. Please understand that it's not a reflection of your talent. I promise to find another opportunity for you in the future." She placed a sympathetic hand on my shoulder, her guilt palpable.

I knew this was going to happen and it's obvious who they had picked over me. My Nemesis...

They say your nemesis never leave till either one of you dies and I don't think this nemesis of mine would die anytime soon and neither will I.

My perfect step sister walked through the door almost immediately. A smile lingered on her lips as she walked in elegantly. I saw the men in here drool at her presence, even the women too. I rolled my eyes at them.

Just moments ago they were all frowning and murmuring but now...

"Wow she's a goddess." One of the women in there couldn't hide her amusement. The one that had eyed me disdainfully when I arrived.

"I've never had a woman turn me on so naturally." A girl said biting her lips.

"I would gladly be her baby daddy if she wants one." Even Marlo the cleaner drooled at her. I gulped the silent anger rising in my throat.

My shoulder slumped, a heavy feeling of disappointment enveloping me. Scarlett was more beautiful than I was and had the body type everyone tagged as perfect and I'm just the invisible little sister still trying to fit in.

She shot me a look as she stepped in and I tried my best to ignore her. We're arc enemies and would not try to be friends outside even if we bare the same surname and have similar father.

Scarlett has hated me since the day I was born. I wouldn't blame her, not after my mum stole father away from her mother. Father never left us till mum passed away.

And even if we bare similar surname, no one knew who I was. I've never been publicly introduced to anyone before as a Langford. I'm always the one in the shadows and I'm tired of it.

Mother said it would be an embarrassment if people found out I was created so it's best I stay hidden.

The dreams I had meticulously crafted over the years were now crumbling before my eyes, each trial and setback only serving to reinforce the challenges I faced.

It almost felt as if someone was sabotaging me. I forced the tears that threatened to fall out back in, blinking my eyes multiple times. I've hated myself countless times cursing my appearance everyday on why I didn't take after my mother. Why I inherited my Dad's features.

While I had thick brown hair and blue eyes, Scarlett had blonde hair like her mother, and the perfect green eyes. Pointed nose, a perfect chin, thin sexy lips...

Her skin was pale. We both had pale skin only that mine was paler than hers.

I'm fatter and a bit shorter than she is, I always have to let go of a lot of food to get the perfect body, while Scarlett gets to eat whatever she wanted whenever she liked. 

She was the countries most sort after model, and is now set to further her career into acting too, while I'm stuck with finding a job as a model. I wouldn't mind if I end up being a local model for a restaurant or mini boutique. But that's only in my dreams.

I'm also a restaurant and boutique reject...

Maybe I should do a career switch, but even if I wanted to I can't anymore. Father has already set me up for Marraige. I pushed my glasses up from the bridge of my nose as it turned slightly uncomfortable.

They said I was ugly and if I get past 20 I may never find a husband anymore cause I would be looking old and used, that's why I have to get married now.

They weren't wrong though. Even under this thick make-up, I'm still the ugly sister...

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