
Forbidden Desires: A Targaryen Tale (Completed)

If you’re looking for something that’s basically porn with a plot, Forbidden Desires has you covered. This Game of Thrones fanfic doesn’t hold back when it comes to the steamy stuff—expect a lot of explicit scenes, wild passion, and moments that’ll definitely make you blush. The Targaryens are tangled up in all kinds of drama, both in and out of the bedroom, and the story leans into every forbidden romance and secret tryst that comes their way. But it’s not just about the heat (even though there’s a lot of that). There’s enough intrigue, betrayal, and backstabbing to keep the story moving, with just enough plot to give all those intimate moments some context. Think of it as a guilty pleasure read where the characters are as likely to scheme as they are to get into bed together. From secret affairs in King’s Landing to the wild coasts of Dragonstone, Forbidden Desires blends lust with a little bit of political maneuvering. But, honestly, if you’re here for the passionate encounters and the tangled emotions, you’ll find plenty to keep you turning pages. So, if you’re in the mood for a story that turns up the heat and doesn’t hold back, Forbidden Desires: A Targaryen Tale is waiting for you. Just remember, once you dive into this world, it’s going to be hard to look away. Want to get early access to all the drama and passion? Join me on my Website or Patreon at perseusblackfyre-shop.fourthwall.com and patreon.com/PerseusBlackfyre respectively for chapters before anyone else. Your support keeps the story going and gives you a front-row seat to every twist and turn.

Perseus_Blackfyre · Book&Literature
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53 Chs

Chapter 40: Dragons and Dead

His nose was about to fall off, he was sure of that, he wasn't feeling that part of his body anymore, the cold air was getting even worst by the second. The heavy cloak on his back alongside a tunic, a long sleeve tunic and surcoat was doing their job well.


Squeezing his eyes, the prince saw a great white thing approaching. 


Fucking finally.


Lyx let out a roar and she began to lower up, at far he could see an old wooden castle, it wasn't much of castle though, it didn't have that many walls. If fact the only thing it had was a series of towers, his dragon screeched batting her wings and landing, the dragon walked till they were close to the wooden gates. 


Lyx was well sized, so from her back he could see inside the walls, all the men in the courtyard were freeze looking at them. "Open the gates!" He shouted and the dragon lowered her shoulder.


Daemon dismounted and walked till the gates, seconds passed before he heard steps and then the gate opened. A round man appeared, his face was also round, it reminded him of the moon. "Wha-what's your business here?" He stuttered.


Daemon stared at him. 


"Samwell…" An old voice called from behind the man.


Samwell stepped aside revealing a bald, wrinkled, and shrunken old man. "By the roar I've heard our guest must be here to visit me, I hope so." Aemon laughed weakly.


"I am…" Daemon said.


"Are you Aegon or Daemon?" He asked, holding on Samwell's arm, he stepped forward and the round man guided him till they were facing each other.


"Daemon. Daemon Targaryen" He introduced himself.


"Hmm," Aemon murmured, his hand slowly went to his face, the prince frowned and looked at his uncle's face.


He is blind.


The elder Targaryen cupped the younger's face. "Tell me Samwell, how does he look." 


Samwell observed him awkwardly. "He is a bit tanned, his hair is dark, it reaches to his shoulders, scar on his eye and temple. He is not so tall." Daemon narrowed his eyes on the last part. 


"His eyes?" Aemon murmured, trailing his fingers on Dae's jawline. 


"Violet." The man said.


"You have a Targaryen face my boy, you took the colours of your mother, but your face is Targaryen." A small smile appearing of the man's face.


Daemon swallowed, his throat starting to shut and his eyes watering. "Come, it's cold out here." His hand trailed down and held on Dae's wrist. "Samwell please guide us to my chambers." Aemon asked.


Samwell motioned for him to follow and started to walk. The prince looked around, the yard. "Who are they?" 


"The free folk nephew…" Aemon murmured. "I have to tell you a lot of things, a big threat hovers over us." 




"My prince!" A man stopped in front of them.


"Lord Thorne." The maester introduced. 


"I have to say, I can't believe in my eyes. A Targaryen prince and a dragon…" Thorne offered his hand, Dae eyed him and shook it. "I fought for House Targaryen at the rebellion, a pity it ended the way it did." 


Dae offered him a tight smile. "Indeed. If you excuse us my lord." He walked again. 


"You were about to ask something." Aemon smiled. 


"What threat? The wildlings?" 


His uncle breathed tiredly. "This people around us, they are wildlings," 


"What?!" He hissed looking at the redhead man who was staring at him. 


"Let's speak in my chambers, I will explain everything better." Aemon patted his arm with his other hand.



"So?" Daemon asked sitting on the chair. 


"It seems unbelievable, but you're a dragon rider…" Aemon said weakly. "Do you believe in White Walkers Daemon?" 


After he said that Daemon froze, he remembers his dreams of being chased by blue eyes and the cold, also the House of the Undying. 


"Judging by your silence… yes?" Aemon guessed.


Daemon cleaned his throat and crossed his arms. "I… I may have dreamed with them before… and I had a vision on a place called House of the Undying in Essos." 


"So you believe them?" The older Targaryen questioned.


Dae sighed. "I don't know, I never saw them, it's hard to believe on a thing that you never saw, especially about a myth called the Night King, the same one who brought the Long Night thousands of years ago and it needed of Azor Ahai to defeat them, after he killed his wife and pop up with a flaming sword." 


Samwell who was in the room searching for some book stopped and stared at him, Aemon let out a little chuckle. "It seems you know about the story very well."


Daemon took a deep breath. "I had dreams of these blue eyes chasing me since I was little… I did my research." 


"Hmm, and what if I can confirm you that they are real?" 


Great, just great. Everything he needed.


The prince squeezed his eyes shut. "I would like to think that you're lying." 


Aemon sighed softly, he rested his hand on his. "I know nephew, but as much I want to know about you, your aunt and siblings life, this… this threat is bigger than anything."


Daemon held back a frustrated groan "Then show me." 



They stopped in front of heavy wooden doors, two redheads were there, a woman with a scowl and the man looking at him warily. "This is Tormund and Ygritte, they're Wildli- I mean, free folk." Samwell pointed at them. 


"This is Daemon Targaryen, he is nephew of maester Aemon, and a prince." He then introduced him.


"His beast could be put to good use." The woman grumped. She had a round face, crooked white teeth, pug nose, and blue-grey eyes. Daemon raised his brow turning his head to Aemon.


"Fire nephew, fire kill White Walkers, alongside Dragonglass" The master explained, the two men from the Night's watch opened the doors. The Tarly held Aemon's arm and guided him inside, Tormund and Ygritte followed right behind. "I've been reading, Daemon, and if my sources alongside Sam's here, Dragonstone sits in a mountain of Dragonglass."


Daemon scanned the place, it was cold, and old with a few cells. "And you want me to bring them here." He guessed. 


"Yes, we can make weapons with it." 


"Wait, how did you find out that Dragonglass can kill them?" Dae asked.


"Sam, he killed one of them." Aemon said.


Daemon halted. "Him?" He pointed, Tormund chuckled behind them.


Sam went red. "Yes Daemon, Sam. Our two friends there also can prove it." 


"We fought wights, not White Walkers. Dragonglass kill wights." Tormund corrected.


"That's great." He murmured and followed Samwell.


Arriving at the last cell, Aemon spoke. "He is in there; he was a brother of the Night's watch. On the other cell, he was a wildling." 


Daemon walked slowly till close to the bars, it was dark and it just had a beam of light. Two blue eyes open and ran on his direction, the prince jumped back getting out of the reach of bony hand who was trying to catch him. "Shit…" He murmured, quickly he turned to the other cell and another pair of blue eyes were staring at him. 


The prince heard a grunt and looked at Tormund who was holding the wight's arm. "Look at this little prince." The wildling nodded at the woman and she chopped off part of the arm. Daemon frowned as the hand and fingers kept moving, Ygritte picked up the member and stabbed the hand with a dark blade making it stop.


"Do you believe now nephew?" Aemon spoke.


The prince closed his eyes and breathed; this was the last thing he wanted. His nightmares had literally become reality "The wall… it holds them?"


"It does."


"…so I don't see the problem." Daemon said opening his eyes.


"Uhm, there's a problem… a legend, the horn of winter… or horn of Joramun. The legend says that if the horn is blow, it can bring down the wall." Samwell spoke.


Clenching his jaw, he said. "Of course. And let me guess, the Night King has the horn." 


"We believe so. It was in possession of Mance, King-Beyond-The-Wall, a long time ago, but we had our camp attacked by White Walkers." Tormund crossed his arms looking down.


"How long do we have?" The prince asked.


"We don't know nephew, that's the problem. It could be today, tomorrow, the next moon or in years. We just have to be prepared." Aemon replied, he spun around and started to leave with Sam, he gave the wights a last look and followed him. "We can speak better in my chambers, but just after you tell me about yourself, your aunt and siblings."


Yes because it will be really easy to talk after this.



Daemon shifted on his bed, it was already morning, he could see through the cracks of ceiling.

What a shitty arse place, the men who come here willingly must be out of their minds, there's no other explanation.


The prince had spent hours talking with Aemon, he had told the man about his and siblings adventures being sellswords till the point they arrived in Westeros. The maester was very amused by how Daenerys hatched the dragons. Aemon told him to come to his chambers again in the morning. 


For something that belong to him and his brother.


It got him confused, his uncle had told him about the letters he exchanged with his father, maybe it was that. Getting ready he wrapped himself in a furry cloak and made his way to his uncle chamber again. 


He knocked at the door and waited, almost a minute later his uncle appeared "Nephew, please." He motioned for him to enter. 


Daemon entered and waited for to close the door. "How was your night?" He asked.


"Cold, and noisy. They really should fix those chambers." Daemon said earning a chuckle.


Aemon walked through his room leaning at the wall, he lowered his hand till a small nightstand. "Can you help me move this." He asked.


Walking till him he held the edge and moved the nightstand with a little struggle. "If I'm right there's a hatchway there," 


Dae looked at the floor and saw the small lock. 




Obeying him the prince knelt and gripped the lock, he pulled hard and failed. Aemon chuckled. "This is old nephew, you have to put some strength on it." 


Frowning, he positioned himself better and pulled using all his strength, the hatchway opened with a crack. "Done." He said proudly.


"Now, can you pick what's inside." Aemon instructed.


Looking at the hole on the floor, Dae put his hand inside and touched a wooden chest, it wasn't big but seemed to be long. Holding the handle he pulled the chest from the hole and put on the floor. 


He felt a gentle tap on his shoulder and turned his head to see Aemon handing him a key, he took it and unlocked the padlock, opening the chest he frowned. It had two long things wrapped in a cloth, unwrapping it, he gasped and his eyes almost jumped from his skull. 


"There it is." Aemon let a little snicker.


It can't be!


"Thi- this is Blackfyre and Darksister!" He exclaimed. "How?"


"An… old friend, it doesn't matter anymore. It now belongs to you and your brother." Aemon put his hand on Dae's shoulder then walked back to his armchair. 


Daemon was in shock, here in front of him stood two of the symbols of House Targaryen. Wielded by Visenya and many other Kings… moving his hand, the prince picked up Darksister, the longsword was lighter than his own, moving his hand and looking at the blade he could see the ripples on it. He passed his finger gently on the edge and cursed when it cutted him. "Ouch! Bitch." He shook his hand then sucked his finger.


"Be careful, they are really sharp." A laugh came from his uncle. 


Both swords were really beautiful. Dark Sister was a thin and light blade, its pommel was in a shape of a flame, the guard was golden and mocked wings shapes, in the middle had a red oval jewel. Daemon waved the sword gently. 


Hmm, this will be Aegon's. He decided.


Putting the sword back, he picked up the other. 




Blackfyre was a bastard sword and it was bigger than Darksister, the pommel had a red jewel in a diamond shape, the grip was larger than Darksister's too. The rain guard had two dragon heads on each end, the blade was slightly larger and longer than the other sword.


The prince stood up and waved the sword. 


"And now they are in possession of a Prince and a King again." Aemon smiled.


"Uncle Aemon… I… I don't even know what to say." He murmured.


"Just take care of them and put them to use when It needed." Aemon waved.


A knock at the door interrupted them. Sam opened the door. "Sorry to bother, but she's asking to see him." Sam pointed at him.


"Who wants to see me?" He frowned.


Aemon sighed. "There's a woman, Val. She is the one in charge of the wildlings, a day before you arrived, she attacked a brother of the Night's watch. She was confined to her chambers." 


"Why did she attacked him?"


"Many men say that Val's beauty is striking, she's been having problems with the men here." His uncle explained.


Daemon nodded. "I will see her." Putting back the sword in the chest, he walked till the door. "Let's go then."



Samwell took him to the King's tower, Daemon found suprising that his chambers were close to hers. "It's here… careful, she's a little… well, wild." Sam mumbled, Dae gave him a slow and doubtful nod.


He knocked at the door and waited, the door was open and he had to force his eyes to not go wide. Val was indeed very beautiful, blonde hair tied in a single braid across her shoulder that reached her waist. Her eyes were blue. 


"You're him?" She asked.




Val scoffed. "You're the prince? The dragonrider?" 


"Yes. I am, Daemon Targaryen." He offered his hand.


She took it and shook it in a firm grip. "You wished to see me?" 


"I do, I want to discuss matters of my people…" She eyed both guards and scowled. "In private." 


"Prince Daemon…" Sam started.


"It's fine Samwell." He cutted.


Val stepped to the side letting him pass, quickly she slammed the door shut. 


"So, what do you want to discuss?" Daemon walked around the room.


"The old man probably told you about the others, you have a dragon, my people are still beyond the wall. I want your help to bring them across." She told him.


His eyebrow raised. "You want me to let wildlings cross the wall?" His tone in disbelief.


"Yes. We have children there, old people, women with children… they will be slaughtered if the White Walkers reach them." Val told him, her tone was a serious one.


"Isn't the Night's watch and well… Westeros an enemy of the Wildlings? Why would I let them pass?" Daemon turned to her.


Val let a sigh and closed her eyes. "It's just a matter of time till the Night King breach the wall-"




"He will." She affirmed strongly. "He has it." The woman took a deep breath. "I was in the village that he attacked, I saw a White Walker with it." 


Daemon held back a groan. 


"We have almost three thousand people there, three thousand people that will be added to the army of the dead if we don't bring them here." She continued.


The prince sat on the edge of the small table. "Where are those people?" 


A sparkle of hope appeared of her eyes. "Not far, there's a place called Whitetree. You can ask them," She nodded at the door. "My people are there."


He nodded. "Judging by the first question you made when you saw me, you want my dragon." 


"The beast could grant our safety, make sure nothing happens."


Well, bad news. Daemon didn't know why, but Lyx couldn't cross the wall, he saw her flying above, but she never crossed and when she got too much close to the wall it seemed that something pushed her away.


"This may be a problem…" He crossed his arms and breathed, she frowned. "My dragon can't cross the wall."


"What do you mean your dragon can't cross the wall?" Her voice raised.


"She can't, something prevents her, she tried but she hadn't success. The wall has magic, doesn't it? This magic prevents the dead of cross, the same magic is preventing my dragon." Daemon explained, this was actually Aemon's theory.


Val let a frustrated noise and sat on the bed, she squeezed her eyes. "Can you still help us? You are a prince."


"I can… but it will come with conditions." 


She nodded for him to continue.


"Your people will have to live in Westerosi rules, no pillage or raiding, raping or any of that." He listed.


"We are not kneelers!" She spat.


Daemon stared at her. "Okay… I didn't asked you to kneel, just to follow rules."


Val let a grunt. "We can do that."


"Very well." He stood up and offered his hand, she got to her feet and shook his hand. Val was going to pull back, but he gripped tightly. "If you or any of your people try something… I don't need to say what is going to happen right?" 


The wildling swallowed. "No."


"Good, we can leave in a few hours if you wish." He let go.


"Yes, as soon we take them from there the better."



After a day riding, they finally could see the village. Him, Val, Tormund and Ygritte alongside a few wildlings and men of the Night's watch stood atop of hill. "There." Val pointed. 


Daemon could see the hundreds and hundreds of tents covered with snow "When we arrive, you let me talk." She said. He just eyed her.


Urging their horses they began to ride till the camp, Daemon looked to his side and saw Ygritte staring at him again, it had became a thing, he didn't know why she stared at him so much. Minutes later they arrived at their destination. Men and women stared at them.


A man pushed through the crowd as they dismounted. "Thought you were dead." A lean man said.


"Sigorn…" Val greeted. "We are not, as you can see. We are here to take you beyond the wall." She informed.


Shouts and yells followed. "Why would we do that? And you brought crows here." Sigorn shouted picking his knife. The wildlings around them also unsheathed their weapons, Daemon's hand went to Blackfyre's hilt.


"They are here to help! You have my word, you know we can't stay here, the dead will arrive soon!" Val stepped forward. Murmurs began after the last phrase.


"Besides, we have him." Tormund sided with him and slapped his shoulder.


"Who is he?" 


"He's a prince!" The redhead exclaimed. "This small fucker even has a dragon!" 


More shouts.


"Dragons don't exist, Giantsbane." Sigorn spat.


"It does, I saw it my own eyes." Ygritte said. 


"It is true, he is a prince and he does have a Dragon, he can grant our safety." Val nodded at him.


The man stared at him. "Where's this dragon then?"


Daemon took a breath. "Beyond the wall, she can't cross, the same magic that stop the dead from cross, stops her."


Sigorn just stared at them. "Do you really think we will believe in this Val? After Stannis killed Mance you still think we can trust them?!" 


The blonde went to speak but the prince beat her to it. "Stannis is dead." He said making all eyes go to him. Val furrowed her brows. "I killed him" 


Silence surrounded them before Sigorn roared a laugher, a few people followed him. Daemon just kept his eyes at the man. 


"You?" He laughed. 


Seeing that he wasn't laughing the wildling gave a last chuckle.


"My brother is beyond the wall, at south even more far that any of you ever was. Stannis entitled himself as King… Aegon is King, not Stannis, I met Stannis and then I poisoned him. He is no longer." Daemon said scanning the camp.


"I'm not here to force you to anything, she convinced me to come here and let you and your people go beyond the wall, if you or any of the Free folk don't wish that… we can't do anything. But the ones who wish to live and not become puppets to the Night King can come with me, and I promise nothing will happen to you." The prince told them.


Once again, the murmurs and whispers began.


"Giantsbane, you lived in Castle Black. Is this a trap?" The wildling asked.


Tormund shook his head and crossed his arms. "It's not, Ygritte and I showed him a wight, he knows about the threat… you can trust them."


Sigorn's eyes went to Ygritte, she gave him a short nod. "Do you wish to cross the wall?!" He shouted.


Surprising, a lot of people said 'aye'.


The man took a breath. "You can leave by the first light tomorrow." Sigorn turned and left.


"I will talk to him." Tormund said. "Maybe I can convince him." Then followed the man. 


"Come on Prince. Let's find a tent and bonfire." Val called. 



Daemon didn't expected to get more cold, but it surprisingly did. He put his hands above the fire warming them. "Don't burn yourself Prince." Val said walking in his direction. The woman groaned and sat beside him. 


Dae held back a grin and lowered his hand on the flames, Val gasped and pulled his hand back, she frowned when she looked at his palm and it was intact. "What…?" 


He pulled his hand and put in the fire again, Val's eyes widened. "What type of magic is this?" She mumbled.


Daemon hummed a chuckle. "It's in my blood, I'm a Targaryen… the blood of the dragon, dragons don't burn."


"That is madness…" She whispered in awe. 


Feeling that he was being observed, the prince's eyes went to his right catching Ygritte starring at him. "Why she's keeps staring at me?" He asked pulling his hand back.


Val's gaze went to the red haired, who turned around and left. "She wants to steal you." She laughed.




"Steal what? My sword?" 


Another laugh. "Stealing means take a man or woman for themselves, like a marriage, she wants you." Val explained.


Narrowing his eyes the prince murmured. "I… I'll pass, thank you." 


The wildling shrugged. "It's a free folk tradition, men must steal women and be forceful with them, and the woman has to pull up a good fight."


Daemon frowned. "With all due respect, but that's dumb." 


"It is what it is." Another shrug from her.


Time passed and silence fell between them, the prince looked at her face, her braid was on her back and the fire reflecting on her face making her even more beautiful. It was cold, and he hadn't a woman in a couple days… so with that he decided what he wanted.


"Do you wanna fuck?" 


Val's head shot at his direction; her brow raised. "Are you stealing me little prince?"


Daemon snorted. "No. It's cold, and it doesn't have much to do till tomorrow, fucking it's a good way of passing time."


The prince watched as her lips raised, her expression amused. She stood up and walked to the tent that was close to the bonfire. "Let's get ourselves warm little prince." She called.


Not being able to hold a grin, Dae followed the wildling till the tent. She entered first already undressing herself, laying on the furs she waited for him to take his clothes off.


As he got rid of his clothes, he observed her, she was lean and her tits big, round and firm, her areolas pink and her nipples thick and hard, trailing his gaze to between her legs he saw the blonde bush and her dark pink folds. His cock twitched, already half hard.


Laying above her, he kissed her deeply, her hand going to his face holding firmly. "Put this cock in me Prince…" She gasped breaking the kiss.


Daemon hummed. "Call me by my name." He squeezed her tit.


Smirking she bit his lip making him groan "Fuck me." 


Quickly the prince licked his fingers and brushed on his cockhead, he held his cock and rubbed on her wet lips. With a harsh thrust, he buried himself in her, Val was tight and hot, quickly her slickly walls embraced him earning a moan from him.


The prince leaned on his forearms and kissed the wildling, Val kissed back with hunger, her hand went to his arse gripping them and making him thrust in and out. "Tight bitch." The prince hummed into her mouth. 


Val moaned. "Go harder little prince… be harsh with me." She challenged him. 


Throbbing, the prince clenched his jaw, he captured her lips and pulled hard, Val whined in pain. Straightening himself, Dae held her hips and moved his hips faster. "Yes…" Her eyes rolled.


Daemon watched in awe as her big tits jiggled, looking down at their sex, his cock was speedily disappearing and appearing from her wet cunt, wet and slick with her juices. Val's face was pure pleasure, her mouth agape and eyes half close, smirking, the prince took one hand from her hips.




She gasped, Daemon held her chin forcing her to look at him. "Look at me your wildling whore." Another slap.


Val groaned and clenched around him. "You like that don't you? Fucking slut." He snarled at her.


"Yes…" She whimpered, Dae could feel her getting tighter and tighter. Moving back a bit, he sucked his thumb and rubbed her clit.


Val whimpered and bucked her lips. "Gods!" She moaned.


It didn't took much for to reach her peak, she moaned loudly and her eyes shut tightly, Daemon gasped falling on top of Val and came right after filling the wildling with his cum. 


"Move on, Daemon." She grunted pushing him from her, Dae rolled to the side with a sigh.


"Fuck." He breathed. 


"Aye… let's rest, we have a busy day tomorrow." 



Daemon woke up with a shout, Val wide eyes were staring at him, her hand on his shoulders shaking him up.


"Wake up! They are here!" She yelled at him.


Blinking, his senses came back to him, he could hear the screams outside, quickly he stood up and began to dress himself. He attached his belt to his breeches and quickly put his boots and upper clothes.


"How many?" He asked following her.


Val didn't answered, her head went to left and right looking at the destruction around it. 


"We can't fight… we don't have enough dragonglass!" She cried out.


Daemon's head shot to the side when he heard screams like the wights he saw, at far he could see a few wildlings fighting skeletons.


"Go and take the people to Castle Black." He ordered unsheathing Blackfyre.


Val's eyes widened. "You're the one who can grant our safety!" 


"You will be safe, my dragon is there, Aemon too. And I will not die today." He winked and her.


The prince marched in direction of the fight, he could see the men of the night's watch and Tormund fighting the dead. A wight went to attack the redhead but Daemon was able to slice him in half first. Oddly enough the zombie didn't start to move like the ones who were being killed.


"We have to run!" He held Tormund's shoulder.


"We have to hold them, till the others are far!" Sigorn shouted killing a wight with a dragonglass dagger.


Daemon nodded looking around. "The tents, fire kills them, let's set them of fire. That can slow them."


The wildling nodded going to a bonfire and picking up a burning piece of wood, he threw of a tent who quickly was on fire. Sigorn shouted orders and the men and women followed him lighting up the tents and killing the few dead with the pieces of burning wood.


The ones who couldn't fight were running quickly pass them, the prince saw an old man struggling against a wight and went to help him, Daemon raised his sword and cutted the dead's head.


"Go!" He told the old man.



Some time passed and Daemon fought again against few more wights before he found himself beside Sigorn. "Most of the people are already dead… the other ones are far enough. We have to retreat now." The man panted.


Daemon shivered. A wave of cold wind hit him in the back and he saw Sigorn eyes go wide, turning around he frowned when a figure appeared, blue skin, white hair and ice sword.


shit. shit. and shit.


"White walker…" Sigorn breathed.


"No shit." He murmured stepping back. The creature stopped in front of them and stared at Daemon, he observed him with interest cocking his head and narrowing his eyes. The White walker hissed, the prince rolled to the side when the ice creature waved his sword almost hitting him.


Sigorn let a battle cry and attacked, the thing jumped back dodging the attacks, he raised his ice sword and quickly swinged at him, the wildling blocked the attack, but instantly the blade shattered.


What the fuck.


The White walker kicked Sigorn sending the man to the dirt, the thing turned his gaze to him, Daemon gulped and quickly stood up with Blackfyre in hand. Daemon screamed swinging his sword at the Walker, he blocked his ice sword. For his surprise, Blackfyre's blade didn't shattered, for the Walker's surprise to it seemed, at least by the look at his face.


Taking advantage of his surprise, Dae kicked his legs sending him to the ground, he raised his sword and pierced on the White walker's belly making it let out a pitch scream and go still.


"It is dead?" He asked Sigorn, the wildling just gaped at him and nodded.


"You sword…" He said standing up. "What is she made of?"


Dae frowned looking at the blade. "Valyrian steel. Wait what it does it matter? We have to leave, right now." He said holding the man by his arm, the fire from the tents started to spread and was now untamable.


What Daemon didn't saw was that at the moment he killed the White walker, dozens of wights died.



It took them three days to reach Castle Black, Daemon appeared first at the tunnel with the Free folk behind him, Val was following him closely with Sigorn, Ygritte and Tormund behind her. He narrowed his eyes at the light, Lyx roared at the Sky and started to lower.


Eddison Tollett, the Lord commander was there waiting for him. "Prince." He greeted eying the people behind him.


"These people need food Lord Commander. Provide them, I will talk with my uncle." He breathed.


He needed help to make a plan against the dead.

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