
Forbidden Desires: A Targaryen Tale (Completed)

If you’re looking for something that’s basically porn with a plot, Forbidden Desires has you covered. This Game of Thrones fanfic doesn’t hold back when it comes to the steamy stuff—expect a lot of explicit scenes, wild passion, and moments that’ll definitely make you blush. The Targaryens are tangled up in all kinds of drama, both in and out of the bedroom, and the story leans into every forbidden romance and secret tryst that comes their way. But it’s not just about the heat (even though there’s a lot of that). There’s enough intrigue, betrayal, and backstabbing to keep the story moving, with just enough plot to give all those intimate moments some context. Think of it as a guilty pleasure read where the characters are as likely to scheme as they are to get into bed together. From secret affairs in King’s Landing to the wild coasts of Dragonstone, Forbidden Desires blends lust with a little bit of political maneuvering. But, honestly, if you’re here for the passionate encounters and the tangled emotions, you’ll find plenty to keep you turning pages. So, if you’re in the mood for a story that turns up the heat and doesn’t hold back, Forbidden Desires: A Targaryen Tale is waiting for you. Just remember, once you dive into this world, it’s going to be hard to look away. Want to get early access to all the drama and passion? Join me on my Website or Patreon at perseusblackfyre-shop.fourthwall.com and patreon.com/PerseusBlackfyre respectively for chapters before anyone else. Your support keeps the story going and gives you a front-row seat to every twist and turn.

Perseus_Blackfyre · Book&Literature
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53 Chs

Chapter 31: The Dothraki Celebration

The princess entered the hall of the castle, Rosby was quite a small castle, Daenerys had passed by the prisoners in the courtyard, most of them were bruised and dirty from the battle, she got the report that at least half of the men who were in the castle were killed, she didn't lose more than twenty Dothraki and a few were injured.


"The Lannisters were in control of the castle, the former family didn't want to follow Cersei so she took the castle." Serysa informed her.

Dany nodded and continued walking till the seat, Daenerys raised the cape of her black dress and sat on the chair. "Qoy Qoy!" She shouted gaining the attention of the Dothraki on the room. "You fought bravely and defeated our enemies, today we celebrate!" The princess raised her hand earning cheers and shouts.


She turned to Daario beside her. "I will send you ahead to Duskendale, you will provide information while the roads dry enough for us to march with no problems."


"You want me to spy?" His eyes shined. 


Daenerys smiled. "Yes, take a few Dothraki or Serysa's men if you want." 


The sellsword nodded. "As you wish, my princess. I will leave soon as possible." Daario walked out of the room.


Turning her head to her left, she motioned to Moro to come closer, the bloodrider leaned down. "Tell the men to take everyone that is not a Dothraki from the castle and put them in the courtyard, I don't want any risks, neither spies." She ordered. The man nodded and then nodded to two bloodriders who followed him and went to fulfill her order.


"Is my chambers ready?" She asked Serysa.


"They are your grace." 


"Wonderful, I will return for our celebration tonight." She informed the warrior who gave her a nod.


As night arrived, the noise in the castle increased, Daenerys scanned the hall, it was small and supported at least twenty people, Daenerys was sitting on a large couch that the horselord's had dragged from the rooms, her bloodrider were sitting beside her, well, at least three of them. 


One thing that Daenerys remembered from her almost marriage with Khal Drogo was the festivals, the Dothraki really outdid themselves, the princess let the music enter her ears and started to tap her finger on the cup, her bloodriders laughed watching a skinny man fighting a bulky Dothraki, her eyes drifted to the middle of the hall were a bonfire was built and it had a big pig raised above on a couple of spikes. 


Around the bonfire were women with their breasts exposed dancing around the fire, other ones were without their breeches and others stark naked. In fact one thing Daenerys realized was that she was the only one with more clothes on in the room, Dany turned her head to her right and looked back to where Jhiqui was seated eating a piece of meat, the Khaleesi also notice her big tits on sight for everybody, they were firm and did not fell much, just a little, her thick brown nipples were hard.


"Quite the celebration your people have." She commented. Jhiqui smiled at the Khaleesi.


"They're not even that drunk yet Khaleesi." She giggled. "And you're overdressed." 


Daenerys rolled her eyes, she was wearing Dothraki clothes, boots, trousers and a sleeveless shirt. A loud moan made her head turned to the corner of the hall, where a woman was riding a man atop of a table. Sucking her lip, Daenerys held the hem of her shirt and raised it, the people cheered when they saw their Khaleesi bare tits, Dany laughed and drank her wine. A woman started to approach her seat while dancing, her small tits with pink nipples made Daenerys lick her lips.


The Dothraki woman stopped right in front of Moro and danced for him, the bloodrider grunted in approval as his hand went to the woman's hip, he pulled her close and sucked her nipple making her gasp, he sucked for a few seconds then let the woman go to the man beside him. 


Daenerys felt eyes on her, Qhono's gaze were on her breasts looking hungrily at them, she grinned weakly, she motioned for him to come close, she leaned. "Having me sucking your cock didn't satisfied you?" She teased, it was quite fun speak in Dothraki.


He smirked, cockily. "Khaleesi rode me like a stallion, it only made Qhono eager for more." 


Passing her tongue on her lips she observed the hall, it didn't have anyone beside a Dothraki, deciding what she wanted she looked at him. "Touch it if you want." She said making him grin weakly. Qhono moved in a better position and began to caress her breast. 


Daenerys moaned when he squeezed her flesh, as she expected, Dany bit her lip, she moved her head to the right and Moro's eyes were on her. "Go on." She invited, soon enough the Khaleesi had two men groping her tits. The princess mewled and held both hands encouraging them, the two men exchanged brief glances making her brows furrow a little, her mouth went agape when Qhono and Moro's mouths wrapped around her pink nipples, Dany moaned.


The princess leaned back and supported herself on her forearms making both mouths dispatch from her small buds, in a blink both of them were back sucking like babes. "I knew the Khaleesi wouldn't resist long." Doreah said.


Daenerys' response was a groan as her tits were sucked hard, she looked around the room and it seemed more people arrived, and it had more people fucking, she guessed nine or ten, another harsh suck made her close her eyes.


What surprised Daenerys was that Moro didn't try 'his way with her' 


Qhono probably warned him.


A couple shots came from the entrance, but Dany didn't mind, she just enjoyed the bliss of having her tits sucked in public without anyone to judge.


A throat was cleaned making her open her eyes, Daenerys frowned seeing Serysa alongside four Dothraki and a bloodied man who was forced to his knees, he wasn't much old but he was old, with a red beard. The Khaleesi didn't know what came on her, she just let both men continue. "Who's this?" She asked.


"Tell your name," Serysa slapped his head, the man looked at with disgust.


"Targaryen whore!" He spat. Her brow raised, Daenerys held both heads of her bloodriders and pushed them away. 


A punch on the back of his head made him grunt in pain. "This is Meryn Trant, Cersei's Kingsguard and the man who was in charge of the castle." 


Daenerys' brow raised. "And what is he doing alive?" 


Serysa shrugged. "Dead people can't tell information, your grace."


Trant snorted. "I rather die than give an information for this bitch and her savages, look at her, her place is in a brothel." 


Dany shot him a bored look. "Well, unfortunately Dae is not here, he is very good at make people spill their little secrets, I guess it will have to be you, my friend."


The woman sighed and nodded, Daenerys studied the sellsword, and she was almost in the same state as her. "Of course… it can wait, till you finish what you were doing."


Her friend grinned. "I thank you Princess."


Meryn scoffed. "You and the other dragonspawn will never rule the seven kingdoms, you all just mad as your father." 


The princess just blinked slowly. "I'm a respectful princess of the seven kingdoms… or soon to be, I'm a dragonrider, my family ruled these lands for centuries. I think my family and I will rule Westeros again." She smiled.


Trant went to speak again but a punch to his head and knocked the air out of him. "Tie him to a post," Dany ordered, she throbbed. "Let him watch us celebrating the death of his companions, I'm sure he had a few in the castle." 


I don't care if he watches me getting fucked, by this time tomorrow he won't be alive.


The men that accompanied Serysa tied the Kingsguard to the post and shoved a cloth on his mouth, Daenerys grinned and looked at the sellsword. "Join us?" She asked, Serysa smiled and shrugged sitting on a couch on her far right, two men sat beside the woman who quickly was attacked by them.


Qhono and Moro tried to go back to her breasts, but she stopped them, both men shot her confused looks making her chuckle, Dany took off her boots and then stood up, she undid the small laces from her trousers and slid her pants down her legs alongside with her small clothes. She yelped in surprise when a hand collided with her left arsecheek, she looked back and Moro began to fondle her thick buttcheek, Qhono stood up and quickly got rid of his clothes.


Daenerys sat and looked at Moro, she grinned weakly and held his cheek bringing him to a kiss, the man kissed her with hunger, he wanted to do this for a while, seconds passed, and she broke the kiss, Dany turned to her right and kissed Qhono, who's hunger for her matched Moro's.


The princess hummed as her lips brushed wildly on his, Daenerys broke the kiss and moaned when two wet fingers entered her wet pussy, Moro groaned as he observed his thick fingers go in and out his Khaleesi's cunt, her pink lips surrounding it and swallowing it. The princess hummed and leaned back on her elbows, she opened her legs wide letting the bloodrider finger fuck her.


Dany heard a moan and looked to her right, Doreah was on the lap of Rhakaro who was gasping as her hips went back and forth while she rode him. Daenerys moaned again when a mouth surrounded her nipple, Qhono sucked eagerly, she whined when Moro's fingers left her, her eyes went to him and she smiled with what she saw, the man was on his feet discarding his clothes, when he turned, Daenerys couldn't help but lick her lips, he was soft, but the thing that made her shiver was the size, she compared and it and it matched her husbands.


Gods, I literally have an army of men with big cocks. She thought sarcastically.


Moro looked at her with a small smirk on his face, his cock twitched, biting her lip, the Khaleesi held Qhono's head pulling him from her breasts. "Stand beside him." She said.


The man complied her order and stood up getting side by side with the other bloodrider, she got to her knees and crawled to in front of them, Daenerys' small hands went to their dicks and held gently, the hot shafts throbbing in her hands, Dany started to stroke them slowly, they moaned, one hand of each man held her arsecheeks and squeezed. Smirking, she offered her lips to Qhono, he captured her lips again in a slow kiss, a hand on the back of her neck pulled her from Qhono and directed her head to the left, Daenerys sighed as Moro pressed his mouth against hers.


While her mouth was busy, Qhono went to her neck and started to kiss, suck, and bite, it would definitely leave marks and she absolutely didn't cared, in a few days it would be gone, and if it didn't she had dresses with accessories that could cover her neck. Daenerys hummed when Moro also went to her neck, the princess's eyes were closed and her mouth agape in pleasure, her cunt getting wet by the second.


Fuck… that's how a princess should be treated.


Dany gasped and groaned, both manhoods now semi hard   on her hands, opening her eyes and moving back a little, Daenerys looked at both men, their eyes dark with lust, she smiled and moved them slightly away from each other, sitting on the couch again, Dany called Qhono and Moro. The princess was now with two cocks on her face, holding them again she pumped them, deciding to go first at the new cock, she kissed Moro's cockhead then sucked, the man hissed in pleasure, Qhono's cock twitched in her hand making her stroke faster.


Taking advantage that he wasn't fully hard yet, Daenerys moved forward and took him all in her mouth, her nose buried on the hair above his cock, her other hand went to his balls fondling them, Moro gasped and looked down at her, Dany looked right into his eyes as she stayed still with his cock deep in her throat. Almost twenty seconds passed before she pulled back, Daenerys could feel the wetness on her folds, while she had deepthroated him, he throbbed on her mouth a few times making her heartbeat faster.


Dany moved her head back slowly, when the head left her mouth she gave the tip a peck before going to Qhono, the princess looked at his face who was looking at her expectantly, the corner of her mouth raised and she took her hand from his length, Dany spat on his cock and spread her saliva along his shaft, wrapping her hand around it again, she stroked him fully. Dany watched as his eyes close in pleasure, grinning, she jerked him off for some time till she wrapped her lips around the head of his cock, she bobbed her head back in forth giving his mushroom head the deserved attention.


The princess felt eyes on her, looking to her left where Trant was tied, the knight was looking at her with shock and disgust. She let it go from Qhono's cock with a pop. "A princess sucking two cocks? How outrageous!" She mouthed to him in mock.


Trant scowled at her and said something around the gag, she was too far to even try to decipher what he mumbled, the loud music and few moans didn't helped her too. 


"Is that man bothering you Khaleesi?" Moro frowned, Daenerys looked at surprise at him, he had spoke in common tongue with a thick accent.


Daenerys smiled at him. "No, and you can speak in Dothraki. I prefer it." She said in Dothraki, her voice with barely a accent.


He nodded. Coming back to her two new paramours, Dany observed both cocks, hard as steel. She stood up. "Follow me to my chambers." 


Qhono and Moro frowned. "Khaleesi, why can't we take you here?" Moro questioned.


"You already sucked our cocks." Moro added.


Daenerys bit her lip, she wanted to take both of them here, but the couch didn't have any space for what she wanted to do. "You see this?" She pointed to the couch, they nodded. "It doesn't fit the three of us… and I want you two at the same time." She said seductively.


Her bloodriders exchanged glances, and funnily enough, throbbed at the same time. Daenerys held a hand of each and started to walk to her chambers stark naked. Again, she didn't have to worry herself, it didn't have a single soul in the castle who wasn't Dothraki, Daenerys passed through Meryn and winked at him. "You better spill all your secrets tomorrow." Trant just eyed her in disdain.


When they arrived to her chambers, the two men practically jumped at her again, kissing, sucking and squeezing, The princess was now between both men moaning as they rubbed their cocks on each side of her. 


"To my bed." She commanded Qhono, she walked to her trunk and opened, Dany picked the bottle and walked back to her bed, she climbed at the mattress and on top of Qhono's, passing her fingers on her tongue gathering spit, she rubbed his tip, Daenerys felt the bed move and Moro was behind her. The Khaleesi held Qhono's cock and positioned in her entrance.


The bloodrider frowned. "I want to fuck your arse Khaleesi." 


Absolutely not. She thought. Well, not now at least, My arsehole is definitely not ready.


Moro was the same size as Daemon, and she had take her husband in her arse before, so that's why the other bloodrider was on the current position. 


 will fuck her arse." Moro grunted.




Not wanting a fight over who's going to fuck her arse, Daenerys leaned on Qhono. "You will fuck my arse, but it will be later, and you will have all to yourself." She whispered on his ear, raising, she looked at him. Qhono murmured something and nodded. Daenerys lowered on him impaling herself, she breathed, handing Moro the oil, she laid down on the other man's chest, she shuddered when the liquid was poured on her puckered hole, seconds later Moro's cockhead was pressed again her entrance.


Daenerys' mouth opened as he pushed the swollen head inside, it made her frown when he didn't continued, the princess went to question him but he spoke first.


"Hold her." He groaned to Qhono, his fellow bloodrider grinned and abruptly embrace her, Daenerys didn't had time to question them, her eyes just widened, her jaw clenched, and her hands gripped tightly at the sheets. At just one push, Moro shoved all his length inside her, Dany didn't have much to do, just try to ease his way Inside her.


As moro pushed all inside, she went forward making Qhono's cock stay half in her, Dany groaned in ecstasy when Moro pulled back. "Oh yes…" She whimpered, the pain of the sudden intrusion was there, but the pleasure was fast taking over.


"Whore." Moro slapped her arse, she supported herself in her hands and got off from Qhono's chest.


After the slap lust took care of her body. "Harder." She said, the horselord raised his hand and his palm clashed with her other ass cheek. "Oh gods… so good…" Daenerys moaned; she could feel both cocks rubbing at the other through her.


The horsemen went slowly in the first minute, then they started a faster pace, when one slid in the other slid out. "Oh fuck, yes, yes, yes, such big cocks." She moaned loudly.


They grinned cockily, Moro's hands went to her shoulders and Qhono's to her arse, Moro pulled back until just the tip was inside, with a harsh thrust he pushed all in again making her let a pitchy moan and her eyes roll. Qhono's held her arse cheeks tightly and spread them open, he started to buck his hips again and again fucking her fast, Moro groaned and began to drove his cock into her arse.


If it was any possible, her moans and screams became louder, as Daenerys was used by both men, her peak was reach. "Oh, shit, fuck!" She shouted, her body shaking, and walls clenched around both cocks. Qhono and Moro moaned feeling her getting tighter around them, Daenerys continued to be pounded by both men who was just getting rougher and faster, and it was then that she realized, her bloodriders seemed in a competition of who fucked her harder, and she was all for it.


A minute passed till she felt the first man spill inside her, Qhono, he groaned and shook, filling her cunt with five shots of his seed. Moro went next a few seconds later, six shots of thick cum right deep at her arse. Daenerys breathed deeply, coming down from the pleasure of having been stuffed with cum, the cock of the man under her slipped out first, Moro took his time, he throbbed one last time feeling her warm, tight, and wet channel surrounding him, the Dothraki started to pull back slowly, taking his time. 


Daenerys hummed softly when she felt the shaft leave her ass, Moro looked at his Khaleesi's arsehole and licked his lips seeing his work, her small hole wasn't that small, in fact it was gapping and red, her arsehole closed and opened winking at him. Dany rolled to her left and laid on the bed, slowly the cum who was pushed into her holes started to come off.


She patted her sides of the mattress inviting Qhono and Moro, they laid beside her, and Dany turned giving each man a soft kiss. "You two served your Khaleesi well." She murmured, their seed now leaking from her, the one from her cunt running down and joining the one coming out her arse and forming a pool of seed under her arse.


Dany sighed, continuing in bed with the two, she could hear a faint sound of her people celebrating in the main hall, Daenerys closed her eyes and waited till sleep come.

Want to get early access to all the drama and passion? Join me on my Website or Patreon at perseusblackfyre-shop.fourthwall.com and patreon.com/PerseusBlackfyre respectively for chapters before anyone else. Your support keeps the story going and gives you a front-row seat to every twist and turn.

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