
Forbidden curse

Have you every felt what it's like to experience bad luck and misery everyday? Talkless of getting cursed for the rest of your life? If you don't, there's a girl who'll tell you all about it. She's Kimora Hyacinth, an ordinary human who was given to a supernatural family of powerful angels. They all had amazing powers and abilities, but Kimora had none of that. With dark hair, she was more pretty and attractive than her three siblings. But because she was powerless, her family maltreated and abused her every single day of her life, till she bled and even fainted most times. Angels are supposed to be kind and nice creatures, right? But that's the opposite for Kimora's family. They're all monsters who want nothing more than to see her cry. Then, the unfortunate night of her life came, the unforgettable night that made and ruined her completely. That night, Oberon her eldest brother raped her mercilessly, then he placed a terrible curse on her. The curse was so powerful that the moon turned bloody red. After that, he banished her to Earth. Even on Earth, she still kept being hated by humans because of the curse . It would rain cats and dogs every single day, she couldn't step into any building because her curse would destruct it, she couldn't even touch anybody because they would likely die before 24 hours. Life became even more miserable for her, so miserable that she was ready to do anything to end it. She ended up in solidity and loneliness, waiting for the day that Dear Death would come and take her away. But there was someone in the supernatural realm who suffered as much hatred and misery as her. His name is Damon, popularly known as a demon, a monster, a supernatural freak, and that's exactly what he is. He's a prince, but got disowned by the royal family because of an unknown reason. Ever since that time, he's been known as an outcast that terrorizes the world at dark. His heart is colder than ice, his attitude eludes any signs of humanity, He's every woman's nightmare, but simultaneously he's every woman's dream. His beauty is off the charts and to die for. What could occur when a heartless monster like him meets an ordinary human like her? Would he show her his dark side, or would she be able to melt his cold heart first? Would she ever be free from her curse?

billbanky63 · Fantaisie
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16 Chs

Chapter 5


Kimora spent the rest of the day in the girls' room resting from the torture, and she was successfully recovering.

She was lying on the ground while looking up in thoughts. There was only one bed in the room, but Diane occupied it, and she didn't want to sleep with her. She also couldn't sleep with Celestia because she was in her mermaid form, sleeping peacefully in a large water tank.

The ground felt like home to her, and reminded her of all she went through in her own home. She bit her lips, wondering if her family was even worried about her.

Since she has arrived at the Institute, there was no floods, earthquakes, hurricanes floods, or any other natural disasters. It still remains a mystery to her because her curse always destroyed everything around her, but nothing had happened in the Institute so far.

She couldn't sleep because she had a mysterious and disturbing feeling that was keeping her awake. She decided to go get some fresh air outside.

She looked at her roommates, and they were sound asleep. She got up and exited the room quietly.

She roamed about the Institute till she got to the Assembly ground. She inhaled the air deeply, feeling at rest as the cold air hit her body.

She went to stand under the moonlight, gazing at the full moon deeply. It made the bad memories of that dark night creep back into her head, and her countenance slowly changed.

" Brother! Stop what you're doing! You're hurting me!" She remembered herself begging, but he didn't stop. He kept raping her without mercy.

How could her own blood brother be so cruel and wicked? How could an angel like him be so demonic? How could he ruin her like this?

Her tears fell, and she palmed her face as she gradually fell on her butt and sobbed bitterly.

The air suddenly got chilly, & the wind started blowing so ferociously. The sky turned dark once more, and Kimora lifted her teary face when she noticed the sudden changes.

She thought her curse was back and was ready to destroy the Institute.

She stood with the thought of leaving the Institute for good when she heard deep growls behind her. She froze, then slowly turned back to see a terrifying monster!

Her heart started beating faster than normal as her eyes remained wide. Her pants became fast and uncontrollable.

It mercilessly swiped its claws at her, tearing her shoulder roughly. Kimora staggered back with a scream, holding her bleeding shoulder.

It started coming for her, and she walked backwards from it. She picked up a sharp stick and pointed it at the monster as it came nearer.

Her back suddenly hit the wall, and her eyes widened. She started trembling as the monster stood in front of her.

She tried using the sharp stick to stab it, but it caught the stick and snatched it, broke it and threw down the pieces. Kimora's fear only escalated.

She stared deep and scaredly into its cold-blooded eyes. It was red, just like Oberon's. She grew hatred for it and wished she could just tear this monster apart.

" GO." It's monstrous voice told, and she looked at it with wide eyes.

The monster could talk?

" I SAID LEAVE!!!" It shouted with temper, and Kimora found herself running away as fast as the wind.

The monster took transformation after she left. It turned into a handsome man who was too hot & beautiful to look at.

He was still angry and deadly, but his beauty was far beyond normal. If hot was a person, it was definitely him.

His temper died down, then he looked up at the sky, staring at it calmly.


" So, you're telling me that you went out last night to get some air, then a monster attacked you and gave you this wound?" Celestia said as she observed the injury on her shoulder, and Kimora nodded. 

" This is bad." She added.

" She deserved it." Diane said from her reading table, with that same book in front of her.

The title was Flames of Love, if Kimora saw the title correctly.

" You should just shut your mouth if you won't help us here. This is a serious situation." Celestia scolded.

" I'll never help her in my entire lifetime, not even if I get reborn." Diane spat and returned to reading her novel.

" Don't mind her. She acts like a brat sometimes." Celestia told Kimora, and she nodded.

Her shoulder was still bleeding, and it looked worse than before, like it was even growing.

Celestia touched the arm and tried singing to heal it, but it didn't work.

" I still can't use my healing powers. I don't know why they aren't working." She told, and Kimora sighed.

" C'mon, I know where to take you to." She said, then got Kimora another cloak which she put on before leaving the room with her.

" Don't ever come back!" Diane shouted after them.

" Go walk off a cliff." Kimora returned, and Diane folded her fists angrily.

Celestia had to take Kimora through the Assembly Ground. She was holding Kimora close as the supernaturals spotted Kimora and gossiped.




Kimora pulled the cloak over her head more securely, and Celestia felt bad when she noticed her discomfort.

" Don't listen to them. It'll only make you feel worse." She advised, and Kimora let the cloak loosen a bit from her head.

They got stopped when someone appeared in front of them, turning out to be none other than Damon. All of their eyes came wide on seeing him.




They all had fear on their faces as they stepped back from him, including Celestia who left Kimora and took some steps back.

His devilish and cold eyes were on Kimora's cloak, which made her feel disturbed and her stomach churned.

" What're you hiding under the cloak?" He asked in his deep voice, and that sent shivers down her spine as she kept silent.

" I said... What're you hiding under that cloak!" He thundered harshly, and Kimora jumped in fear.

He used his eyes to take off the cloak from her and burnt it in the air. Kimora gasped as her bleeding shoulder got exposed, and she held it.



Kimora could see how his eyes focused on her shoulder. She felt so nervous and afraid because of his dark look.

He unexpectedly stretched his arm forward, which Kimora found strange. She looked at it and saw it bleeding exactly like hers, making her eyes widen!

She looked back at his bloody red eyes, and realization hit her immediately. Those same eyes belonged to the monster, so he was the one who attacked her that night!

" You're the b**ch that did this to me." He growled like he would attack her at any unpredictable time.

" You're wrong. I was outside yesterday & harmless when you came to me as a monster and attacked me!" She shouted, and everyone gasped.

" I don't care. This happened to me after you left, so heal it in anyway possible!" He retorted madly, but she kept silent.

His claws appeared on his hand, then he impatiently made to tear her face apart, and Kimora closed her eyes deeply as she expected it.

He stopped just am inch to her face, and her eyes opened to see him panting madly.

Prince Eric arrived with some of his guards. The students paved way for him, and his eyes widened when he saw the scene.

" Damon! What do you think you're doing!" He shouted, and he turned to him with a mean glare.

" Don't come any closer if you love your head." He threatened coldly, and Prince Eric froze on his spot.

" Damon, please. Whatever you're doing... Don't hurt the girl in front of you. She's harmless." He pleaded.

" Harmless? She made my arm bleed last night, so tell me how she's harmless!" Damon fired.

Eric glanced at Kimora surprisingly. She stared back speechlessly.

Damon suddenly grabbed her strongly, and she gasped. Eric raced to them with his guards, but he vanished before he could reach them.

" F**k! He took her away!" Eric gasped.

" Your Highness, what's going to happen to my friend? Will she be alright?" Celestia approached him.

" I can't tell. Her safety is all in his hands." He replied, and Celestia palmed her mouth in panic.

" Kimora... Please be safe." She uttered, almost crying.


They both appeared in the forest in the human realm, and Kimora struggled against his grip. He pushed her away roughly, making her fall on her bleeding shoulder.

The pain there increased, and she screamed out. Damon felt the pain too and held his shoulder painfully.

" Stop hurting yourself, you imbecile!" He shouted at her.

" You're the one who pushed me off, monster!" She retorted on the ground, and saw his face go darker than before.

" Never... Ever... In your f**kin' lifetime... Call me a monster ever again." He warned seriously, and she gulped.

" How did you do this?" He asked.

" I don't know! I just don't know!" She replied cluelessly.

" If you can't undo what you did, then I'll leave you out here. Enjoy." He said and disappeared, and Kimora groaned frustratedly.

Her shoulder hurted even more after he left, and she held it with a painful yell. She pinched her eyes tightly as more of her blood rushed out.

Damon appeared almost immediately, falling weakly on the ground beside her. His shoulder was bleeding and hurting just as much.

" I know a place to take you." He grabbed her and vanished with her before she could respond.


After a while, they appeared in front of a hut. Damon left her and went in, and Kimora didn't wait to be told before she followed him in.

Inside the hut, an old woman was sitting in a meditation position with her eyes closed, and seven different burning incenses were in front of her. They emitted a kind of purple smoke which smelt like enchanting roses.

Damon frowned at the smell. He hates anything that smelt nice because they smelt gross to him.

" Sabbath." He called her, and she paused her meditation to open one eye at them.

" Yes?" She answered.

" I need your help." He replied, and she stood from her spot, going to stand in front of them.

She saw their bleeding shoulders and immediately understood the problem. But surprisingly, she smiled.

" What's so funny?" He asked grudgingly.

" You became a monster again last night and attacked her in rage? Then you got injured in return." She said, but he stared at her in silence.

" Please tell me what's going on here. I don't know what's happening, and it's making me go crazy. I've never been more confused." He spoke.

" You know you've injured countless of other people without getting injured in return. You only got injured when you attacked her, because she's your soulmate." She revealed, and their eyes widened like hell.

" What!!!" They chorused.