
For You (ENG)

That night a storm comes crashing into the life of Arghi Baswara, where two robbers break into his house until he has to permanently lose his sense of sight. Arghi's universe collapsed in just a matter of hours. Everything was black with no color, even a beam of light could not be captured by his eyes. His hopes, dreams, ideals, and someone he had to protect and take care of. Everything disappeared in the blink of an eye. He felt he was the most useless person. Galant Virendra was destroyed in one week. His only dearest friend lost his sight. Then before long his father who was a medical worker was snatched from his life. Galant has no one else in his family, there is only Arghi his best friend as a focus in Galant's life in the present world that Arghi feels most useless and considers only to be a burden for Galant. Galant never expected that with him accidentally kissing Arghi on the night of the full moon it brought him into his somersaulting life change. When he realizes that he is not an ordinary human, but a wolf who loses control just by smelling the scent of his best friend, Arghi. What happened to Galant? Coupled with Galant who is very difficult to overcome the pull so strong than before to continue with Arghi who is completely unable to know the change from Galant to a wolf in the middle of the full night, because of the change he almost went crazy with a scent that choked him coming from his best friend who fired his scent in a craze. Who exactly is Galant?

White_Black033 · LGBT+
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26 Chs

Small Changes

"Who are you?" asked Galant back as he pressed each of his teeth holding back the anger that came in an instant into his current chest cavity.

Perhaps the thing he was doing now was not the right decision by asking a stranger like this who had frightened his best friend. He should have first smashed his fist head on this shameless man's face, that it was clear that the person standing in front of him now was not a good person.

Galant immediately in an instant again felt his anger increasing over time as Arghi gripped his arm through Arghi's cold hands. Arghi was usually someone who would always come forward first to protect Galant, but for now, it was this person who made Arghi act like this.

"Arghi, have you still not forgiven me?" This man's voice that sounded inexplicably instantly made Galant feel fed up just by hearing it. Galant wants to drive him out of the yard, but on the other hand, Galant also wants to find out who this man is that scares Arghi.

True, surely the man standing before Galant was a man who was in Arghi's past who until now Galant did not know.

"Who are you? Why are you here?" asked Galant back, his gaze sharply pointing forward. His other handheld Arghi's hand back to at least make Arghi a little calm even for a moment. He also accidentally sniffed the air floating between himself which this time Galant didn't like, this felt very strong and also sharply mixed with Arghi's which this time became faint.

The man, in the end, focused his gaze on Galant completely, the expression that had previously bent across that face this time became straight as if nothing had happened before that this man had done to Arghi. Until he raised his voice to say a word to Galant. "I understand now."

That's all he said, he didn't say anything to explain who or his purpose was to come here. Only the empty words he threw at Galant and again set his sights on Arghi. It instantly made Galant even more unhappy.

Galant without many words pulled Arghi's hand slowly to bring him inside the house leaving this stranger in his wake. He still didn't know what kind of person this man was, which frightened Arghi to such an extent, but whatever would happen from now on Galant would stand at the front to protect and guard his best friend from anything just like Arghi did before he lost his sight.

But before Galant left this stranger he turned around to instantly say in his sharp and piercing tone, "Whatever you understand, we don't care that. So, get out of the way."



Galant opened his eyes which had been closed agitatedly when Arghi finally started saying something to him after a long time. There was a long pause back when Arghi had not said again after he mentioned Galant's name.

"I can't say anything about that guy to you. He's just someone who appeared in my bad past."

Galant nodded his head and realized that Arghi would not see him, but he knew Arghi must have known it with the grasp of Galant's hand setting on Arghi's palm.

"It doesn't matter if you don't want to say it, but from now on I won't let you out of the house alone anymore, Arghi," Galant said as Arghi rested his back on the ash-colored sofa backrest behind him while closing his eyes.

"There's no need to overdo it, Galant," said Arghi, who still closed his eyes and Arghi did the same by resting his back on the back of the chair, realizing that Galant's hand was still connected to Arghi's.

With what happened to Arghi earlier how could Galant be ordinary, what he did was certainly not an exaggeration like Arghi said. Arghi is the only person Galant has in this world how can he not worry about what happened to Arghi. "I'm worried about you."

"Wait, Galant!" Galant gasped when Arghi quickly got up by holding his back up, he faced Galant, and Arghi's handrail stated at Glant now.

Galant raised his confused eyebrows and asked just in case something was bothering Arghi's mind right now. "What's wrong, Arghi?"

"Why... Why are you growing so fast?"