

"Good morning, sunshine, time to be up and at 'em," I say with barely concealed laughter is my voice while throwing the drapes open to let the sunlight filter through. All I get in response is a grunt and Ivy dives deeper under the covers and nuzzles into the pillow with a sigh now that the sunlight is not offending her. Rolling my eyes I try to get the covers off of her which she has a death grip, seeing as this happens every day one would thing she would be able to get up on time by own but she always has to make it difficult for me. Even if she is literal sunshine and rainbows personified at day time, breezing through her day, she is a monster in the morning. I sit beside her on the bed and start coaxing her to get up with breakfast, saying, "Come one, V, we absolutely cannot be late at the station today and I have made your favorites for breakfast."

She raises her head at that a little, eyes still closed and I sing song, "Croissants," then I get up and stay from the door, "And if you do not get up you realize I will take Hazel's tea to her and you won't be left with any." That gets her to attention and she suddenly sits upright in the bed mumbling how she will be there in a minute and if anyone touches her croissants she will murder us.

I go to Hazel's room next, whose tea is ready sitting on the kitchen counter which I take up with me so that she doesn't bite my head for being woken. If Ivy is a monster in mornings Hazel is a goddamn nightmare. She is definitely not a morning person; none of us are to be honest. I mean maybe I am but certainly not a cheery one. I set her tea on the bedside table and gentle nudge her and tell her that it's for the dead to crawl out of their graves and Hazel grumbles about how that is midnight, I shrug and tell her to please get up because if Ivy is already in the kitchen and at the croissants then god save my stomach today, I really need my breakfast.

Once we are all settled around the small kitchen table with only three chairs with our steaming mugs of tea and a healthy amount of croissants we talked about what assignments we will be working on today and it seems like we might not see much of each other. People tend to keep us on different tasks unless it is absolutely necessary that we be on the same team, everyone says that we have some weird telepathic connection that leaves the rest of the room unknowing and they would rather not have to deal with it and it is not like any of us minds working on our cases, gives us stuff to talk about so it is just whatever.

Finishing her breakfast Ivy get up, stretches and says, "Okay, so who is ready to take on the world?" a lot more cheery than she was a few moments ago. Hazel just groans in her enthusiasm and gets up as well, putting her dishes in the sink and moving to change for the day. "Hey we cannot keep cleaning after you; you need to stop doing that." Ivy shouts after Hazel but she just shrugs and moves into her room.

Chuckling I get up from my chair and say, "Ives go get ready, I have got the dishes. I don't even need to change I am already ready and set to go." I say with a wink and Ivy makes an affronted face at me and squeaks out, "You are going to go to work in those?"

I look down at my clothes, a black shirt tucked in baggy matching black jeans with a navy jumper on top of it and raise a brow at her and say, "What is wrong with my clothes?"

Ivy looks at me like it's physically hurting her to do it and says, "Um, nothing. You know what? It is absolutely you so yeah cool." She gives me a thumbs up and what I think is a smile but comes up as a grimace and back up into her room to get ready for the day. Chuckling I get to the dishes, I hope today is not as draining as yesterday where we found out that we have been chasing a false lead for the past week.