
For My Dearest, Let Me Love You

Reina thought her life was perfect. Has a beautiful face, the sole heir to the most successful entrepreneur and surrounded by people who really love her. But, who would have thought that everything was fake. The two parents that Reina thought loved her, turned out to be the killers of her own biological parents. The husband who she thought loved her, was only with her for the sake of wealth. The friend who she thought was always there, turned out to be flirting with her husband behind Reina's back. As if it wasn't unlucky enough, Reina actually saw all of that after a terrible accident that almost took her life. And Reina thought, her life is now over. But, like magic, a handsome man suddenly appeared in the hospital ward where Reina was being treated. The man introduced himself as Earthos, a gatekeeper of parallel world. The handsome man offers something tantalizing to Reina, namely the opportunity for revenge on the condition that Reina must fulfill missions in 7 parallel worlds and complete the mission Earthos gave her...

Riricha10 · Fantaisie
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22 Chs

Mission 1 : Destroy This Kingdom

"Her majesty,"

"Her majesty"

Reina opened her heavy eyes. The pain was still felt all over her body. Memories of what just happened invaded Reina's head.


Demian and Natasha ..

Reina immediately sat down, took a deep breath because suddenly she had difficulty breathing.



It seems that throughout Reina's life, she will continue to remember the disgusting scenes of Demian and Natasha's making love.


"Her majesty."

Reina furrowed her brows. It looked up at the voice that kept saying "Her Majesty".


At first Reina thought she just heard wrong, because she wasn't fully awake yet. Even Reina's heart hoped that what happened to her was just a dream. However, the pain all over her body seemed to tell Reina that everything was reality.



Reina immediately screamed in surprise, shifting her body quickly until she hit the head of the bed.


In front of Reina, stood two foreign women that Reina had never seen before. They wore dresses that Reina had only seen in film. And what was even stranger, they had unusual hair colors, purple and pink.


"Thank goodness Her Majesty finally awake."

Reina looked at the pink haired woman who was staring at her with a look of relief. Reina, who was stunned at the sight of them, suddenly burst out laughing.


Wow, it looks like the betrayal of those closest to her has made Reina crazy. Look, she even start imagining like this.


In contrast to Reina who was laughing, the two women suddenly looked scared. They even started kneeling and banging their heads on the floor countless times.


"Forgive me, her majesty, I deserve the punishment,"

"I deserve to die, her majesty."

"No, Annie is innocent. I'm the one who's guilty. I'm the one who should die. "


The two women kept banging their heads, making Reina, who was laughing at first, now fell silent again.


Reina stared at the two women for a long time, before finally lifting her hands, pinching her cheeks as hard as possible.



Reina muttered as her cheeks throbbed in pain. Looks like Reina is neither dreaming nor hallucinating.


"Her Majesty, I beg you, stop hurting yourself,"

The purple haired woman was still kneeling, staring at Reina's face with a look of deep regret.


"Rosie and I will think of another way to separate the king and madam Roxanna."

The purple haired woman's words made Reina stunned again. Reina poked her ear, maybe there was dirt in Reina's ear until she heard it wrong like this.


But the two women kept saying something that Reina didn't understand. As to what steps can they take to make the king want to spend the night with Reina.


Meanwhile Reina was completely unable to react. She was speechless, completely unable to understand anything Rosie and Annie had just said.


Shhh ...

Until finally, a gust of wind accompanied by a flash of red light appeared, making everything around Reina froze, as if someone had just stopped time.


"Thank goodness you landed safely."

Reina immediately lifted her head quickly, staring at the familiar voice in Reina's ears.

"You miss me?."

In front of Reina, stood Earthos, or rather Earthos hovering in front of her.

"If you hovering like this, please try to explain, what else can make me think that you are human, just like me."

Said Reina, rolled her eyes. Since when has a human been able to float in the air like a ghost.


Hearing Reina's words made Earthos laugh,

"Wow, you really lost faith in other people huh. Is it because you just found out what betrayal was? "

An angry glint immediately flashed in Reina's eyes when she heard Earthos's words.


"Woop, woop, please calm down,"

"I am just kidding."

Earthos said, winking one eye which actually made Reina even more annoyed.

"You better stop saying nonsense and start explaining to me what's really going on."

Reina folded her arms and legs, ready to listen to Erthos's story. Before losing consciousness earlier, Reina remembered that she had made a pact with Earthos to get her revenge.


"Yep, your guess is right."

Earthos says suddenly, snapping his long fingers.

"What's true?"

Reina asked sarcastically. Ah, it looks like after this, Reina didn't bother moving her mouth to communicate with Earthos. After all, Earthos can read Reina's mind well.

"Well, that is also true."

Earthos said again, nodding his head.


Reina furrowed her brows, looking at Earthos with a super annoyed gaze,

"Which one?."


"Wow, wow. Aren't you a very patient and kind person?. Why suddenly turned violent like this?, "

Earthos tilted his head, then grinned with a mocking look,

"Looks like betrayal has a very good effect on you. You won't be stupid anymore. "


"Stop pissing me off."


"Okay-okay, you are really impatient huh."

Earthos clicked his tongue, he then sat cross-legged, ah, or rather hovering with his legs crossed.


"The first one, you're right, we are currently in the first place to pay for your revenge."

"Secondly, you are also right, I can read your mind very well. So, you don't have to bother moving your little mouth. "


Reina just rolled her eyes again. Too Lazy to argue with Earthos. She just stared at Earthos with an earnest gaze, asking Earthos to explain further.


"Yes, yes, I'll explain,"

"As I told you that you have to pay to fulfill your wish of revenge. And the payment I mean is, you have to go through 7 parallel worlds and complete the mission that I gave you. "


Reina stunned again when she hears Earthos's utter nonsense. Ah, but from the start Reina had an unreasonable incident. For example, seeing directly with her eyes a floating person like Earthos.


"Come on, if flying alone made you this amazed, you would be even more surprised to see my other abilities,"

"Or, do you want me to show my other abilities?"

Earthos eyes suddenly looked at Reina with a sparkling gaze. Reina just raised her hand, as a form of rejection.


"I'm more interested in listening to the continuation of the conditions for my revenge."


Earthos instantly pout his lips, which somehow made Reina feel he is... cute?.

Reina quickly shifted her thoughts, afraid that Earthos might read her thoughts again.


"Like I said earlier, you have to go through 7 parallel worlds and complete the mission I gave you. Take it easy, I'll give you my help, even if it's only a little. "

Earthos blinked his eyes.

Again, Reina raise her hand, motioning Earthos to stop doing the absurd thing.


"So, I'm currently in one of the parallel worlds to pay my revenge?"

"Yep, right,"

Earthos clapping cheerfully,

"Ulu ulu, smart girl."

he then stroked Reina's head with a big smile on his face.

Reina again rolled her eyes in annoyance. Parallel world ..

So, everything truly happened. Throughout her life, Reina never thought that parallel worlds existed.

"Do you want to know what mission I will give you?"

Reina's thoughts returned to Earthos. Earthos's face, which was originally full of humor, turned serious.

"Your mission is,"

"You must destroy this kingdom."

Earthos's words immediately left Reina stunned. What?, destroy what he said?