
For My Dearest, Let Me Love You

Reina thought her life was perfect. Has a beautiful face, the sole heir to the most successful entrepreneur and surrounded by people who really love her. But, who would have thought that everything was fake. The two parents that Reina thought loved her, turned out to be the killers of her own biological parents. The husband who she thought loved her, was only with her for the sake of wealth. The friend who she thought was always there, turned out to be flirting with her husband behind Reina's back. As if it wasn't unlucky enough, Reina actually saw all of that after a terrible accident that almost took her life. And Reina thought, her life is now over. But, like magic, a handsome man suddenly appeared in the hospital ward where Reina was being treated. The man introduced himself as Earthos, a gatekeeper of parallel world. The handsome man offers something tantalizing to Reina, namely the opportunity for revenge on the condition that Reina must fulfill missions in 7 parallel worlds and complete the mission Earthos gave her...

Riricha10 · Fantaisie
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22 Chs

Mission 1 : Destroy This Kingdom (5)

"Your humble subject facing the king."


Reina bowed her body, as a gesture to greet the king. Her head was still bowed down, waiting for the king to accept her greeting.


"You can raise your head."

A baritone voice entered Reina's eardrums.


Actually, since entering Joana's body, Reina has repeatedly seen the figure of the king in Joana's memory. But still, as soon as Reina raised her head, she gasped a little.


Very handsome and charismatic, these two words really represent the king. His dark blue eyes that resembled a bottomless deep sea contrasted sharply with his white skin. Not forgetting the bright red hair, which is a sign that he is indeed a royal descent.


The king was sitting on his chair, making Reina guess what the king's posture would look like in person.

But from Joana's memory, the king was above average, with a muscular and tall body. Secretly a wry smile formed at the corner of Reina's lips. If the reason Joana fell in love and ignored everything was because of the king's good looks, then Reina would really beat that woman up.


"What is your excuse this time?"

Reina flinched in surprise when she heard the king's voice again. Now all of Reina's attention was on the king, who was staring at her with bored eyes.


Ah, Reina think, it's only natural for the king to look at her with a bored look considering how many times Joana has messed up. But still, the king must be taught the basic awareness of being a husband.


"Are you really have so many free time that you keep bothering Roxanna?"

"You know, I've been tolerating all your arrogant attitude because of my respect for the duke."

Said the King, his bored gaze now turned into a look of disgust. It was as if what he wasn't staring at a humans, but an object that had no value at all.


Slowly Reina sighed, then put on an innocent and clueless face. From a long time ago she was used to facing this kind of problem. At times like this, the best thing to do is pretend not to understand. Then apologize with earnest face.


Urrggh, Reina almost suffocated with annoyance at the memory of how Joana handled a situation like this. Instead of being calm and elegant as an empress might act, Joana was really like to explode. Take out all her anger and act harshly. Which ultimately had an effect on the king's judgment on her.


"This humble subject still doesn't understand what do his majesty means."

The king held his head, sighed in frustration,

"Come on, Joana, what other tricks do you want to play?. Stop pretending and just admit it all. Take it easy, as usual I will forgive you. Because I am already indebted to the duke. "


Haha, Reina think she wants to laugh sarcastically right now. Debt ?, son of a bitch !. You were even the first to seduce Joana, acting like you was a dedicated man who only gave your life for Joana.


And after you managed to get it all, you acted as if you made Joana your wife just because of a debt of gratitude. Arrggh, this fake excuse man. Reina don't know what makes his worthy of being loved this deep by Joana.

Even though at this time Rein was the one who took over Joana's body, Reina could still feel her heart beating fast just because the king is there. Even Reina's heart ached as the king looked at her with such a judgmental look.


Suddenly Reina shuddered in horror, don't tell her that Joana is a masochist?. The more tortured, the more in love will she be?.


"Sorry, his majesty the king, your humble subject still does not understand what Your Excellency means. What should I admit when I don't do anything? "

As much as possible Reina maintains her composure, although based on Joana's memory, Reina knows that this woman indeed do something before Reina took over her body.


Yesterday, Joana got into an argument with Roxanna in the palace back garden. The reason was trivial, Joana was angry because again the king chose to spend the night with Roxanna instead of her.


The fight ended with Roxanna falling into the pond. Of course people would think Joan was the one that pushing her. But in truth, Joana never pushed Roxanna at all. The concubine just tripped over a rock and finally fell into the pond.


"Come on, Joana. I was too tired to take care of this problem so early in the morning. You know, how many things a king has to settle? "

Asked the king, clearly annoyed with Joana.


Just as Reina was about to open her mouth again, the door to the meeting room suddenly opened. Then followed by a beautiful woman who dashed quickly into the meeting room and began kneeling before the king.

"Your majesty the king,"

"Please, don't punish the Empress. If Your Majesty wants to punish someone, then I should be punished. "

The woman began to sob, making her beautiful face like the full moon in the middle of the dark night look pathetic.


Anyone who saw this scene would definitely felt their heart ache because of that woman's appearance. Then they would throw gaze full of hatred at the Empress who had the heart to hurt an angel like her.


Secretly, Reina rolled her eyes, too lazy to see the woman's tears that began to flood her smooth cheeks.


Just one look, Reina already knew that the woman was Roxanna. The concubine who made Joana's life turn like hell.

"Please just punish me, your majesty. Just punish me. "

Roxanna said again in a sad tone.


Hahaha, maybe someone else would think that Roxanna's actions were purely because she felt sorry for the Empress. But this action also indirectly confirmed that it was indeed the empress who pushed her into the pond.


Reina chuckled softly, not expecting that there would still be people who would use this method to win someone's heart. This woman should have learned from Natasha. That traitor had never shown such a weak attitude. She looked strong and honest, even though she had jabbed her fangs without anyone noticing.


The king who had been sitting in his place, suddenly got up and walked over to Roxanna. He cupped her shoulders and helped her to stand up,

"Stop kneeling on the cold floor, Anna. I don't want you to get sick again."


Reina sneered when she heard the soft words from the king's mouth. Ah, anyone who saw this scene can already guess where the king sided. An empress loses to a concubine. A funny reality that made Reina almost laugh.


The king then ordered Roxanna to sit on the chair beside him. The chair that only queens, not concubines, should sit on. He even ordered the maid to bring a warm drink to calm Roxanna's feelings.


If the real Joana saw this, maybe she would start to give off her bad temper and anger.

Ah, this damn guy sure sucks. In fact, he did not pay the slightest attention to Joana who had been standing in front of him. Doesn't he know how sore it is to stand with a posture like this?.