
For My Dearest, Let Me Love You

Reina thought her life was perfect. Has a beautiful face, the sole heir to the most successful entrepreneur and surrounded by people who really love her. But, who would have thought that everything was fake. The two parents that Reina thought loved her, turned out to be the killers of her own biological parents. The husband who she thought loved her, was only with her for the sake of wealth. The friend who she thought was always there, turned out to be flirting with her husband behind Reina's back. As if it wasn't unlucky enough, Reina actually saw all of that after a terrible accident that almost took her life. And Reina thought, her life is now over. But, like magic, a handsome man suddenly appeared in the hospital ward where Reina was being treated. The man introduced himself as Earthos, a gatekeeper of parallel world. The handsome man offers something tantalizing to Reina, namely the opportunity for revenge on the condition that Reina must fulfill missions in 7 parallel worlds and complete the mission Earthos gave her...

Riricha10 · Fantaisie
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22 Chs

Mission 1 : Destroy This Kingdom (4)

Reina looked at Rosie and Annie who were now wrapped in her arms. In her head, Reina imagined, how happy Reina would be if she had people who were loyal like them by her side as friends.


However, since she was a child, Reina did not have someone who could really be considered as a friend. Reina is too often taken advantage of by the people who offer to be her best friend. At first they would show how sincere they were, then at the end, they would stab Reina with an invisible knife.


Haha, even until the end of her life, Reina was still cheated out by her husband and bestfriend. Is this what is called, the ability to detect traitors is only obtained after actually dealing with true traitors?.


Maybe that's why, when she saw Joana's memory about Rosie and Annie in her head, the side of Reina's heart became softer. In fact, before closing her eyes and moving to this parallel world, Reina had promised that she would never trust anyone.

"Stop it. Stop crying. "

Reina patted Rosie and Annie's heads. Based on Joana's memory, Annie and Rosie are 6 years older than Joana. However, when compared to Reina's age, Reina was still a little older than them. Maybe that's why, Reina seemed like she was facing her two younger siblings. The younger sibling that Reina had hoped for but never got.


A sad smile formed on Reina's lips. Thank goodness the fake parents had absolutely no children. If they have, it might be complicated.


Reina lifted Rosie and Annie's heads from her arms. She stares at their swollen faces which looked adorable.

"If you cry any longer than this, I'm afraid your faces will remain swollen until tomorrow morning."

Reina said, winking her right eyes that made Rosie and Annie suddenly have difficulty breathing.


They quickly wiped their tears, then helped Reina stand up and tidy up her clothes, which were messy due to their actions.

"We're sorry, her highness."


"Hem, it seems you guys will continue to say sorry all day,"

Reina then walked towards the chair, looked at the food arranged on the dining table.


Her eyes, which were once full of enthusiasm, suddenly dimmed. She sighed heavily, her stomach suddenly felt full when she saw the food on the table.


So bland..

Reina screamed in frustration in her heart.

Looks like Reina's life will be bland here.

"Ah, maybe it just looks like this. It sure tastes good. "

Reina muttered, clenching her fists to encourage herself.


Cracckk ..

Reina's ears suddenly seemed to hear the sound of something cracking as soon as the food entered her mouth.

Ah, it doesn't seem like the sound of something cracking. But what was cracking was Reina's spirit and expectations.


"Does her highness don't like the taste?"

Annie looked at Joana, again finding something strange in Joana. Usually, Joana will immediately eat the food without hesitation.


Because it was Joana who personally ordered the royal chef to cook her food specifically. No oil, no salt and no added seasonings. Joana did this to maintain her body shape and appearance to compete with Roxanna.



Reina put on a forced smile,

"I like the taste. But, it would be better if they add a little spice in it. "

Reina said, in her heart promising to meet the palace chef and discussing the change in her menu starting tomorrow.


Rosie, who heard Joana's words, widened her eyes again, before finally Rosie's gaze turned softer.

Again, Rosie seemed to see the old figure of her miss, a woman who was almost growing up and still often protested to the duke's chef about the bland taste of their food.


"Yes, Your Excellency, I will tell the royal chef to spice things up in the dish for your Excellency."


"Thank you Rosie. You really understand how I feel. "


Reina clapped her hands cheerfully, feeling grateful to have Annie and Rosie by her side. If only Annie and Rosie were in Reina's life before, surely Reina's life would be much more colorful.


"Excuse me, her highness,"

Reina's hand movements that were about to feed food into her mouth suddenly stopped. Reina raised her head, staring at a middle-aged man in a black maid outfit. Not forgetting the glasses adorning his eyes, making Reina guess that the man must be the head butler.


"Sorry to interrupt her highness breakfast time. But, I must convey the king's message that the king wants her highness to meet his majesty in the meeting room. "

Said the middle-aged man. Reina tried to find the identity of the middle-aged man in her head.


That man is Alfonso, the butler who is responsible for managing all affairs of the palace. The butler who is one of the king's trusted people.

Ah, from this moment on, Reina prefers to call the man who is her husband as the king. For some reason, Reina felt disgusted when she had to mention that man's name.


"Very well, tell his majesty, I will see him soon."

Reina said, grateful that she had learned about manners since she was a child. So she just needs to combine Joana's memories and her habits.


But Alfonso didn't budge. Still standing in his place. Making Reina, who was preparing to continue her delayed breakfast, looked back at Alfonso with a confused look.

"What else, head butler?."

Alfonso bent his body,

"I apologize, her highness, but his majesty ordered to bring Her highness immediately. I am not allowed to return except with her highness with me. "


A smile formed at the corner of Reina's lips,

"Alright, I'll be ready soon. So, may you wait outside for a moment?. "

Reina asked, silently starting to curse the damn king who didn't let her eat in peace.


Again Alfonso did not budge, remained standing in his place. Makes Reina want to ask out loud,

"What else, huh ?."

But Reina try to hold back her frustration as much as possible. Keep a fake smile on her face.


"Why hasn't the butler come out yet?"


"Sorry, her highness, but his majesty the king said, her highness does not need to be prepared. The king wants to meet Her highness right now."



Reina tightly squeezed the spoon in her hand. The perfect smile on her face almost cracked with anger.


She said.

Reina then stood up, letting Rosie and Annie begin to put on her robes and tidy her hair briefly. Then she started walking, following the head butler.


You damn king !.

Even though he has never loved Joana, isn't it appropriate for him as a man to show a sense of understanding?.

Ah, looks like Reina must prepare herself not to swear at the king in front of his face...