
For My Dearest, Let Me Love You

Reina thought her life was perfect. Has a beautiful face, the sole heir to the most successful entrepreneur and surrounded by people who really love her. But, who would have thought that everything was fake. The two parents that Reina thought loved her, turned out to be the killers of her own biological parents. The husband who she thought loved her, was only with her for the sake of wealth. The friend who she thought was always there, turned out to be flirting with her husband behind Reina's back. As if it wasn't unlucky enough, Reina actually saw all of that after a terrible accident that almost took her life. And Reina thought, her life is now over. But, like magic, a handsome man suddenly appeared in the hospital ward where Reina was being treated. The man introduced himself as Earthos, a gatekeeper of parallel world. The handsome man offers something tantalizing to Reina, namely the opportunity for revenge on the condition that Reina must fulfill missions in 7 parallel worlds and complete the mission Earthos gave her...

Riricha10 · Fantaisie
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22 Chs

Mission 1 : Destroy This Kingdom (2)

"You seem deaf, don't you?"

"How many times do I have to repeat it if your first mission is to destroy this kingdom."

Earthos pouted his lips, maybe annoyed that this was the tenth time Reina repeated her question.


"Wow, you must be crazy."

Reina touched her head in frustration. Or rather it was Reina who was crazy after hearing Earthos's absurd words.


Earthos laughed softly,

"I'm still in my right mind. Come on, Re-re, I really mean it. Your first mission is to destroy this kingdom. "


"You are crazy!,"

Reina shouted in frustration, she didn't even notice the nickname Earthos give to her.

"Destroying a kingdom? Where can I get the power to destroy a kingdom?"



Even when she was still the "sole heir", her greatest ability was simply destroying rival companies. Of course with great effort that took away Reina's sweat, blood and tears.


"Why can't you?, You forgot who will help you during the mission?,"

Earthos puffed out his chest then rubbed his nose with a proud look on his face,

"I am, the most competent guardian of the parallel world ever. I have helped many people to complete the mission. So you take it easy. "



As much as possible Reina restrained herself to clicked her tongue. Right now, Reina really needs Earthos help, who clearly knows more about parallel worlds than Reina. So, Reina had to hold her hand so she not hit Earthos' head in annoyance.


"Yes, yes, I am really lucky to be accompanied by you,"

Said Reina without enthusiasm,

"And I would be even more grateful if you started explaining what was really going on."


"Looks like your friendly and kind attitude is just a mask, huh."


Reina only responded to Earthos' taunt with a nod. Right now, all Reina needs is as much information as possible, so that she can immediately complete all the missions Earthos has given her. Reina really couldn't wait to see how the traitors would kneel at her feet, begging for mercy.




Reina looked at the ceiling of the room that Reina believed to be a bedroom. The ceiling of this room is decorated with various ornaments covered in gold, indicating that the owner of this room is not an ordinary person.


An empress, that was Reina's current status. According to Earthos' explanation, at this time, Reina was in a kingdom in the first parallel world. And the name of the woman Reina possessed by her body is Joana vil Alairez, daughter of the Alairez family, daughter of Zoulpa Alairez, a duke and great general of this kingdom.


This kingdom is called Ethereal, one of four kingdoms in this world. The strongest kingdom led by a cruel emperor named Galaes. Even the king took the throne after successfully killing his five other brothers.


Of course the success of the Galaes is mostly thanks to duke Alairez. The duke used all of his abilities to ensure the success of the king, according to the request of Galaes' mother, who was the duke's first love and concubine.


To appreciate Alairez's duke's services as well as to curb his strength, Galaes personally asked Joana, the duke daughter as his wife, saying that he had loved Joana since he was just a prince who was forced to hide in Alairez's residence to get the duke's protection.


Joana, who has fallen in love with Galaes, gladly accepted. Joana even feels that she is the luckiest woman in the world.


Despite the fact, Joana is actually the saddest woman in the world. With the reason that he was cursed and had a dangerous disease, Galaes never made love to Joana even once.


Of course Joana believed, until finally, Galaes brought a woman named Roxanna, a woman he saved while hunting to the palace.


Not just brought that woman to the palace, Galaes even made Roxanna as his concubine, arguing that Galaes had made Triyona injured and left quite a large scar on her body.


And stupidly, Joana still believes that her husband made Roxanna a concubine pure out of pity. Until finally Roxanna got pregnant and gave birth to a son.


That's when Joana realized that what Galaes had been telling her was a lie. Joana is so blinded by love that she can't see the real Galaes herself.

Burning with jealousy, Joana begins to do things that make her well known as a bad empress.


Starting from manipulating Roxanna's activities so that she can't meet Galaes, spreading bad gossip about Roxanna and poisoning Roxanna so that the woman loses her baby.


Reina laughed in frustation when her head began to play Joana's various crimes that were still left in Joana's memory. Such stupid girl, she should have known from the start that Galaes didn't really love her.


In the next second, Reina's laugh slowly turned into a wry smile. What's the difference between her and Joana?. She also couldn't see Demian's betrayal all this time because of her love. Huhu, pathetic.


Reina turned her body to the side, exhaling violently. Who would have thought, something that Reina thought would only happen in movies or novels would actually happen to her.


"In one month, he will come. While waiting for him, you must seek your own strength. Remember, this mission is a very important mission. If you fail to carry out this mission, then I'm sorry, I won't be able to help you get revenge. So, use your little brain to find ideas to complete this mission. "


Reina kicked the air with her leg, remembering the last words Earthos said with an annoying face. Again she refrained from cursing the Earthos in her head. Reina is afraid Earthos will hear her curses and decides to stop helping Reina.



Reina won't let that happen. Reina won't let those damn humans live in peace, while she is suffering.


"One more month."

Reina muttered softly.

She only had one month to get used to this kingdom before he came.


Someone who will become Reina's "hand" to destroy this kingdom as well as complete her mission.

Someone who is currently only a small dust to Galaes.


That person was Arenmiz, the crown prince of the kingdom of Loea, the kingdom that had just finished Galaes ruining.

Ah, it feels like Reina really can't wait for next month ..