
For My Dearest, Let Me Love You

Reina thought her life was perfect. Has a beautiful face, the sole heir to the most successful entrepreneur and surrounded by people who really love her. But, who would have thought that everything was fake. The two parents that Reina thought loved her, turned out to be the killers of her own biological parents. The husband who she thought loved her, was only with her for the sake of wealth. The friend who she thought was always there, turned out to be flirting with her husband behind Reina's back. As if it wasn't unlucky enough, Reina actually saw all of that after a terrible accident that almost took her life. And Reina thought, her life is now over. But, like magic, a handsome man suddenly appeared in the hospital ward where Reina was being treated. The man introduced himself as Earthos, a gatekeeper of parallel world. The handsome man offers something tantalizing to Reina, namely the opportunity for revenge on the condition that Reina must fulfill missions in 7 parallel worlds and complete the mission Earthos gave her...

Riricha10 · Fantaisie
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22 Chs

His Help

"They are murderers."

"They are murderers."


That sentence kept ringing in Reina's ears, making her chest feel tight like she was running out of oxygen. Her body felt heavy, as if she was currently in the deepest sea. Grasping, looking for hope so that someone would be willing to save her.

But, who else will save her?. All the people that she thought of as family were just a collection of deceiver who were secretly stabbing her with affectionate faces.


No, they didn't actually stab Reina secretly. Actually, there were some of their attitudes that could make Reina suspicious.


However, Reina was blinded by their perfect pretense. Make Reina feel like the most loved person in the world.




Please save me ..

Reina continued to flail, wishing herself a favor. Or hope that everything is just a dream in broad daylight.


Just as Reina thought her breath was completely gone, suddenly laughter sounded in her ears. At first it sounded soft, until gradually it became stronger and louder.


If this happened under normal conditions, Reina would have shuddered with horror. Thinking that it is a ghost laughing.


But, in this condition. It was precisely the feeling of relief that immediately flooded Reina. At least the owner of this cold laugh might be willing to help her.


"Don't worry, I did come here to help you."

A whisper could be heard in Reina's ear before her eyes finally changed.


Darkness no longer envelops Reina. Her shortness of breath was suddenly relieved. Greedily, Reina inhaled and exhaled numerous times, trying to rush oxygen into her lungs.


"Come on, you just didn't breathe for a while, but you're already panicking like that. "

Mocked a voice in front of Reina.


With great effort, Reina lifted her head. And immediately the figure of a handsome man came into Reina's view.


The man in front of her looked at Reina with a lazy gaze that was clearly plastered on his gray eyeballs.


The man's hands are folded in front of his chest. His long silver hair hung down beautifully, adding to the heavenly impression Reina had just witnessed.


Honestly, Reina is not the type of woman who really likes to admire handsome men. In all her life, who knows how many handsome men have approached Reina. Pledged himself as a man who would be willing to accompany Reina until the end of her life.


But, of course Reina refused. Reina believes that there is already one man who is destined for her. And stupidly, Reina thought the man was Demian.


Again, Reina's heart ached, remembering that the man she had decided to give overflowing affection and love was nothing more than a heartless traitor.


Reina's brows wrinkled again as she recalled the disgusting scene between Demian and Natasha on her bed.


"Wow, how sad."

The man's voice came again. Makes Reina raise her head again and fixed her gaze towards the man.


"So sad,"

The man repeated his sentence again. He shrugged his shoulders, showing both pity and indifference.

"But it's your fault too, you should be able to watch your husband's movements carefully. Too much love indeed turn people stupid. "

The man again made fun of Reina.


However, Reina's lips seemed to be choked out. She was unable to argue or even strongly refute what that man said. Because what he said was the truth.


The man slowly walked over to Reina, crouched right in front of her. Then pushed Reina's chin up with his index finger.

"Do you want me to help ?."

Asked the man, who somehow sounded like an order, not a question.


Reina did not immediately answer the man's question. She just stared at his handsome face which when looked at it up close will fascinated anyone.


Instead of answering the man's offer, Reina asked,


"Who are you?."

Reina asked.

Who knows which part is funny, but Reina's question success made the man laughed.


The man laughed for a long time, making echoes of voices sounding in this small white room.


Ah, Reina just realized that right now she was not in the hospital or witnessed her fake parents slaughtering her biological parents like before.


As far as the eye could see, only white was visible. There was nothing, not even Reina saw the end of this place.


The man was now crouched down, aligning his face and Reina's face,


"Didn't you guess before that I was an angel or a ghost? "

Asked the man in a witty tone.


Reina just stared at the man's face, which seemed to bewitch Reina, making it difficult for Reina to look away from his mysterious face.

"My name is Earthos,"

He said again, holding out his fingers,

"Too bad I didn't live up to your expectations. I am neither an angel nor a demon. I'm only human. Just like you."


Reina shook her head many times, in disbelief at what this man called Earthos had just explained.



Reina was sure this man was no ordinary human. This man was different, otherwise how could this man be able to show Reina who and how Reina's fake parents really were?.


Perhaps feeling funny about Reina's refusal, Earthos laughed again.

"Believe me, I am an ordinary human like you. It's just that, I have quite a bit of ability. "

Earthos stood back up, started walking slowly, circling Reina's still seated position.


"Okay, back to the topic of the matter. I told you I will help you, "

Earthos turned around, showing a sweet smile,

"So, are you willing to accept my help?."

He asked again.

This time, without thinking, Reina nodded her head. Even though she doesn't know and who Earthos really is, as long as Earthos is able to help Reina, Reina will gladly accept his helping hand.


Earthos nodded his head too, looking satisfied with the answer Reina gave.

"Then I give you 2 choices,"

Earthos again walked around Reina,

"Help you by waking you out of your coma, then living normally as usual, or ..

Earthos stopped his steps, a cold grin appeared on his handsome face,

"Make you wake up from a coma and then crush whoever was involved to pieces?"

Earthos continued.

Of course, without being asked, Reina's answer was clear. It wasn't that easy for her to forget all the things her family and Demian had done.


Reina, who used to have a good heart, but, they made fun of her kindness.


"The second option, I choose the second option."

Reina replied firmly.


Earthos tilted his head, seeming to confirm the sincerity of Reina's answer,

"Really smashed to pieces? Isn't one of the perpetrators your husband? "

Earthos asked.


Reina clenched her fists tightly. It was precisely Demian that Reina wanted to destroy the most. People who pretend to be tough and kind, but are actually worse off than wolves hunting sheep.

"I do not care. I still choose the second option. "

Said Reina again.

"Okay, but, for the second option. The price is very high. "

Reina stunned when she heard Earthos's word. Ah, of course. How could that man offer help for free. This world is too small to be sincere and selfless.


However, Reina didn't care. Even if she have to sell her soul out, Reina will sell her soul without hesitation. Reina nodded her head again, agreeing to what Earthos had to offer.


Earthos grinned widely, he then clapped his hands for a moment before stretching out his hand again.

Reina who didn't understand could only look at Earthos hand with a confused expression.

"Come on, take my hand, we must validate our agreement."

Earthos urged impatiently.


Quickly, Reina stretched out her hand. And the next second, intense pain attacked Reina's body.

As if this time, she really was going to die ..