
Humans are incessantly petty.

The lights on the stage fade as the lead actors end the last scene of the play. The audience roars in approval, all smiles and no frowns. They say when people smile from their eyes, their eyes catch the light of everything around them and moves everyone around them into a new level of... consciousness. I hate that. I hate this. They can smile and chatter but I despise this.

Plays? What a waste of time. A make-believe scenarios that people pretend to be in, a magically fantastical world? The tragedies were hardly even good. They like to pretend, they like to disguise. They do this for the amusement of others. Who are these 'others' I speak of?

The humankind in general. Here, we'll take a look at who these people are. We can start from... Let's see, school life then.

We can never go wrong from there.

I don't and won't be able to pull a magic trick and be all the characters in these stories I'm about to share. So, let's follow a few of those spiteful humans into their daily lives, devoid of any turbulence of any kind. That is... until a few certain someones appear in their little lives. We can watch them crumble from the inside and shatter everything they see. We can observe the little thoughts floating here and there.

Yes, this is what I can do. We-no, I can project these people and be all of them at once.

Who am I in these stories? You'll find out soon enough.