
Football Lord

What happens if u get a second chance at achieving your dream?, but with the added advantage of a System. Follow the story of Tony Lane a business man who has a second chance at achieving what he always wanted... becoming a professional footballer and maybe even becoming a lord of football.

cruise_ · sport
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71 Chs

Match Winner (2)

Immediately the ball went into the net, the whole man city fans and players in the stadium all jumped up in joy as they celebrated the goal that made it 2:2.

Tony was happy as he released a sigh of relief and immediately went to carry the ball from the net as he beckoned his teammates to go back to there own half of the pitch to resume the game.

His teammates who were already rushing towards him to celebrate, saw him beckoning to go back to there half to resume the match. So they briefly hugged or slapped him on the shoulders as Tony ran with the ball to the centre circle.

The Everton players were a little downcast as most of them could only stared at Tony as they watched him run with the ball back to the centre circle.

The goal wasn't as a result of a mistake from one person, but Tony had successfully dribbled past about 3 defenders before he slotted the ball into the net.

The Everton players were a little sad as they had been trying to defend there goal since they scored the second goal in the 63rd minute, now they could either defend the draw or be forced to try and get another goal to get the win.


Tony's parents and junior brother were extremely excited as they also shouted in joy and clapped as soon as the goal entered the net.

Tony's father was extremely proud as he beckoned to the man that sat beside him." That's my Son!!" he declared proudly.

Tony's father Mathew Lane was a football fan and a supporter of Man City since he was a young boy growing up. It was an amazing moment for him to watch his Son playing and having an effect on the game, even if it was only the man city youth team.

Like all fathers he wanted the best for his son, but he was aware of the amount of youth players that couldn't make it in football.

But now he could clearly see that his son was really talented and could also be successful from playing football professionally. He continued to clap his hands as the City fans began to repetitively cheer "Come On City!!!"


The game resumed as both teams played with more sense of urgency while the City fans where in top voice cheering on the players.

The match still continued as both teams battled it out to try and win the game. The Everton players were now not solely focused on defending as they also tried to get back the lead as they also tried to look for a chance to score a goal.

While the Man City players except the goalkeeper and a defender were all in the Everton half of the pitch continuously piling up the pressure in other to score a goal or force a mistake from the Everton players.

Three more minutes were added on for stoppages as both teams continued to battle it out for the win.

The players were now getting frustrated and started to mentally prepare for the end of the game. Tony heard Coach Taylor's screaming from the sidelines "Concentrate!! one more push for the final goal" as he repeatedly shouted towards the city players.

Around the 92nd minute Tony was passed the ball from a teammate close to the 18 yard box, there was no space for him to penetrate the box so he attempted to look for a pass to a teammate.

While he was looking for a position to pass the ball to, the defensive midfielder of Everton immediately rushed towards him as he roughly pushed Tony backwards with his hands before he then shot the ball back to the city half.

The referee immediately blew the whistle for a foul as he gave a yellow card to the player. The referee then gave the position for the players to form the wall in the 18 yard box.

The free kick was about 20 yards away from goal and was positioned a little bit to the center. So either a left footer or a right footed player could take it.

The main free kick taker on the pitch for the match was the right winger of the team who was left footed. He stood towards the right side of the ball while Tony went to the left side of the ball.

Tony who was not yet focused on improving or training his free kicks, whispered to the player "You can go on ahead and take the free kick, I will only act as a decoy." the winger nodded as both players concentrated on the ball as they waited for the referee's whistle to give them the go ahead.

After the referee was satisfied with the players behavior and conduct in the box as they occasionally tried to interrupt with the preparations of the opposition team, he signaled for the free kick to be taken.

Immediately after the whistle Tony performed a feint as he ran past the ball to move into the box a little, without touching the ball. This only slightly shaked the focus of the Everton players in the wall as it was normally expected.

The winger then ran up to the ball as he used his left foot to hit the ball towards the top left hand side of the net.

The ball went above the wall of players who had jumped up as it went towards the left hand post. The ball hit the cross bar as it ricocheted off the bar and went back to the players.

Tony who had listened to the pointers from Rose, as she had mind communicated to him on the best position to stay without him being offside.

So he was positioned slightly to were the ball had bounced off the bar and landed to, as he was away from the immediate presence of any Everton. He quickly stretched his right leg a little and calmly hit the ball into the net before the Everton goalkeeper who had dived towards the free kick could recover.

Immediately the ball went into the net a loud cheer rang out from all the players, staffs and Fans of Man City, as they all jumped up and celebrated.

Tony ran towards the corner flag as he removed his shirt and threw it up in celebration. His teammates all rushed and jumped on him as they created a human pyramid with shouts of cheers from them.

This was football! the game that we all love and adore. It was a sport that usually had dramatic moments, but no moment could ever compare to when Sergio Aguero scored a late winner against Qpr to seal the most dramatic premier league title in 2012.

The Everton players and fans were the only ones to be silent as they all stared into space in confusion and sadness at there misfortune.

After a while the Man City players took there time as they slowly walked back to waste time as they returned to there position on the pitch.

Tony picked up his shirt and was happily walking back to the pitch also, when he saw the referee come towards him and issue him a yellow card.

The action only raised a slight boo from the fans as they happily accepted the penalty for taking off his shirt in the heat of the moment when he scored the goal.

Tony couldn't even be bothered by the yellow card as he went back to his half to defend. The whole of the man city players were now defending the ball as they waited for the referee to blow the final whistle.

Everton played with there last strength as they tried to get a chance to make the match more dramatic by scoring a goal. But they couldn't as they could only take a long shot aimed at the post that was easily gathered by the keeper.

The man city goalkeeper took his time before he finally shot the before he finally shot the ball into the Everton half of the pitch.

Before the ball could come down, the referee blew the final whistle to end the match.

The fans and players of man city all jumped up and clapped as they cheered for the man city players.

Please help in writing reviews for the story, this chapter is for those lovely people that have written reviews. Thanks and I really really appreciate.

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