
It seems I've returned (2)

"IS THE LADY alright?" The cup was filled with hot herbal tea.

"I'm worried as the lady had asked for her name yesterday when you woke up so--"

"Don't tell anyone."

"Pardon, Milady?"

"Don't tell anyone that I have asked my name nor yours." She said raising the tea cup. 

"N-not even the Master, the Mistress and Young Master, My Lady?" 

"Of course. I don't want them finding out that I have some stupid memory loss. If I hear anyone speaking those things, I'll find you on the streets then, Pansy McKana."

For a moment, Pansy felt fear. Her Lady accidentally fell into the water while having a both ride with herself and didn't wake up for 48 days until yesterday, who asks about her name, age, where she is, who is her parents, along her handmaiden's name who grew up with her.

Pansy looked at her Lady who was calmly drinking her tea while looking at the garden which have full bloom roses. 

"McKana, can you get the cutter from the gardener? I want those roses to decorate my room." 

"Yes, My Lady."

CHAPTER 2: It seems I've returned (2)


The sound of the cutter was heard. She was calmly cutting the stem of the roses, avoiding to harm her hands from the thorns. 

She knew that Pansy McKana was far from her but was watching her. That might be her job, but if this is the present time then she'll be fit as a secretary but her past secretary did not do such thing. 

Now leaves to, Pansy was being ordered to watch her. Who? Might be the master, the mistress or the young master of the house. Since this is the olden times, she expected that. It's like, the trend.

She's not willing to die ‘unjustly’ like her first life. To die in such poison used to kill an evil person...



Blood was seen cascading from her cut finger. She was cut by one of the rose thorns. She felt a small pain but did not react, but instead she watched it. Until her hand moves to the rose bud and slowly close her hands to fist. 

"Bring those roses in my room with a glass vase, now." She ordered leaving the garden with a stoic face. 

She had crush the poor rose bud, leaving it fall to ground. 

She slam the door shut and continue to walk until she was in the middle of the room. She glance at her bleeding finger with her glowing emerald eyes. 

"Let Thresse Cecelia Ruiz Lobelia hang."

Those words she hear rings inside her head was somehow familiar. But, didn't she died from cyanide poisoning? Why did anyone talked about hanging her? 

She sat on her bed still thinking of all possibilities. 

"Do not make assumptions without proper evidence, that's what my professor taught me Attorney Yeon."

Who would thought that, that doctor was still speaking nonsense after she died as Attorney Yeon and returned to being future Queen Vervain....

"Your Lady is Thresse Cecelia Ruiz Lobelia, daughter of Count Henry and Countess Heather Lobelia. You are currently sixteen years old, you are in Casa Lobelia, you're home. And I'm Pansy McKana, I grew up with you My Lady."

Thanks to that maid, Pansy, she have a valuable piece of information. 

She did remember claiming that she remembers her past life, but it wasn't detailed, all of it was from different times. All scrambled, making her head ache just by remembering each one of those. 

Thresse Cecelia Lobelia, sixteen years old. She wrote those down in an empty notebook she have found in her drawer. The notebook was worn out, seems it has been there for a long time. What a waste of papers. 

She wrote other informations she have known. Like how she will die and that confusing vision she saw earlier. But is it right to be called a vision when she have no magic or mana? 

But what if?

The world she's in is different from all that sky towers and cars, this is a world of fantasy and swords with magic. 

Could she be able to conjure anything?


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