
Flowers bloom, Petals fall

*** Strictly prohibited for kiddos below 18 **** A never-ending fierce battle between the Heaven Realm and Demon God, have made them expand their forces into the mortal world. Heavenly Realm collaborated with Olena, a kind-hearted human being. Demon God collaborated with Aliyah, a cruel human being. The battles developed an entangled relationship between Aliyah and Olena. They get involved in a cycle of reincarnation, mother and daughter relationship.

HL9900 · Fantaisie
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50 Chs

The new appointed minister

It was a windy and cold afternoon. The clouds appeared to block the sun.

In Ningbo inner court, Queen Aliyah introduced to everyone a new high ranking official.

He does not want to use his real identity because the jungle animals do not allow him to leave the jungle. If they found out he becomes minister, they will explode in anger. He came forward to give a bow to everyone and introduced himself, "Nice to meet everyone. My name is Jamal. I look forward to work with all of you."

The ministers do not like him. They frowned but gave him a bow to reciprocate his greeting. Jamal noticed the unfriendly look in them. He knew they were jealous of him and he is trying his best to please them.

During the court meeting, the ministers revealed to Queen Aliyah, " Situation in the country is not so good at the moment, many of the citizens have left the country."

"If they wish to leave, then let it be. What do we loss from their departure?" Queen Aliyah responded. To her, these commoners do not have much money. She does not think of them as important.

The ministers dared not argue back against the queen. The queen imposed a new rule during restructuring, if anyone disagree with her, will be sacked.

Jamal bowed at the queen and spoke out, "If the citizens left the country, the number of taxpayers will be reduced."

All of the ministers gasped in shock when they saw Ahmed responded to the queen. Since the queen has imposed a new rule, anyone who go against her will be sack, none of the ministers dare to refute her.

The queen looked at Jamal and drew in a long breathe. "I agreed. They left anyway. What can we do now?" She asked Jamal.

It was out of their expectation, the queen asked for his opinion instead of bombarding him. They wondered who is this Jamal. A stranger that the queen trusted, willing to listen and she promoted him to become a high ranking official.

"Firstly, the grand marshall instructed the troops to control the border. They must stop the citizens from leaving the country." Jamal responded. The grand marshall gave a blazing gaze towards him.

The queen looked at the Grand Marshall and gave him an instruction, "From now on, close the border."

The grand marshall raised both his hands and clenched them against the queen to acknowledge her instruction, "I will gather the troop to stop the citizens from leaving."

Jamal interrupted, "We can not just close the border. The citizens may not be happy. If the citizens wish to leave, they must visit the local magistrate to apply for a permit to leave the country but they must return to the country within 90 days."

Queen Aliyah nodded and gave an instruction. "Local magistrate needs to interview the citizens. They are not allowed to leave the country. Only approve them a permit to leave if they gave urgent reason."

The ministers looked at one another, pondering and sighed in frustration. Due to a high number of citizens wanted to leave the country, they will have to deal with thousands of interviews daily.

The ministers frowned and whispered to each other.

"What is urgent reason to the queen? If we approve their permit, we are dead. If we don't approve their permit, the citizens will kill us. The number of people who wishes to leave the country is more than the fortress's guards."

"The national treasury doesn't much money now. The queen has taken big portion of it."

Jamal could hear them discussing, he gave a proposal. "Please may give a proposal?"

The queen nodded in agreement and the ministers looked at Jamal, wondering what he kind of proposal he will want to give.

Jamal turned his back to face the ministers. "I am sure all of you heard about the research institute in Shilla. We can establish the same research institute."

Queen Aliyah does not like the idea. "Why should follow their footstep? We should have our own backbone."

The ministers stood frozen, trembled when Queen Aliyah rejected Jamal's proposal. Jamal shifted his gaze at Queen Aliyah, and took out a manuscript. "Your majesty, in this manuscript. I have drafted the plan. You can review the plan and make a decision."

The attendant of Queen Aliyah bent his body slightly and took a few steps towards Jamal. He bowed at him, grabbed the manuscript from him and passed it to the queen.

Queen Aliyah picked up the manuscript from the attendant and rolled open the bamboo manuscript.

In the bamboo manuscript, a calligraphy notes done by Jamal.

"We need to establish a research institute to guide the citizens about earning more money. The more money they earn, the more tax Ningbo will gain. We can make them distribute rolled tobacco."

She laughed loudly, "Jamal, you are intelligent! Why didn't I think about it before? Now, please everyone take note. Jamal will be representing me. Please co-operate with him. He will give instruction so please settle it fast!"

The ministers rolled their eyes toward Jamal. Jamal asked the queen, "I presumed you have given me a full authority."

The queen nodded in agreement. "I love your idea. Please execute your plan immediately. If you need any manpower, you can recruit the ministers. If you need any money, treasury ministers please make sure you give him the amount he asked for."

Jamal requested the treasury minister, "The first thing you should do is to get a building and refurbish them."

"The government is poor because the citizens are poor. We need to teach them how to make money."

"Once you have completed the renovation, please invite the citizens to research institute. We will teach them how to earn more money."

"The queen will personally be there to give them course to teach them how to earn money." He winked at the queen, and she nodded with a smiling face.

The queen looked at the treasury minister, "Please have this research institute to complete by tomorrow!"

The treasury minister gulped. "Your majesty, I am afraid, we cannot complete the renovation in less than one day."

Jamal turned to look at the treasury minister. He asked, "How soon can you complete them? Have you got any building yet?"

The treasury minister shook his head, "Lord, we don't have any building yet. I am afraid we don't have enough fund to buy a building."

Queen Aliyah frowned, sat back and exhaled deeply. "….."

Jamal raised a hand towards the queen, "We don't have to buy building. The citizens can gather at the magistrate's bureau."

The queen smiled and nodded to agree. "Proceed with your idea. Magistrate, please arranged the citizens tomorrow."

Magistrate released a public statement to visit the bureau to meet the queen tomorrow. The citizens are not interested to meet her but when the magistrate announced to them that the queen will be teaching them about earning money, they became interested.

They gathered in the bureau the next day in the afternoon. A palanquin stopped at the front of the bureau. Everyone going down on their knee and greeted Queen Aliyah as she step down, "Long life, your majesty!"

The queen nodded, "Stand up and be comfortable. I am here to guide you on how to boost your wealth."

The citizens initially visit the bureau to attend the interview with the magistrate. They were planning to get a permit to leave the country. After hearing the queen will give them an opportunity to earn money, they became interested. All of them focus on Queen Aliyah, waiting for her to speak.

In the bureau, the queen teaches the girls to be courtesan to perform in the bar. Girl could earn money by singing and dancing in the bar.

The citizens got mad when they wanted the girls to turn into brothels. Looking at the guards, they dared not protest.

"With the growth of the courtesans, there will be more demand on cosmetics, luxury clothes, alcohol. This also gives an opportunity to the carpenter and furniture supply." The queen explained.

"Those who are jobless, can apply for job to work for my farm. I will be paying them good money."

"All of you can distribute rolled tobacco, this will be good income for you."

They do not like the idea and they can't fight back against the queen and it looks like they must oblige.

Many of the men applied to work for the queen in the poppy plantation since the salary is high. Many of them bought the rolled tobacco from the distributors to sell them to the public.

Young women worked in the brothels and earning good income. The queen has proven that she was right, more demand for clothes, food, alcohol, furniture, fabrics.

They noticed they have become wealthy in a short period of times after following the instruction by the queen. Queen Aliyah had noticed the growth in her wealth too.