
Flowers bloom, Petals fall

*** Strictly prohibited for kiddos below 18 **** A never-ending fierce battle between the Heaven Realm and Demon God, have made them expand their forces into the mortal world. Heavenly Realm collaborated with Olena, a kind-hearted human being. Demon God collaborated with Aliyah, a cruel human being. The battles developed an entangled relationship between Aliyah and Olena. They get involved in a cycle of reincarnation, mother and daughter relationship.

HL9900 · Fantaisie
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50 Chs

Spirit of jungle.

Queen Aliyah stared at Jamal with a bewildered expression. "Who is daring person who cursed me?" She asked.

Jamal shrugged and elaborated. "There are many shamans, witches, immortals. It is not easy to find out. I can only see an emblem in the shape of peony flower engraved into your body. Someone who cursed you must have hated you. Do you suspect anyone that would harm you?"

Queen Aliyah smirked, splashed the water in the tub in anger and responded to Jamal, "I am sure you know very well. Every Ningbo citizens is desperate to kill me and wished I am dead."

"You have weird aura in you. Are you a runaway soul?" Jamal asked.

She shook her head, do not understand. "What do you mean by runaway soul?" Queen Aliyah asked.

"Human being has souls, when they died, their body will release their souls. I can see souls; I noticed your body and your soul have a different face. That's how I figured." Jamal responded to Queen Aliyah.

Queen Aliyah kept quiet. It took her mind back to the moment when she was in the Imperial Palace. Melvin captured her soul and she fled.

She got up slowly from the tub and put on her robe. The atmosphere in the chamber is silent. It makes Jamal wondered what the queen is thinking.

"You can trust me. I can help you." Jamal continued to persuade her. "Tell me everything so I can help you."

She revealed to Jamal, "I will let you know my real identity. I was Princess Giselle, the daughter of King Liam from Shilla. My parents performed a ritual to get my soul out from my body. They tried to hurt me, so I ran away and found this body. I think I got memory of my past life. I was queen of Shilla."

"When I was born, there were a lot of snakes, scorpion, spiders and other insects appearing often. I am a black star to them. That's probably why they wanted to get rid of me." Queen Aliyah further elaborated.

Jamal hugged Queen Aliyah from the back, and whispered to her. "Nothing will change my love for you."

Queen Aliyah turned her head slightly. "What am I supposed to do now?"

"You are in danger. The immortal is trying to destroy you. I know a demon god. She is the only one who can help you." Jamal responded to Queen Aliyah.

She turned her back to look at him, "I have revealed to you about my real identity. It's time for you to reveal your identity."

His eyes looked towards the door of the chamber. When he sees nobody is around, "My real name is Ahmed. I am the son of Mother Nature. My mother abandoned me. I was brought up by the demon god and the jungle animals."

"I am actually an immortal but I have good relationship with the demon god. She thought me about witchcraft. When the heavenly realm realized that I have been practicing witchcraft, Jade emperor banished me into an isolated cave and turned me into goblin."

"Why do you use the name Jamal?" She asked.

"I wanted to be your lover! I found out your first love is King Jamal. Perhaps, using a name Jamal, may help me to get your attention." He replied and chuckled. "Actually, It was me who send the snakes, scorpion, spiders to come visit you. The demon god told me you will be my future wife! "

"Alright, we shall proceed with the ritual. Please get rid of the peony curse in me." Queen Aliyah responded.

Jamal moved his hand towards his waist to grab a pouch dangling on his belt. He took out a necklace from the pouch. "This necklace of fang got a name - the spirit of jungle. These fangs will give you an ultimate protection. Ghosts are fear of these and this necklace can block someone from casting a spell on you."

"In this necklace, it has fang of the lion king, fang of tiger king, fang of hyena queen, fang of the wolf queen and fang of leopard king."

Her eyes glanced through the necklace. As she tried to put on the necklace, she felt a burning sensation within her body. Unintentionally, she threw the necklace to the floor. "This is making me painful. My body is burning!" She screamed.

Jamal bent over to pick up the necklace from the floor. He walked towards Queen Aliyah and put his head on her head. Jamal began to read out a mantra from his heart to ease her pain.

He explained to Queen Aliyah, "Now, please bear a bit of pain. I will get rid of the peony flower in you."

He continued to read a mantra. "The peony pest." While he is chanting, a swamp of insects crawled into Queen Aliyah's chamber and slowly crawled on her body.

She gasped in shock when she saw a huge number of insects coming towards her, felt disgusted, and screamed. "What are these insects all about?"

Jamal did not respond to her. Instead, he put her to sleep. Now, her eyes are closed, but she is sweating. The insects stinging peony flower on her shoulder.

When Jamal noticed the peony flower emblem is gone from her shoulder, but her shoulder has a lot of insect bites mark. Jamal uses magical power to heal the scar and make her skin in her shoulder to be delicate again.

He woke her up and inform her, "The pests have destroyed the peony flower."

He rubbed the bead of sweats on Queen Aliyah's face with a hanker chief.

She inhaled a deep breath and walked towards the tub to soak herself in the tub again.

In Imperial Palace of Shilla, Princess Giselle is crying very loudly.

After Jamal destroyed the peony flower, Princess Giselle is crying extremely loud. Olena felt dizzy and collapsed to the ground.

The attendant carried Olena to her chamber. Wet nurse carried Princess Giselle and escort Olena to the chamber. The attendant gently put Olena to her bed and the wet nurse put Princess Giselle to the crib.

Queen Ariel instructed the attendants and the wet nurse to leave the chamber.

Master Woon looked at Olena, "Someone had destroyed the peony flower emblem in Princess Giselle. Now Aliyah has become stronger than ever."

Mori and Farah looked at Master Woon. "Peony flower?"

Master Woon explained, "When Princess Giselle was born, the jade emperor gave Olena a mould. Olena uses the mould to engrave a peony flower into Princess Giselle. With this peony flower, Olena can trace the location of Queen Aliyah and put her to sleep."

"The peony flower was connected to Olena's soul. Since the peony flower was broken, Olena is feeling painful because it injured her soul."

"Princess Giselle body belong to Queen Aliyah. She can feel the pain too."

"The demon god has emerged and now, the demon god has found Queen Aliyah!"

Master Woon shook his head in grief. Farah quickly ran to meet King Liam to inform him about what Master Woon just told them.

In the Ningbo Grand Palace, Jamal helped Queen Aliyah brush her hair. "You know, you are not a black star. The demon god has predicted that you are a lucky star for me. Having you, it will boost my power. If the jade emperor and underworld lord knew you are with me, they will definitely will want to destroy you."

"Can you fight against the jade emperor and underworld lord?" Queen Aliyah asked. She knew the immortal can kill her easily, her face drawn worries.

Jamal holds Queen Aliyah's hand "Follow me." They travelled to the building where the first met. He took her to a dungeon. He pointed at the door of the dungeon. "This door is connected to a jungle. It has a shield. Jade emperor and the underworld lord will not be able to trace us here."

Queen Aliyah giggled. "You wanted me to live in the jungle?" She does not feel comfortable at all.

Jamal nodded, "This is a mystical jungle. Animals are giving me blessing. Elephant blessed me with strength, Leopard blessed me with speed, hyena blessed me with power to weaken the enemies, the snakes blessed me power with their venoms to give me poison. "

She furrowed her eyebrows and shook her head. "I can't believe I have to stay in this jungle."

"This is just a temporary hideout place for us." Jamal told her and carried her to a tree house. "I will bring you back to the palace in the day time."

She agreed with him even though she dislike it in the jungle. She walked out from the tree house and saw three people looking at her. It was Moa, Luffa, and Rachel. They looked at Ahmed (Jamal) from the treehouse opposite them. They do not like her. She gave a bad impression, unfriendly, snobbish, and looked like a jinx that will bring bad luck to the jungle.