
Flowers bloom, Petals fall

*** Strictly prohibited for kiddos below 18 **** A never-ending fierce battle between the Heaven Realm and Demon God, have made them expand their forces into the mortal world. Heavenly Realm collaborated with Olena, a kind-hearted human being. Demon God collaborated with Aliyah, a cruel human being. The battles developed an entangled relationship between Aliyah and Olena. They get involved in a cycle of reincarnation, mother and daughter relationship.

HL9900 · Fantaisie
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50 Chs

Body Swapped.

Royal Consort Mariot gasped in shock. It astonished her to see Prince Liam is still alive. She hugged him tightly and burst into happy tears. Royal Consort Mariot clasping her hands in a praying gesture, "No words can't describe how grateful I am. Thank you, God."

Olena can see the intangible soul of Prince Liam lingering in front of her. He touched his human's body. She felt the icy breeze caress her when he touched her.

His eyes were twinkling, bewildered, "Your soul has just transmigrated into my body."

Olena stood up immediately from the bed. She walked to the mirror and saw Prince Liam's reflection, "Yikes."

Royal Consort Mariot grins, "yes, you are still alive."

She realized she is in Prince Liam's body, and she is not comfortable. Closed her eyes and pushed very hard to release her soul out from the body, but she farted instead. The moment she farted, she blushed.

She remembered falling into a well, barged out of the room, and walking toward the cold palace.

It confused the royal consort and the courtiers. They followed him wherever he may go.

"Your highness! Where are you going?"

She finds herself stranded in the enormous Imperial Palace. She has no clue how to get there. They were walking up and down, leading her to nowhere.

Olena turned her head and saw many courtiers, the royal consort, and Prince Liam. They were standing behind. Looking at her, wondering what she was doing.

She pulled the eunuch over, "Where is the cold palace?"

The eunuch tilted his head, "Your highest, the king has prohibited everyone from visiting the cold palace. Why do you need to go there?"

Royal Consort Mariot seeing Prince Liam in despair, "Lead him to the cold palace".

The eunuch frowned, nodded his head and led the way to the cold palace.

In the cold palace, Olena rushes to the well and looks beneath. She can see her lifeless body lying on the ground. She pointed at the well and instructed the courtiers, "There is a body inside the well. Please lift the body".

It shocks everybody on the spot to discover a body in the well, "Why is there a body in here?".

The courtier rushes to get a ladder. A few of the palace guards went down into the bottom of the well.

Royal Consort Mariot perplexed about the situation. She keeps persuading Prince Liam to get more rest and let the courtiers handle the body. Olena ignored.

Olena is watching them carrying and lifting the lifeless body out from the well. They gently put her down to the ground, looking at each other, and wondering if anyone knows her.

They were discussing the maiden's identity. Judging from her gown, she must be a guest that attended the banquet. They wondered how she fell into the well, and how Prince Liam found out the body in the well.

In the middle of their discussions, Olena speaks out, "She is the daughter of the prime minister".

Considering that she has a noble status, Prince Liam's eunuch says, "I will request a physician to attend to her."

Prince Liam walks toward the human body of Olena laying on the ground. He squats down next to the body. Looked at her pale face, and her dress was soaking wet with some bloodstains.

Prince Liam's soul touches the human body of Olena. His soul transmigrated into her body as soon as he touched her face. His eyes flashed open and coughed.

Everyone jumps when they see the human body of Olena is awake. Prince Liam stood up, walking totteringly toward a wooden pail containing water. He looks at the reflection in the water and sees Olena. He realized he possessed the body of Olena.

They both stared at each other. Prince Liam's intangible soul has transmigrated into her body. She has transmigrated into his body. Now their bodies have swapped!

The grim reaper has been searching for them and has reached the palace. The radar in him blinked when it sensed their souls nearby. Now he found them!

It has come to his attention that both of them have transmigrated into each other's bodies. He could not capture a soul that he possessed into a human body. He sighed, "Gah! Too late! I need to inform the underworld lord". He shakes his head and vanishes from the palace.

After connecting his soul into the human body, his body warms up.

In the traumatized human body of Olena, it fills his body with great pain. He felt dizzy. Olena noticed that Prince Liam is struggling to move. She gets closer to him and holds his arm to help him walk stably towards the chamber of Prince Liam.

The royal consort concerned about Prince Liam. He is acting strange. The past few days, Royal Consort Mariot suspecting Queen Aliyah is the culprit who harmed her son to death, but now, she witnesses two corpses become alive. It is a strange phenomenon.

Royal Consort Mariot asked Olena, "What happened to the two of you?"

Olena insisted she is fine! "I need a private moment with this young lady here."

Royal consort left them alone to give them privacy and whispered to herself, "The moment he woke up, he never asked about his mother, but a woman? Anyway, who is this girl?" She raised her eyebrows. Curious, but couldn't care much now seeing that her son is still alive, she is more than satisfied.

Olena wanted to go home, but her parents will not believe it if she tells them that her body has swapped with Prince Liam. Besides, she has been away from home for long hours. Her parents probably will worry.

Olena felt the urge to pee and got annoyed. She will have to look into the body of Prince Liam while showering and peeing. She tried to hold herself from peeing.

As soon as the royal consort left the room, Olena looks askance at Prince Liam and says,

"I wanted to go home. My parents are expecting me home after the royal banquet. I am sure they are wondering where I am now. I can't go home with this appearance, and the king will not allow you to be staying in the palace. You need to go to my manor, stay there, and pretend to be me."

Prince Liam asked Olena, "I agree, but where do you stay, and how do I get there?"

It doesn't occur to her that Prince Liam does not know where she lives, he also may not recognize both her parents, but she goes with the flow,

"I will request the servant to send a message to my father. He can arrange a carriage to pick me up from the palace." In a very soft voice, she continues, "but right now... I felt the urge to pee."

Prince Liam felt embarrassed, "Just go ahead. Do what you should do". He shows her the way to the chamber pot.

While she is peeing from Prince Liam's body, she has a wild imagination. She covers her face with both her palms whispered to herself, "He will need to shower... He will also need to pee from my body. Grrr!"

Olena summons Prince Liam's servant and gave him an instruction,

"Please go to the prime minister's manor to inform him that his daughter is now in the imperial palace. Let them know she has injured herself, and the imperial physician is looking after her. She can go home anytime now. Request him to send a carriage to pick her up from the palace."

The servant hastens to the Prime minister's manor. Upon arrival, he conveyed the message to the prime minister,

"I am Prince Liam's servant. I came to inform you about your daughter. She got injured and is now in Prince Liam's palace. Please send a carriage to Prince Liam's palace to pick her up."

The prime minister got puzzled. He asked the servant, "How did she get hurt?"

The servant replied, "I am sorry, Sir. I do not know what happened. Prince Liam instructed me here to convey his message."

Without wasting more time, he instructed his servants to follow Prince Liam's servant back to the palace to bring Olena home.

The prime minister's carriage has arrived at the palace. Olena follows Prince Liam to the carriage and tells Prince Liam, "We can pretend we got amnesia. I will drop by to visit you tomorrow. We discuss further when we meet tomorrow."

Prince Liam reaches the prime minister's manor.

The prime minister and his wife rushed toward her, "How did you fall? Are you feeling better now?"

Prince Liam baffled as he saw the prime minister and his wife. He could not recognize them, "Who are you?"

The prime minister and his wife were panicking to learn that she doesn't recognize them. They quickly instructed the servant, "Get a physician over, fast!"

The servant carries the body of Olena slowly towards her chamber and gently puts her down on her bed.

The physician has arrived. He checked her pulses, checked her pupil, and informed the Prime minister she is fine!