
Flow with the Water

The main character Jin finds his life boring after repeating the cycle of waking up and working. At work, he goes to the restroom accidentally hits his head on the sink, and finds himself in the middle of nowhere with only snow and an ice lake around him. Meeting an unknown creature to identify where he is he finds himself in the world of Avatar: The Last Airbender. Follow him on his journey to find something exciting in life. (AN) Hello, this is my first time writing a story so I might suck at stuff like explanations. I’m already lamenting this synopsis and how bad it is. So if you have found any bad stuff about it tell me about it. Also, give me constructive criticism, not some random crap. Thanks for reading the synopsis at least if the story intrigued you, add it to your library. I don't have a schedule of when I'll update so I'll update when I feel like it.

NuclearHeart · Urbain
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7 Chs

Chapter 7

Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction based on multiple existing media. The characters and settings used in this story belong to their respective owners and creators, and no copyright infringement is intended. This story is purely for entertainment purposes and is not intended to infringe upon any existing intellectual property. I do not own any of the original works that inspired this fan fiction.

In the middle of the vast snow and a small lake, we could see two young men lying down on the cold snow. One of the two young men was knocked out cold, while the other was starting to get rid of his exhaustion from the fight.

'Alright, I've rested enough. Let's take Jin to the healers.' Akita launched himself back onto his feet. Looking at the battlescene, all he saw was water everywhere. 'Jin could grow to a fearsome opponent to anybody if he's given the time to grow. After all, he accomplished to fight against me for a while just through his water bending.'

After contemplating the fight and seeing what both he and Jin did wrong he carried Jin on his back and walked all the way back to the tribe.

Once they arrived at the healer's tent, Akita just barged into the tent. As Akita put Jin on an empty bed, he screamed out to his Aunt. "Hey Auntie, can you treat this guy. We kind of got in a bit of a heated spar." An old woman rapidly came out of the depths of the tent. The old woman was the aunt of Akita even though they don't look alike.

"Ay Aki, you couldnt stop sparing with the others could you. When will you stop and help me heal others and learn from the mistakes of the past." Akita's aunt had a look of disappointment, however when she talked about the past her eyes filled a little. She soon recovered though and continued to chastise Akita.

"Auntie! You know why I'm doing this. Its because of the past that I'm trying to grow stronger and meet new opponents." At this sentence his demeanor quickly started to become more mellow. He pointed at Jin who was laying there sleeping on the bed. "This guy is the only water bender we've seen since a long time. It would be valuable combat experience for the both of us."

"Alright sure, just know that whenever you want to quit you can join and truly help the people." After saying this Akita's Aunt turned her back on Akita and started to apply healing ointments to Jin.

Seeing his aunt starting the healing process he was all too familiar with, he walked out of the tent and headed to somewhere he would always go to in these situations, the training grounds.

—A small tiny itty witty timeskip—

Jin sturred awake from his beauty sleep having lost all of his memories of the knockout for a bit. Suddenly, he realized that he got socked hard on the face. 'Man, first fight and I lost it. Welp, I wasn't confident I was gonna win. It was like some random guy on the street challenged Mike Tyson to a fight because he had a super long stick he found in the park. The stick might distract Tyson but it won't make him lose the fight.'

After contemplating his loss for a bit, Jin sat up on the bed which quickly made him aware of his aching muscles, especially the neck. He looked around the room and saw an old granny sitting at a desk seemingly focused on some drawings.

The granny let out a sigh and looked around the room for a bit and finally noticed that Jin was awake. "Hmm, so you're awake." Seeing Jin awake she was a little surprised. 'Usually the people Akita fight last way longer asleep. So he's losing his edge.' Stirring out of her thoughts she focused on Jin again. "Anyways, you're free to leave you're all healed up." She got up and headed towards the kitchen to make some food for herself since it was late at night.

Given permission to get out of bed and heal at home, Jin got up and started to head towards the entrance. On the way, he saw that the lady left the drawing she was staring at for a while. 'What's this?' Trying to not be nosy he just gave a brief glance. From the quick glance all he saw was a young mother that was pregnant and a man standing next to her. He also saw the old lady in the drawing but she was younger. 'She still looks old though.' Seeing nothing of interest Jin decided to head home. However, if Jin had decided to focus on the man a bit more he would have seen that the man looked similar to Akita.

Heading home Jin started to ponder on how to develop his waterbending into an actual weapon instead of something that just shoots water bullets.

'I need to find out a fighting style or something. I need to spend time just going outside and seeing what moves most favorably controls the flow of water. I also need to develop different tricks other than just pulling out a gun. Once I develop a better control of the water I could start trying the different sub elements.'

Finishing his thoughts, Jin finally arrived to the tent. Opening the door he was met with Kya and Hakoda kissing each other. 'Man, I need to get a house.'

Hearing the door open, Hakoda and Kya turn around and see Jin looking at them with those lifeless eyes. Ignoring the fish eyes look, Hakoda developed a gleeful smile. "I have some good news. Kya is pregnant!"

'That's crazy.' Seeing the couple start to get lovey dovey again Jin started to leave the room. 'Wait, doesn't that mean Sokka is about to be born?' A grin started to develop on his face. 'So things are about to get excited.'


Hello again, sorry for not posting in a while because of (insert excuse). So yeah that's what happened. But actually I'm starting to admire those authors that crank out daily chapters with like 2k words in them. I even saw one author post two chapters everyday. That's crazy.

Well one day I hope I don't become like that because this is mainly for my own enjoyment.

Anyways, I was thinking about Romance since one of you guys commented it down (thanks for asking) but I don't think I would do it. For like three reasons.

First, most of the girls are underage. Even if I do age them up it feels wrong so I won't do it. Especially when the main cast is barely being born. That's actually crazy.

Second, I don't know enough female characters from the show. Most of them are little kids, teenagers (under 18), or are married. I don't want to introduce other characters from different medias because that would complicate the story because I have to account for her background and feelings and personality and all that. It would be even wierder if you just suddenly saw Josuke Higashikata in a random street. This one can be fixed if you guys post pictures or something down in this paragraph or something.

Third of all, I don't know how to write romance. As being an eternal romance the most female interaction I've had is with my mother and sister. I fear women (this is a joke). It's mostly because I don't know how to write romance. Since this is my first book romance is going to be weird with me having to write:

*As Jin grew closer to Shrek's lips, he felt an unwavering love for him as he started to remember all the fond memories they shared. The one time where they burnt an orphanage, committed tax evasion together, and finally the moment they did the deed.*

No way. I'm not writing those scenes until I either become experienced with books or I somehow become Johnny Bravo.

Well that ends my wrant. Thanks for reading this chapter especially to Daoist for reading so far. Don't think I don't see your comments and questions.

Anyways, thanks for everything guys see you next chapter. Byeeeee