

What will you do if the guy you’ve been talking to on social media happens to be the most popular guy in uni? Will you stay and get to know him a little more, or will you run for the hills, like a scared little mouse running away from its predator? But the real question is, can you stay away?

Lucidbunny · Célébrités
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41 Chs

Chapter XIII

The past few days have been hell for you. When you told Sehun that you won't let him touch you for a week, you really didn't let him, but what frustrated you is the fact that he didn't try either.

The first two days he was exasperated, and you actually saw him sulking over it. It was kinda silly, imagine a big guy like him pouting and acting all cute towards you just for you to give him what he wants. It's so funny how something so petty had brought up a different side of him.

"Don't you want me anymore baby?"

You remember him asking you after you stopped laughing. His eyes were pleading and it almost made you wanna take back what you said. But then he suddenly did this stupid expression, and you were left stunned. You don't really know what to make of that.

You witnessed how he closed his eyes and pouted his lips for the very first time that day. It looks like you stole candy from him, and all he can do is whine incessantly like a little puppy.

Aside from the fact that he looks like a 6-foot-tall overgrown kid, with toned muscles and prominent adams apple that you love so much, he looks rather…cute.

You don't know what it is about that small gesture, but you find it really adorable. You never liked it when guys try to act cute. Heck! Even seeing a girl do it makes you cringe, but with Sehun, it was totally different.

The way his full brows furrow while his eyes are shut and his plump lips look a lot plumper than usual, made you wanna kiss him. And you don't know why, but this urge to bite those soft lips just rushed into you. You wanna see his pink lips turn a shade darker by your advances, and maybe, just maybe, you want him to feel a lot more frustrated than he already is. It took a lot of will power and restraint from you to keep yourself from doing the act, because you know that once you do it, he will not take your threat seriously.

You let out a wheeze of air. That little scheme you did to him backfired, and it hit you like a bitch.

If you only knew that he��d actually hold himself back, then you wouldn't have said that to him. Truth of the matter is, you didn't actually mean it. You just felt livid about the fact that he shamelessly, and carelessly told his friend, who happens to also be a friend of yours, and mind you, your temporary boss for the summer, that you two slept together.

He did try to appease you by telling you that he didn't tell Baekhyun anything. He said that, that's the only thing he said to him, and whatever he imagined about his statement is completely his friend's fault.

Like that would've made you feel better.

You don't expect anyone, the least Baekhyun, to think that you did anything other than that.

You remember how he told you that he asked Baekhyun to give the two of you three days off from work because of that certain activity, and you thought he was only joking, and yet he wasn't.

As you sit down inside his car, you think about the past few days and how dramatically the tables have been turned. You look at Sehun as he focuses his eyes on the road. You were gonna drown your eyes with the sight of him, but you noticed that he took another detour.

"This isn't the way to work." You said.

"Babe I told you, hyung gave us three days off."

"Where are we going then?"

"You'll see…"

Today, the two of you went on a road trip. He just drove around the city, stopping at random places that you two found interesting.

"Let's take a picture together." He says, when you stop by the beach, his eyes smiling.

"If you don't want your camera to crack, then we best not do that." You joke around.

You were never comfortable taking pictures of yourself, mostly because when you do, you look like crap, and taking a picture next to someone as gorgeous as him can be a bit…daunting.

"Babe, I know you're beautiful, but I think my camera can handle how gorgeous my girlfriend is." He smiled and you couldn't stop yourself from blushing.

"Now come, I want to save the memory of our first date in photographs."

"That's not what I meant." You mumble.

"I know sweetheart, but please?"

Sehun had the audacity to do that pout thing again, and you instantly, and foolishly gave in to his request.

"Sit here babe." Sehun pats his lap, gesturing for you to sit there.

You heave a sigh. You were never a fan of those cheesy things that couples do in public, especially now when he had asked someone to take photos of the both of you.

"Sehun...don't we have enough pictures already?"

You look at the girl he had asked to take the pictures, and you witness her blushing, while she stares at your boyfriend. You can't really blame her, Sehun looks really attractive with his plain navy blue V-neck shirt, and his ripped jeans hugging his long legs. The way the wind messily tousled his brown hair, making his fringe cover his forehead, made him look a lot more attractive than he already is. It was such an agonizing sight. It hurts to see someone so beautiful such as him. Sehun has little to no clue how he can make your heart dance wildly against your chest, or how there are little jolts of electricity running about your entire body, it was crazy.

Sehun's hair and the wind? It's a lethal combination.

In all fairness, he could wear a sack, and he will still look gorgeous in it.

"Fine. But one last shot okay?" He complies as he pats his lap again.

You heave another sigh as you stand up from the bench to sit on his lap. If you want this "photoshoot" to be over, then you best give him what he wants.

As you sit down on his lap, his one arm wrapped around your waist like a vise. You lean your head on his shoulder, and you witness how the girl's hands shake a little as she readies the camera.

"Oh wait. What is that?" You hear the male say all of a sudden.

Little did you know that Sehun is looking at you, his face only inches away from yours. You thought that maybe there was something stuck on your hair, which is a possibility, since it's very windy at the beach, but when you turn your head towards him, curious at his words, you didn't know what to make of his little stunt.

"What's wha-"

Instantly, your words were cut off. He moves his face closer, and it all happened so fast, that you didn't even know how to react.

He kissed you right on the lips, and shocked isn't even enough to describe what you're feeling.

Your eyes dilated at his actions. You notice how his eyes are closed shut, and as he moves those soft lips against yours, you can feel little sparks consuming your body. When you feel his hands against your nape while he slowly strokes them upwards, running it through your locks, you slowly close your eyes.

t is a very simple and sensual kiss. Just his lips moving against yours, no tongue, no nothing else, but it made the butterflies in your stomach go crazy. When you start to kiss him back, you can feel his lips forming to that of a smile, and he removes his lips from yours, leaving you wanting more.


He smiles softly at you, his lips twisted to the side, wearing that godawful smirk of his, yet his eyes look so content, and he was rather captivating.

"Did you get that love?"

He turns his attention to the shaking girl, and all she could do is nod her head. Sehun must be on a roll today, because he gave the poor girl a playful wink, and you know firsthand how deadly those winks can be.

This scheming bastard must've planned that kiss. It is mortifying because the beach is packed with a lot of people, and he practically gave the girl a show.

You hit his chest not-so-gently, then you borrow your face on it, hiding yourself from the people, particularly from the girl who took the shot of the two of you kissing in public.

You feel so embarrassed, but as you hear him chuckling, and as you feel the vibrations against your body from his laughter, you couldn't help but smile.

When you finally feel the embarrassment subside, you look at his face, and he looks so...happy.

You realize that you are too. You've never been happier, and it's all because of this man. This wonderful and amazing man. And he's yours, he's all yours.

"Thanks love, you're a doll."

Sehun thanked the blushing girl, then the two of you walked to his car and went inside.

"Where to now sweetheart?"

"Home?" You say as you yawn. "I'm a little tired."

You spent the entire day with him, and it is a very romantic and fun experience. You thought he would bring you to somewhere fancy, or maybe have your first date at an amusement park, but he didn't, and you prefer this more than anything.

"Okay, but let's have dinner first." He says as he puts your seatbelt on you and then puts his own.

His little gestures never fail to put a smile on your face. It was very sweet of him, but then again, anything he does for you, you cherish it with all your heart.

"I know this really great restaurant with amazing food."

"Restaurant?" You ask and he nods his head.

"You're not gonna cook for me anymore?"

You hold his hand and caress the adhesive bandage that is placed smoothly around his pointer finger.

"No." He scoffs as he sees you with a teasing smile.


Your smile grew wider and he did that stupid pout again that made your heart beat erratically.

"Well you see, I have a girlfriend." He says all of a sudden.

"Um hmm?"

"Yeah. She's very lovely, but..."

"There's a but?" You ask.

"But." He smiled.

"She banned me from having sex with her for a week." He complained.

You watch as he looks at you, scanning your body while he licks his lips in a very sexy manner.

"And if I can't have her for dinner." He continues, his eyes now boarding into yours.

"Then I might as well appease this…hunger with delicious food."

You gulp as you hear his low voice. He said every word so smoothly, and it makes you feel hot all over. The way he's looking at you like he wants to eat you has automatically made you bite your lower lip.

"Your girlfriend must be out of her mind for making you do that." You said when you finally found your voice.

Sehun couldn't help but to smirk smugly at you. He knows that you can feel the frustration, and as much as he wants to convince you to stop the no-sex nonsense, he also wants to let you know that he's not with you just for sex, but he is with you because of you.

Sehun wants you, mind, body and soul. He wants to take everything you've got and everything you are, and in return, he wants you to feel the same way. He wants you to give yourself fully to him, and he will do everything in his power to make that happen, just as long as you'll have him. That's how much he likes you. Maybe his feelings for you are more than that. Maybe it is more than just a mere liking.

"No, she's not." He smiles at you tenderly.

"She's very...charming." He continued.

"And if she doesn't wanna have sex with me for a week, then I'll give her that. Even if it means that I have to control myself more around her."

"Well…" You clear your throat.

"She must be very lucky to have a caring boyfriend such as yourself."

The male chuckles, his adams apple bobbing from the act, and he looks so very tempting. You feel this urge to kiss him and take him right there inside this car.

"Lucky?" He scoffs.

"I don't think she'll consider herself lucky once that one week ban is over." He smiles slyly.

You gulp as you watch him remove his seatbelt. He moves closer to you, and then brushes his nose against your cheek as he whispers very sensually against your ear.

"Because I will show her how bad of an idea it is to contain me."

You can feel his lips moving towards the sensitive skin of your ear, and you whimper as his teeth start to nibble on it.

"You wanna know why it's a bad idea sweetheart?"

You roll your fist in a ball as you clutch the hem of your shirt. Sehun sounds so provocative, so seductive and you can feel your knees shaking just by hearing his words.

"W-why?" You stutter.

His hands brush against your locks, while his lips give the side of your neck soft little kisses.

"Because I'm going to fuck her."

He said, making you gasp.

"And I will not stop, even if she begs me to."

Aaahhhhhhhh!!!!! How the hell did sweet, caring Sehun turn into a sexy beast? Haha.

Literally am crying rn hahaha

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