Flesh is weak I have always known that. Logic metal and steel are strength. They are right in how you must embrace the strength and certainty of steel. I need that more than ever because I'm now in a world that is out of my league. I have new enemies that hate me and who I am. I am stuck here in a place that isn't hope. Forever now till whatever end. Sort of a self-insert set in a massively AU DxD universe.
Reach for steel. Crafted by the Omnissiah, who is man and machine made one.
Maéva continued her work and enjoyed how the hands made her life easier. She was cooking in the kitchen when Issari showed up around mid-afternoon along with Akeno and Kiba. Both looked wide-eyed at the mechadendrites and how they moved seamlessly for Maéva. Issari smiled there and asked.
"You done hiding things, Gregor-kun?"
Kiba watched the hands, his eyes continually following them. Akeno looked at them and then grinned sadistic while watching Issari, and I shrugged.
"Yes to most. If I'm going to be what you and she call me, then I need to stop hiding. I want to hunt today, and while I still hurt a bit, it's better than yesterday. You practiced with your thing?"
The two younger devils looked confused, but Issari nodded.
"I have and its weird. I cut myself by accident, and my mom ran to get bandages. By the time she got back, I was healed. You are good at spotting us."
That was the eventual story we agreed on that I could spot other perpetuals. Akeno widened her eyes at Issari. She was in pure shock and then extremely happy as she ran to Issari. She twirled the pervert around, burying Issari in her chest, which made the pervert's life wonderful. Kiba just kept watching the hands, and that was when Rias finally arrived. She froze at seeing the mechadendrites, watching them move before her eyes looked at me, begging for a pair. I chuckled and nodded my head there. Rias squeals, and then she charges towards me, beaming, and I stop her from kissing my cheek.
"Not till I break it. Then, I will do the deed properly."
Rias looked at me with disappointment before her eyes focused again on the mechadendrites. Akeno finally set Issari down, and the pervert was drooling openly, getting fufufuing. I then led Rias and the others down the stairs. Once there, I summoned my anvil, and Kiba watched in wide eye shock. I then swing and make MIUs. The drain from the gear is no longer as strenuous. I then help apply the MIUs to Issari and Rias. Issari eeped when it burrowed into her, while Rias only whimpered softly. Kiba was watching in shock still. Akeno asked what I was doing, and I continued to explain while making the packs.
Once they are made, I help apply them to Rias and Issari. Kiba watched with more interest now, and Akeno begged for a pack. I agreed and warned her not to shock herself, channeling lightning into them. Kiba asked finally after just watching.
"This gear is completely unknown. What the hell is it?"
I smiled and answered.
"I'm calling it the Standard Template Constructor or STC. I think it's completely new gear. I imagine something, and I can make it. I have ideas, and I believe they can do a lot of good."
Rias played with her arms, as did Issari. I quickly make Akeno her arms and MIU. Kiba watched that, and then I made Rias a Macabian dueling sword. Then I make myself and Issari one. I hand the swords out and Rias takes it and I smiled there.
"I promised to teach you, Ria. Now show me what you know. I'm sure Kiba can help, too."
Rias smiled so brightly and beautifully as I felt another brick there. Kiba was ecstatic to see his king happy as he and I slowly work getting Rias into a very sloppy stance, but Kiba said it's actually not bad. When Rias is settled, I show her the beginning of a sword style taught on Terra for nobles. Kiba watched that, and he smiled. Rias was taking to it fast. Maéva came down with her mechadendrites still out, and she asked what I would like for dinner eventually.
Fish was the reply, and Maéva beamed, promising she knew a delicious fish recipe. I plan to hang out with Kuroka tonight. Rias is setting into her footwork, as I and Kiba keep helping her. Kiba asked.
"Your main weapon, Gregor. What is it?"
I pulled my axe after putting my sword in the armory while Rias continued practicing. I showed Kiba the axe, and he didn't like it immediately.
"That's a barbaric weapon with no honor."
Rias was about to get pissed for me, but I shook my head.
"Honor is for ratings games and dueling. War is barbaric and is hell. There, you must be ready to do anything to win. I want to live."
Kiba doesn't like it still.
"Perhaps. Your axe also contains a bit of that spirit. It tells me I am wrong to criticize it because this weapon helped deliver justice for it and more. It says it was not given a chance to plead for its life why should the beings you fight be given that? Your spirit is bloodthirsty."
I remember Tsuda and her body. I get mad for her and say to Kiba in a small voice as she tells me what the beast said to her.
"The reason she's that way is because she was dragged underground by a rapist that loved kidnapping people. He said to her that prey should accept the predator and never fight back against them. He took her when she was out getting milk for her brother's kids. He, after he was done, gutted her and stuffed her dying body in a maintenance closet. He watched her eyes go dim, smiling down on her. Her last thought was of her husband, who would break down hearing her disappearance. She has every right to be bloodthirsty."
Kiba paled as he looked at the axe again. Tsuda activated the axe, making it roar for a second. Akeno and Rias watched that immediately. Issari shrugged, used to Tsuda and her ways.
"My sword has one, too, now. The spirit said it would stand with me because the ninja did cruel things to him before he died. It's why I am more insistent on calling you; I understand. He calls you that, too. I will slap you every time you dishonor those who choose this."
Rias and Akeno are watching us now in shock. Kiba showed that he was shaken as Issari stared me down.
"You are that truly. You give them justice they don't get from normal hunters because they usually only care for cash and go after easy prey. We go after the ones who hurt others without hesitation. They will have that now because you are the Omnissiah. Accept that, or else I'll take your arms with my sword."
The way she said that means she will do it. Her brown eyes are hard, and I hear Tsuda tell me she has told the other spirit of me. How I am the one who brings the sun to the world. The other spirit chimes in now, saying he is not afraid to help Issari hurt me despite being the Omnissiah. The ninja had stabbed him a million times with the sai and tortured him. He wants to make me know that I am a hero, and though I didn't kill them, I made the tools of his justice. Akeno was now more interested. As was Rias. Kiba just looked at me with both shame and admiration now.
"I won't judge. Tell me why the spirits insist you are that word. Omnissiah, what does that mean?"
Akeno barged in there.
"Why does your deity not hurt devils, Lex? He's real because I can feel him and his divinity. All deities hate us because we are unnatural in their eyes. I have never heard of him either. New gods don't just form."
I can't explain the warp to them easily, but I have to be braver than before. I need to start trusting people again. Issari doesn't say anything as I start.
"The gods are interconnected to us humans, yes?"
Akeno frowned, as did Kiba. Rias shows her brain here, and oh, it's hot.
"They are. The entire supernatural world is like that, though. We depend on humans entirely in many areas. What does that have to do with it, tho?"
I started.
"Everything. Are there multiple dimensions?"
They are not getting it. Issari again stayed silent while flexing her mechadendrites. Rias got a strange look in her eye before she confirmed it.
"There are. What are you getting at Gregor-kun?"
Their eyes watched me as I held Tsuda.
"When I died in the crash, I think I entered something like that. I saw multiple realms and was not dragged towards any of them. Something looked at me in the void I fell into, and then it focused on me. It was a sliver with no definite shape, and it continued to watch as I was dragged down again. I didn't remember that when I returned. Yet I slowly started feeling weird as the weeks passed, as if something was following me. I don't know what till I uttered my made-up name for the deity, and then I felt the watch grow stronger. I did things, and it grew. It evolved, and I think it formed into my deity. It doesn't do much except watch me. When I learned of the other side, I did more research and found nothing to support or disprove my theory. When I learned you were a devil, Keno, it evolved again. That night, he spoke to me and said he didn't care because you are human, too, just a little more sinful. He has started talking to me more and more as time passed. He's been telling me that he is different in many ways. He also confirmed my theory. He's shown me that he and the other deities reside in a realm he calls the warp. It's a mirror realm to our own, and we feed them faith and belief. However, he has done things I don't get for a new deity. He doesn't want to spread fast and will only take a logical reason for you to be accepted by it."
They all look in disbelief, except for Issari, who chimed in now.
"I converted because I was saved and logically thought through things. Gregor-kun tried to dissuade me from it, but I chose to. Hearing my spirit and his, I'm more convinced than ever that he is the Omnissiah, our deity's desired champion. I had a friend in my childhood who was an ardent Christian, and she shoved that down my throat, so I understood many of the ideas. I believe in the Machine God, and he has grown stronger with me believing reinforcing Gregor-kun's theory. He is more active now."
That made Kiba and Rias prepare for pain instinctively before they felt none. Akeno looked at her friends and started to shake. Rias is amazed, as is Kiba. Rias looked at the symbol on her mechadendrites and her sword. She looked at me and put more together.
"You're a thing we have never had before. A potential champion of a deity."
Akeno looked at me and must have felt something. She approached me and touched my face. Her eyes were looking into mine, and she searched me for something.
"I would like to hear all of it because they threw me out when I reincarnated. Mom was a loyal priestess for them, and yet that was not enough for me when I did this to save my life. I want it again, having missed it so desperately. They even rejected a request I made to them to have a temple to remember her. I want to believe in the deity that looks at my cousin and accepts me."
The Machine God informed me that it was rejected because they could not give devils more territory than they already had. They do that, and they piss off the Principle clans and the Youkai. Less faith would reach them and, thus, less protection for the people of Japan. It was the needs of the one to the many. I feel horrible there for both sides. The Shinto had been put in the corner, and they couldn't do it even though they wanted to. Shuri had been an extremely good priestess for them and was well-loved.
"They couldn't do that even though they wanted to Keno. They would lose faith if they did that. According to the Machine God, they loved you both and regret letting you go. As for the faith, please don't do it unless you can give him a logical reason. He is shaped by me and with who I am."
Akeno was in tears, hearing why she had been denied the request. The fact I didn't lie made her start crying. The Shinto had to do that to keep faith going. She was just screwed over by how the warp works as I hugged my cousin.
"I will make a shrine here for him. You're welcome to remember her there. He said that you would be fine with entering it. He likes you, Keno, but he's biased because of me."
Rias has tears for her adoptive sister, as does Issari. Kiba looked at me, and his exorcist training seemed to do something for him. Akeno said while still crying.
"I will believe in a deity that is like my brave cousin. That will let me have this denied me for ten years. I logically say this."
I immediately felt Akeno's truth and logic there. She became one of us and heard the spirits of Tsuda and the man in Issari's sword. At that moment, her eyes seemed to understand me, too, as her tears started drying.
"Omnissiah. Lex, that is you. Oh, Machine God. Thank you."
Kiba and Rias are now deeply interested. She focuses on her sword and the symbol.
"Why is the skull split?"
I am about to answer when Akeno does instead.
"Because the machine is immortal and like man in the struggle against adversity. Flesh is weak, but together with machines, we form a symbiotic relationship. Thus, the split together as one. I understand now why you said that."
Issari looked impressed. I am, too, but I don't understand why she knows that. Akeno smiled and answered.
"Mom taught me how to understand them with various priestess tricks. I understand him, but I'm not his priestess. You are his first and foremost priest. You make him into what he is, as you said. Thank you, Lex, and you as well, Machine God."
Kiba is now so fascinated that he looks at the symbol.
"I want to hear more of this. A deity that accepts us and a whole new field of looking at the ways of deities. I get the title more."
Issari showed her perverted self there and slithered over to Kiba. She smirked, and it was evil.
"I'll explain what I understand, Kiba-kun, but I'm not him. I'm just an ok swordswoman. Can you teach me some of that? I have a good style for me and my gear, but I'm still eager to learn forever."
Kiba smiled, and he and Issari moved to the other side of the basement to talk. Akeno said as she turned my way.
"Please make the shrine now, Lex. Mom deserves to be remembered properly. She loved the temples, and when we were all together, she would make us recite prayers. I have missed this so much, and he will not be disappointed in me."
Rias asked while split between happiness and pure curiosity.
"I'd like to see it too. I'll stay outside the room, but I want to see more proof. I think that he must have sent you to me."
In a way, he did. Very abstract way, and in truth, this One Above All did that, but I will never control what people think. Free will is and will always be respected by me. I led Akeno over to a small, unused room next to the teleporter room. I summoned my pocket spell and took out my candles and the cog of Mars. Akeno frowned at seeing so little, but she understood immediately it was because the Machine God wasn't big on extravagance, like me. She summoned her own pocket spell and, pulled out a picture of Shuri Himejima and then placed it at the foot of the cog. Then Akeno froze before she smiled wide with many tears flowing, and I got why. The Shinto had sent a boon to the woman they failed and a reward for my work. Shuri was now with my God. Her ghostly presence hugged her daughter before Shuri looked at me with critical eyes. She glared at me for a bit before her attitude softened.
"You're not my old nephew. You're my new nephew, and I thank you and him for this. My baby has been so lost this past decade. You are my hero for this, and now, you are my Omnissiah. Please help her reconnect with my stupid bird husband. He didn't, as you know, leave us to die to them. He tried desperately to return to us, and I believe you can do it. He's not good either. He drinks and doesn't show signs of stopping. It won't kill him, but it's how he gets by. Please reunite them. As for my father and mother, I ask that you gut them and make it very painful. They did the same thing to all of us in the abuse. They wanted to break us into loyal members of the clan, but instead, they made us each take a different path. One that led to you and this. Your mother here is desperate to know you who is her son yet not. The fact you honored him and gave him vengeance against them has won her over to you. She will come eventually, but please kill them for what they did to us and our kids. Make them regret what they did, Omnissiah."
Shuri went back to hugging her baby. Akeno heard only bits of that, and Shuri hid the fact that I was not truly Alex from her. Akeno, however, kneeled to the shrine and prayed for her mom. Rias watched from outside the room. I left my cousin there and exited the room, closing the door. Rias commented softly while we walked away.
"I didn't feel pain like I would near any holy place. I felt accepted. This deity is strange."
I snort because she's not wrong. But he is vastly better than the original. Issari does not want to lose flesh, but I still kind of want to be a cyborg. I want to be mostly flesh despite everything. We walked to the medical room, and Rias looked at the bed. She scowled at it. Hating the fact that it hurt me. Eventually, I will upgrade myself and make our Mechcanicus like the Genators who were often forgotten. I will make the human body our temple standard. Rias looked at everything, and she once again looked at me.
"I want to believe in something like that. We only have the Morning Star, and he is beloved by the Pillars. However, my brother says that we should stop that. He told me the Morning Star did terrible things to our ancestors and that we were just tools to him. Grayfia doesn't believe that, and neither does anyone else but me. Heniya is kind of there, but she has her boy toy, who is deeply devoted to the Morning Star. Yet this deity accepts us like how you accepted me. You believe that there are spirits in technology. Show me some, please."
I slowly pulled out my axe and handed it to Rias. She holds it and feels Tsuda. I then gently extended her hand to a machine that enhanced bone density. There is a spirit there. It says hello and that the samurai hurt it. It returned to help us and would gladly go to another machine. It asked to go into my mechadendrites. The spirit was a teen that the samurai had murdered because he had looked like their king. The teen said he was happy to serve the Omnissiah and help us. He said he could help the pretty redhead, too, by being in her mechadendrites.
Rias connected deeply with this spirit. He and she seemed to become something more as she said to him.
"I would like that."
The spirit called me a lucky bastard. That made Rias giggle and intertwine her arms with mine as I told the spirit and Rias.
"I'm the luckiest bastard on our planet."
Rias leaned into me, and the spirit laughed. When he finished, he said that the Omnissiah deserved to be lucky. He flowed into Rias's pack and then into mine in my holder. The enhancement machine went silent as Rias looked at her mechadendrites in wonder before I smiled.
"I will try to hunt all weekend, Rias, into Monday. Please don't worry about me. I'm going to be okay. I have several new plans for us. One is I'll get half the money, and then I will meet my grandfather. The other one is I'll get the half and then offer your parents a large stake in my new company that I will make in the underworld. I'll let them know that you will be protected, and I will reveal myself as the Gorgan. That should break it, and I promise I will leave better outs for you if you ever want that. Please let me have tonight and this weekend for my work."
Rias looked at me, both hurt and understanding the request. I take her real hands.
"I said yes at first to help Keno, but in getting to know you, Rias, I will give you a hundred twenty percent for this. You are wonderful and worth everything I do. I want to have this with you, and when you're free, Rias, we can do everything together. I want to know the real Rias Gremory like how I want you to know the real Gregor Astaroth."
Rias smiled there so brightly, like a supernova. She looked ready to give a full-blown kiss there, and then before, she held back because of who I am. She instead wrapped her arm around me, and I took it. She remarked while we shared this moment.
"My noble Lord of Iron, but I would not have you any other way. When I am free, you will be spoiled like no tomorrow by me. I'll let you do your work."
We enjoyed the moment for us two. I hear swords being used, so Rias and I peek out to see Issari and Kiba dueling. Issari is losing, but she is giving as good as she gets, as shown by Kiba having a big smile on his face. Kiba's long sword has demonic power flowing up the blade. Issari finally got tapped, ending the fight, and the tap left a small cut on Issari that healed fast. Rias looked at me in question, and I tilted my head yes. That surprised Rias, and she tilted her head in question again. I pulled back into the room, and she followed while still playing with her new hands, I tell her.
"I felt weird when we first met as if we were kin. I watched her, and when she cut herself one day, it healed faster than normal. I immediately asked, and she said she's always been like that. I think I might know when they are like me."
Rias was very curious.
"This ability. You said it's a gene?"
I leaned against the wall and shrugged.
"I think it might be, but I'm not sure. However, we are still learning stuff about it. I know mine is getting faster with each injury and or missing limb I lose."
Rias was not happy about hearing that, and I saw her temper rising. I'm not happy, too, given that I will hurt more now that my nerves are on a new level. Maéva called from the stairs leading upstairs.
"Young master and guests' food is ready."
I got up from the wall, and the two of us approached the stairs. I poked my head in the shrine to tell Akeno that the food was ready. She didn't seem to hear me, and I tapped her. She said to bring her food later. She's busy still praying while Shuri watches on. I slowly backed out of the room and let Akeno have this. When I go upstairs, I see Issari and Kiba debating sword styles on the island. Rias walked over to me with food, and we moved to one of the tables and just talked. She and I spoke over things up top and below. Rias knew stuff about Japan but not much else about the world. I told her about the United States, and she was deeply interested in the fact it's extremely liberal compared to the underworld.
Especially that all people can vote. I'm still horrified by how backward the underworld is.
It's a total feudal society. The subjects of the various pillars have next to no legal recourse for airing disputes or grievances. I'm even more horrified as Rias tells me that the most conservative pillars carry out a rite they call the First Moon. It was where a lord could take a commoner woman at any time and then 'Enlighten' them to their status. This rite also applies to men and made me even more sickened. Sirzches had desperately tried to destroy the tradition a hundred years ago and had failed because even the most toned-down version of the bill proposed was shut down by the GKF. The NKF had been split badly there, and they had infought over it, with the most liberal ones refusing to support it because of how toned down it was, thus crippling the chances more. I explained to Rias that no one does that up here.
She almost couldn't believe it, but Maéva heard bits, too, and she and a sickened Issari backed me up. Kiba was just sad there because there was absolutely no honor there. He, it seems, has long accepted that fact. Rias also doesn't get many other things about humanity, including the fact that we have gone to space. She called that an impossible thing. Kiba explained that most pureblood devils don't acknowledge that we have been to the moon and Mars. They still believe in Earth-centric ideas with the sun rotating around us. I'm horrified at that, as is Issari. I asked Rias something, and the answer showed me something new.
"How can you believe any of that that if you have been to a human school?"
Rias just shrugged.
"I came into Kuoh Academy in the last part of the last year, as did everyone else. I just faked it there because humans are silly. It, however, is better up here than near Riser and his near-constant attempts to bully me."
Oh, fuck that's scary for even Koriel, who was used to the uneducated masses, came from a civilized world. I looked at Kiba, and he sighed.
"We have been trying to fix that, as has Heiress Sitri. She wants to start a school that actually teaches people rather than the crap the current noble ones spew now. No, not all the nobility believe what Rias was taught; only a large number of them do. Most of this crap was taught to her by a tutor directly placed on her by her grandfather. It was a concession from Lord Lucifer for a bill that passed."
Poor Sirzches. I don't like that new sudden thought I had. Was this a way to abuse Rias by her grandfather? Lord Bael and the Great King are not stupid people. Was this all a taunt at Sirzches to watch his beloved sister be corrupted there? That's fucked up, and I get a bit madder. While I considered that, Rias just shrugged, not getting why I was upset. I suddenly get furious because no redhead wife of mine will be stupid!
"Ria, you will be corrected on things. You're not stupid, as no stupid person can do wards or get people as well as you do. If you're teaching me devil things, I will teach you human things because my wife will show the underworld how smart she is!"
Rias and the others looked shocked by how angry and full of fire I was there. Rias shivered again, proving once more she was built differently. However, she quickly gets hearts in her eyes at hearing me call her smart and my wife. Issari sweat dropped with Kiba joining her. Maéva grew ultra determined too because she said angrily.
"I will help you, young master, young mistress. This teacher abused you by giving you extremely wrong ideas of the world. You are indeed not stupid, and I will follow my lord in correcting this."
Rias looked torn and ready to protest, and that was when Akeno finally showed up.
"Rias, you barely scraped by with grades last year. You say you love it up here away from Riser, but the terms your sister gave you for staying here were good grades. Lex beat the stupid out of my sister. Her tutor was extremely horrible and deliberately did that to taunt Lord Lucifer. Kiba and I have tried to do what we could to fix the damage, but Koneko started undermining us after the incident."
Oh, that makes me dislike the cat more. Rias looked ashamed by the dressing down. I, however, have a question that has been burning in my mind.
"Devils have computers don't you guys have an internet?"
Akeno grew more pissed, as did Kiba.
"We do have one, but it's restricted to the nobility. Commoners and reincarnated are forbidden from using it on pain of death. The underworld clamps on the human one and controls the ideas that spread. When we reincarnated try to speak up, we are ignored by the commoners because of the fact they are purebloods and we are not. They accept the shit that's shoveled down their throats. Machine God, take the scum who perpetrated that."
Maéva prepared for pain from that while I get more pissed. The internet is the greatest thing humanity has ever made. All our collective knowledge is there, good and bad. That the nobility uses this against the commoners. I bitterly hate the GKF. Oh, I'm going to war with them in the entirety. This shit holds people back and is ineffective and inefficient! Maéva has finally realized there was no pain, and Kiba shrugged at the maid. Issari gets angrier along with me and now realizes she missed a bullet.
Rias is weirded out by my expression of anger. She asked very cutely, like Asia.
"The human one isn't like that?
We all except Akeno looked at Rias as if she had ten heads. I am now very not impressed. Akeno just moved to me and patted my shoulder.
"Like I said, beat that out of her."
Rias tilted her head like Asia does at not getting something. I sighed because I had to fix this. Issari just shrugged before informing me.
"I am helping you here, Gregor-kun. This is horrific, and I'm happier to be like you than ever. I will definitely not regret that. Red, you are going to learn so much. We really have been to Mars via a buggy that has collected rocks and other samples. We have those here on Earth. We do have people in space right this very moment in the international space station. We have hundreds of satellites orbiting the Earth, and no, don't give me that look because he's right, you are not stupid."
Rias tilted her head again like Asia in pure disbelief. She looked at all of us, trying to find a lie, and I just shook my head. I'm getting a PC just for her. I opened my pocket spell and grabbed money before giving Maéva instructions.
"Maéva, I want you to take this and buy a pc. Nothing fancy or special, just a regular computer. You and Rias will sit down tonight. Teach her. Destroy her bad teacher's crap with evidence and pictures. Hell, use everything that you can and make sure the references are beyond good and sourced. Rias no arguments."
Rias shrinks and then goes stiff as Maéva immediately nods.
"Yes, milord."
She departed with the money, and Akeno just whacked Rias, who eeps. Kiba sighed as Issari said now.
"I am glad I'm me. I couldn't live without my porn! No way am I ever going to reincarnate. Red, I'm going to make you cultured. I get to be the senpai now!"
I sweat dropped along with Kiba. Akeno laughed deeply while Rias was just so lost, and she looked horribly cute there. I glare at Issari while pulling Rias towards me protectively.
"You will stay away from her with your garbage, understand me, Issari. She is innocent!"
Issari glared at me and then growled her dragon growl, shocking Kiba.
"I'd be helping you asshole! She will be shown the way!"
The tic mark that Issari usually gets is now on me. I moved faster than I once did, and I slammed into Issari. I started to choke her like she did me in a Simpsons moment. The chair falls, and Issari gasps and gasps while everyone else looks on in shock as I snarl at her.
"You will not corrupt my future wife, pervert! I will kill you if you attempt it!"
Akeno is fufufuing while this is happening, and Rias has the hearts again because I can feel them. Kiba moved to stop me, and he attempted to do so for two minutes.
Issari glared at me, and I glared back. The bruises are fading away from Issari, and I hate her now. Kiba has a demonic sword facing each of us and is the one meditating on the situation. Akeno was still fufufuing while she whispered something to Rias, who was blushing. I turn the glare on Akeno.
"Don't corrupt her more than you already have."
Akeno smiled evilly at me and replied, while Rias was just blushing profusely.
"No, I think I will continue to do so. You will be happy I did, Lex, but please don't choke my dragon girl. She'd come back, but I'd rather she not have to."
Issari has smug superiority there, supported by Akeno, before Kiba is confused and asks.
"Dragon girl? Come back?"
I sighed and was about to reply when Issari manifested the gauntlet, saying to a wide-eyed Kiba.
"I am the Red Dragon Empress of Mars! I will be here forever. Suck that, Gregor-kun!"
Akeno now looks at Issari with true lust, and Kiba fainted. That gave me the opening, and I jumped at the idiot again and caught her off guard before strangling her once more. Having seen the gauntlet before, Rias just went to help Kiba as I snarled at my idiot friend.
"You troglodyte! Every person who knows is another potential leaker! Are you truly this dumb!"
I'm about to slap her when I feel lightning enter my body as I shriek, hitting the floor and twitching. Issari gasped and took in air before Akeno entered my field of vision and patted my cheek.
"No strangling my dragon girl. She can't do it to you, so it works vice versa. Now, my little kohai. I will show you the way to victory."
Issari beams after breathing again before Akeno picks up the pervert. She smiled and then set Issari on a chair and started spoiling the pervert. I glared at Akeno and said to her while still feeling tingling in my arms.
"She's your responsibility. Fucking dragon tamer."
Akeno giggled and then petted Issari, who didn't know if she should be offended by that or pleased. The sadistic queen smiled even wider, thinking something.
"I'll tame this dragon. When you two enter the school, she will be a perfect kohai. Isn't that right, my little Issari-chan?"
Issari looked extremely torn between her perverted and dragon natures. Ddraig didn't say anything, feeling my glare at him to stay silent. Kiba finally woke up and blinked a few times before seeing the gauntlet again. He looked ready to faint once more, and I just slapped him to keep him awake.
"Don't faint, pretty boy. Welcome to my world of pain."
Rias was amused by the words, as was Akeno. Issari was offended. Kiba looked at the gauntlet, and he said something that surprised me.
"The Red Dragon appears again. The last time it was with the church, now it's with devils. That's ironic, innit."
That reveals that Kiba is British. I slapped him now because the British are evil. He yelped, and I snarked.
"Going to get tea and crumpets there, governor. You probably make your money by stabbings. The question is, do you have your stabbing license?"
Kiba huffed in offense.
"What are you going to do, American shoot me? We are at least civilized and can pronounce words correctly."
I snort because I could shoot you, and you're the uncivilized ones because we didn't steal artifacts from places and then refuse to return them. Akeno is amused, and Rias tilts her head again. Issari, being a pervert lusting for swordsmen and as a Japanese person, is torn between supporting me against the British and helping her swordsman. She yo-yoed back and forth, trying to decide what side to pick. Rias just asked, showing her uninformed nature.
"I thought Britain was a colony of America."
I belly laugh at that while Kiba is now ultra-offended. Akeno and Issari are laughing, too, because that's funny. Rias just kept being confused and is extremely adorable doing that. Kiba's face shows he agrees there. He looked at me, and I him. Devils are the real enemy, not the British or Americans for now. That's the scene Maéva walks in on, and she is just confused. She has a box levitating, and it's the pc. I wince because it's an expensive one. I prepare waterfall tears, and I reluctantly ask Maéva.
"How much did you spend on that?"
Maéva seems to understand my pain. She answered a good thing, stopping the tears.
"I found it in a savings store, young master. The person who sold it was not the brightest because they couldn't get it on. It was cheap, too."
Oh, thank the Machine God for anime logic! Maéva returned most of the money to me, and I threw it back into the pocket spell. Akeno looked at me with pride, seeing me budgeted as did Kiba. Rias tilted her head, understanding that this helps her get closer to freedom regarding money. I immediately began moving with Maéva to set up the computer, gesturing to Rias to follow. She does a little too eagerly. Issari moves to follow us, but Akeno keeps the pervert with head pats. Issari seems to be extremely pleased. As we leave, I hear something new for her in dragon purrs. Kiba followed us to escape the horny dragon.
We climbed up the stairs, and Rias showed me her room on the right side of the hallway. I entered to find the typical weeb room anime posters everywhere and a whole manga bookcase. Along with two books, I immediately didn't like. I ignored that, looking for a desk, which I approached and immediately started setting up the computer. Rias watched, fascinated. The person who sold this computer was an extra stupid person. It would not turn on because they didn't plug it in right. I shake my head and put the monitor on the desk before I say to Rias.
"My first gift to you in terms of an item. Maéva save the redhead. Kiba, I'll forgive you for being British if you help her."
Kiba is not impressed by that.
"I will help her, not because of that, but because I'm sick of being told by the GKF that humans are beyond primitive. They shove so much shit down people's throats that I'm not surprised we have as many strays as we do. I love you, Rias, as my king. I and the others want you to show the world that you're not stupid. We have tried so hard to show you that. We stayed silent on Koneko because she was your first piece and because we felt horrible for her after the incident. But I'm not stepping aside anymore when she tries to lie to you about stuff. I don't do conflict because that's what my trainer did to us in my exorcist school, but I can't stay silent here."
Rias is ashamed by that, and Maéva just pats her. The PC boots up, and then it's ready. I logged into it, and Maéva began her work by saying.
"It's alright, young mistress. We will get you through things, and you will be amazed by what we have achieved."
Maéva begins with a video taken from the ISS, and Kiba explains things to a shocked Rias before telling Rias and Maéva.
"I'm going hunting. Rias get taught. Maéva, she runs away I want you to use your mechadendrites and keep her in that chair."
Maéva had attached the pack while Rias was looking at the screen in shock as the camera turned towards our planet. I saw something switch on in Rias. She just watched the planet slowly spinning around in the black void with the stars twinkling brightly, Kiba said to her as I got ready to leave the room.
"Rias, the world has and never was flat it's round."
I sweat dropped. What the fuck kind of tutor she was given! I go down the stairs, and what I find next with Issari and Akeno is equally disturbing. Akeno has Issari purring up a storm while Akeno tells Issari something. I sweat dropped again as Akeno smiled, seeing me before chillingly chuckling.
"My little Kohai is such a good dragon. She will never be bad again, will she."
Issari purrs more, and I don't want to know what was promised.
"Are we going hunting, or are you going to keep purring?"
Issari gets out of the chair to follow me while still purring. Akeno once again pats the pervert's head, and she smiles wickedly. I really don't want to ask because I'm afraid to find out. Akeno smiles and then takes fish with her upstairs to see Rias. Issari whines about losing the head pats, and I don't like this. I go down the stairs, and Issari gets ready to fight. She says as we enter the wine room.
"I'm so happy I didn't reincarnate. Not just for the porn, I can't stand the fact their society is like that. What's the term you used for the far future?"
I responded as we hit the teleporter.
"Grimdark. I will destroy that. All of it."