

King Vincent and Queen Zaria were amazed by the accuracy of the dream. When they arrived at the stables they found the applicants eagerly waiting for them. Exactly like in the king's dream, there was one woman who introduced herself as Rose, whom, exactly like in the dream seemed to know more about horses than everyone else.

The group, including the king and queen were walking through the stables when the horses started acting strange. Unlike in the dream where Olympus was sick, all the horses were jumpy. They seemed spooked.

"Your Majesty's!" Rose exclaimed. "I think your horses might have be infected by the flu that's circulating around," she added while the king and queen exchanged knowing looks.

"The bug is infectious, especially to pregnant women and unborn babies," Rose added with her head bowed respectfully.

"I guess I should leave you all to it then," Queen Zaria responded before heading towards the castle.