
The real trouble

Wang Guo looked at the report he received from the locals at the Wild nest, and the Reapers twenty first team. 

The man had made twenty hires in the past, for five different child soldiers. The first one worked well for seven years, then he died in a dungeon crash. Second one worked for five years, died in a dungeon crash, the third one worked for ten years, died in a dungeon crash, the fourth one worked for two years, died in a dungeon crash, the fifth one worked for eight years, died in the recent dungeon crash. The hires are marked tier 4, tier 2, tier 4, tier 3 and their 1 respectively. 

The rest of the fifteen did not work long, ranging from half a year to a year, during which they were maimed by dungeon beasts, almost all in a beast tide. These soldiers fought till the end to protect their comrades, as most Wulin soldiers are taught. As was the case, they were lent out as contract workers, i.e. slaves to corporations or guilds. In this case, one look through the list is enough to know these are paper companies. All fifteen died in various accidents. The company did not ask for compensation, but they were given a right to choose the next candidate free of charge. 

We let him go so many times, he actually had the courage to lay his hand on a tier 1 hunter, he realized. 

He could already see what's happening here. 

With growing dread, he turned to the last page. This page listed the elements of the Reaper captain and the candidates he hired. He always hired water elementals and telekinesis, no matter which dungeon he went to. 

He closed the file with a thud, his face paling in fear. 

' No, calm down ! ' he told himself. 

Even the Wulins themselves do not know that he knows their " Forbidden Will " magic circle. He never leaked it while conscious, so this only leaves that one time he had blacked out, and the other time, where he clearly remembered blabbing about it to a girl. The next day, he had the girl kidnapped and shipped off to an incubator institute. He had received a message saying the girl died soon after, so it could not be her. 

After this long period of time, it is impossible to investigate the black out. 

No.. this could be a bastardized version that some inscriber created from looking at the original. Indeed. There is such a possibility. He just needs to find an inscriber, and blame it on him. A day after, he received another report, made from an experienced private journalist, especially good at detecting overnight runaways. 

" Sir. Here is the report of the men who left the village these days. " 

" This here .. this Cao Pei ? Is he a good inscriber ? " he asked. 

" I hear he is one of the best, sir. " The soldier answered. 

' This is the one.' - Wang guo decided. 

" Bring me his spell making notes. " he told the man. 

Within a day, there was another note book among Cao Pei's notebooks of magic circles, which he left behind. 

Cao Pei just happened to reverse engineer the 'forbidden will'. So, director Wang finished arranging his smokescreens all too easily. The rest of the matters could be arranged slowly and carefully. 

Then came the invasion of the mouse field. 


Raku Wulin had been eagerly waiting for the information from the Mouse field. 

Diamond eyes are the bread and butter of their clan. This time around, the candidate chosen was special, in the sense that he has almost all the invisible skills, along with the strongest water element. 

He very much looked forward to the new elementals they could launch. 

" Sir, report from the mousefield. " one of the guards reported. 

' So soon ? ' Raku wondered. Giant mice are easy to kill, but diamond mice are bloody hard to search for and kill. They finished so fast ? 

He had a bad feeling about it. 

" You mean you can not find anything in the dungeon at all ! everything is burned down to cinders ? Is this true ? " Raku asked in surprise. 

" We .. I think it might be the wild porters, sir. " The director who came to report said timidly. 

Raku's anger started bubbling up. 

They dare to steal from him, the 'Raku Wulin' who put the 'port' in porters ? they must die. They ought to die a thousand deaths ! 

' Find the rat ! Find them out for me. ' Inner Raku screamed. 

However, outwardly, he remained calm. 

" Release a mission to find the wild porters in all the bases. See if there are any reports in the three bases about a wild porter. A porter found must be tagged and employed right away. Just kill the ones who do not comply. " he ordered. 

The director nodded eagerly. 

" Call Penny on the way back. " Raku ordered. 

The director shivered. 

Penny Xu … despite the very mundane sounding name, that girl is not human. He once happened to peep at her during her transformation, and the scene still gave him nightmares. 

" Yes, Sir. " he answered. 

What came out was the gigantic problem that was eating away at Wulin recruits. 


When the Wulin headquarters employees landed on the shores of the boonies to pick up a random reaper, he was ready to be shipped, all trussed up along with all his mates. There were even evidence material neatly packed accompanying them. 

As the employees of HQ are leaving, by the way, the new director of the local orphanage informed them. 

" By the way Sirs, I forgot to mention this earlier on. There was a guy called ' Cao Pei ' who used to be the inscriber for the Orphanage. He used to do the party orders for Reapers. In fact, this mercenary team and he are as thick as thieves. He ran away two days ago. Just to be sure, I have also added the documents from his home to your evidence package. I think he was heading towards the border of the snow country. One of our smugglers is taking him to the branch there. Here, the list of bases the smuggler is familiar with. Just in case. " he gave a piece of paper to the headquarters guys. 

They took it happily. 

They have never had such an easy time when dealing with a case. Within no time, the guy was presented in front of Raku Wulin. 

Just within an hour, the orders came down to find the inscriber who worked with the Reaper captain. 

The two employees who were just about to grab the drinks were called back. As they heard the orders, they shed tears of gratitude, for the foresight of the orphanage vice director. They decided strongly they will recommend him for the promotion, as they waved goodbye to their colleagues who set off to the border. 


[ A few hours before HQ employees arrived ] 

A housewife rushed from the market to her home. 

She made sure all the windows are covered, and no one's near her yard. Then, she retrieved a satellite phone, courtesy of old world Chinese spies, and powered it up. 

" The Wulin HQ is here for an inquisition. Burn and run. " her message said. 


An hour after the message was sent, the orphanage director of the wild nest where Deeepsi called in all the children. 

" We are going to have a surprise movie day today, how about it ? " he asked the children. 

" Yayy… " the children all cheered. 

The lion king series was put on, for a marathon. 

The orphanage director ran out, while the children were fixated on the camera. 

He burst into the Reapers headquarters while sweating buckets. 

" I have an urgent message for your chief. " he informed one of the men there. 

" Sure, sir. Please wait for a moment. " The receptionist said to him carelessly. 

" I have an urgent message. Do you hear ? " he insisted, as he looked at the girl. 

" Aye, Aye, I heard ya. "Another pirate walked over to them, hanging a hand around his shoulders. 

" But Baldie ! For you even pissing is an urgent event. What is it this time ? you can't get milk out of your thing any more ? " The drunk pirate made fun of the bald principal. 

" Please inform the chief that his head could fly if he ignores this information. Move it. " the bald principal croaked, trying to exert some semblance of charisma. 

Perhaps the receptionist thought that it's such strange behavior for an usually timid man, so she went to inform the captain, then sent the principal in. 

" Wulin had caught on to our tail. HQ seems to have conducted a raid on Cao's home town. We need to clean up and get out. " The principal insisted. 

" What the hell are you talking man ? If Wulin comes, we will take them down. What are you worried about ? We have a death soldier. " the captain said, pointing to the corner. 

" If push comes to shove, we will send all the children to the abyss then collect the mana. Isn't that right, Bowbow ! " he asked, looking at him. 

The black clad man in the corner just looked straight ahead. 

While his head nodded, his eyes are full of disgust and rebellion.