
Flash Marriage: I Accidentally Married A Mafia Princess

What would you do if your ex, who left you five years ago without bothering to say a goodbye, is now standing in front of you at the entrance of the Civil Affairs Bureau? Surely, you wouldn't marry her. But did I mention I'm in dire need of a wife? ___ Song Jingren, self-made Billionaire has one rule– Pity any Tom, Dick or Harry but never offer it to his one and only materialistic and vain ex! Long Reine aka Zuni, proud Mafia princess, has two problems– Uncontrollable Nasty Temper and her Un-seducable Ice block hubby! ___ Excerpt:  "Get out!" Song Jingren told his flash married wife.  "Hubby, you are kicking out your one and only beautiful wife?" Zuni gaped at him. "Mom was right, I shouldn't fall at male beauty but at their intelligence. What can I say I'm a sucker for beauty!" As she realised that she spoke too much nonsense, she put hands on her mouth and shook her head as if she didn't mean it . "Hubby, I was wrong. Forgive, wifey.  I am not a sucker for male beauty but for you. Your chiselled face is still on the top of the list. Add your bank balance, you are unbeatable."  "Didn't I tell you to stop calling me by that disgusting nickname that makes my skin crawl?" Song Jingren coldly said. He hated her for making his resolve of throwing his ex out of his life weaker with each passing moment.  Zuni pouted adorably.   "I'm not calling you Baobei. Our status has been upgraded," Zuni shot back. She then flashed him a blinding smile as she hugged his arm. "Baobei, you are now upgraded to hubby." "Scram, "Song Jingren coldly said.  Hubby: 1, Wifey: 0 ___ Excerpt Two:  "Happy Birthday, Hubby, " Zuni smiled brightly at her husband as the clock struck twelve. "Now quickly open your birthday gift!" Song Jingren looked all around the room but didn't find any supposedly birthday gift. "Where is my birthday gift?" "I'm your birthday gift, dummy, "His wife replied as a matter of fact.  Wifey: 1, Hubby: 0 ___  

tanu_sam · Urbain
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223 Chs


Song Jingren left the conference room after two hours and entered his office. He sat on his chair and folded his hands on the glass table as he looked at his assistant.

"Special Assistant Lu, Minster He will resign soon. Once he resigns, have someone deal with the He family," Song Jingren said with a blank face. 

"Is it inside the news, President?" Special Assistant Lu asked. They had moles planted in the He family but they received no such news. 

"This is just an assumption which will be turned true soon, " Song Jingren said. He took a pause and then asked, "What do you think about my wife?"

"Mrs Song looks no less than an angel, " Special Assistant Lu said without thinking. "She can be a bit playful and naive but President she is young. So, you must humour her."

"Young? How young do you think she is?" Song Jingren asked him. 

"She won't be more than twenty years old, " Special Assistant Lu said. 

Song Jingren scoffed. "That deceptive woman has you fooled as well. And she is twenty-eight years old. Only two years younger than me. And if she gives you any unreasonable demands, reach out to me! Give her my secondary card but with a limit of a hundred thousand a year. And don't take her calls while I'm at work, no matter what."

"What if she is in danger?" Special Assistant Lu asked. Madam Song was a delicate woman, how could the President be so hateful to his own wife? 

"Don't go near Zuni. The woman is the personification of danger herself. She is a fucking wizard, you won't be able to know when she cast a spell on you, "Song Jingren warned but he knew that a wizard-like Zuni came with no cure. 

Special Assistant Lu was still unable to connect the image of a wizard with an angelic Zuni. No matter how much he tried, he couldn't imagine someone like Madam as dangerous. She was just too pure. 


Zuni was singing at the top of her lungs while stirring the soup in a pot and shaking her booty at the beat. She was using the spatula as a mike in between. As she saw that the soup was simmering well, she stirred it again with a spatula. Unfortunately, droplets of soup fell on her white summer dress. 

"Opsie, mom will kill me, " Zuni muttered as she tried to wipe those stain marks.  The summer dress that she was wearing belonged to her mom and since she didn't wear dresses at all and didn't own any white dress, she had to borrow one from her mom's wardrobe. 

Apparently, this dress was gifted to mom by her dad and her mom was going to raise hell if the news spread that she got married in the same dress!

She switched off the flame of the stove and entered the bedroom to wash her white dress. She had already raided her hubby's bedroom. 

What was privacy between married couples? 

It was nonexistent! 

When Special Assistant Lu sent her husband's address, she had to pretend that she didn't know where he lived. Song Jingren's penthouse was huge and lavishly styled. It wasn't her cup of tea but since he liked this place, she liked it too. 

After washing the dress and herself, she had no clothes to wear. She came out of the washroom wearing a towel after washing herself with her husband's soap, shampoo, conditioner etc. Would he kill her if he found out that she had used his razor too? But she was only thinking about him all the time she used his perfume and other products. 

Ah, smell her. How delicious she smells after using his unique products!

It felt like she was being hugged by her husband. 

Her gaze fell on a couple of shopping bags on the bed that belonged to the same store that she visited this noon. A mischievous glint was present in her eyes as she grabbed it, dropped the towel and got into those little thingies before slipping on his white shirt over them. She found his white shirt in the laundry basket. It smelled so good. Even more than his products.  

About the little thingies that she was wearing….

 She specifically chose a blush white set with intricate lacework for this special night. 

Zuni grinned to herself as she stood before the mirror and thought of making a loose bun as her long hair would hide the beautiful spectacle. 

Thinking about lipstick… 

Her Baobei prefers her natural face. And her perfect kissable lips looked good naturally too. She could use his chapstick though. 

It was eight in the evening and he would be back soon. It was his birthday the next day and she swore to make this day and the night before it memorable for him. 

She gives me second-hand embarrassm I swear!

tanu_samcreators' thoughts