
Flames Of Love.

A young teenager has to struggle with the death of her father at an early age. Through the trials and storms she scales through until she finds the one she has been looking for who will love her unconditionally despite all the trials of denial, rejection thrown at them. when she realizes that Andrea is the only man for her, she holds on to him like never before making him completely hers for life.

Jahvona_Ifesinachi · Urbain
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4 Chs

The present

Parties,presents, and vacations there was no other thing that thrilled Liesel more. She just got out of high school, she was a nubile and bubbling teenager ready to have fun. She had plans to getarried, go on honeymoons, and dream by the beach with her handsome prince.

The beach looked so good. The air was brisk, Scenting sweetly with dandelion that were planted all over the guts in small pots close to shore. The sun shone brightly reflecting on the sea like a shimmering gold necklace it seemed. The sky was clear, she observed.

She had wanted a hell of a time alone. She remembered the obscure argument she had with her mom Ann who couldn't just take a hint that she wasn't a child to be instructed every now and then. She had a life and she loved being in control of it. Her long legs looked slender under the scorching heat but after but after all, she wanted a sun bath.

A lot of people came around the beach during this time of the summer. The shouts from children were alarming and terrific as she watched them play, swim and make sand castles. She was amazed cause she never got to spend her time that way, thanks to her mom.

The breeze flowed evenly blowing her little bikini skirt exposing her smooth creamy lap which she cherished so much.

She packed her things together and decided she better headed back home. Until she bumped into someone.

"Oh my god. Can't you watch it? You'll spill water all over me." She said trying to gain her balance until her eyes met the guy who had pushed her down. The first thing she took in were his amber eyes, those were killer eyes.

He had been talking about sport and team battles.

"I'm sorry. It's my fault I should have, you know...."his tongue was fixed in his mouth as he set eyes on the beauty he had run into. Her auburn hair was so silky and smooth. He helped her pick up the lotion and stuff that had fallen out of her bag. And he flinched the instant he saw her bare breasts arousing the fire inside of him that had been exposed through the tight bikini.

"Hi I'm Andrea, first time bummer around." he said taking her hands in his as a friendly gesture. He was struck with those deep lavender eyes. It felt like she was seeing through his soul.

"Cool, I thought you were a maniac or something. The name is Liesel " she was blushing fervently noticing the way he was staring at her legs making her slightly uncomfortable. No guy she went on dates with ever did that. But this was clearly a man.

"That's a beautiful name. I've got to go. Perhaps I'll catch you some other time " he said leaving her as his friends dragged him along.

With her purse in her hands, Liesel watched in admiration until he disappeared into the crowd.

She had never met anyone who could quickly make her eager for intimacy, it was a great feeling. She hailed down the first taxi in the street heading for home.

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