
Chapter 50

" Cursed fucking gods! " Rylan muttered as he took a step back. He hadn't actually expected it to work. And now that he had he was unable to look away. And the same applied to Aziel, Kael and Barin who had just landed after seeing what was taking place from the sky. 

" This is actually.... nice, " Flame said, surprising even herself since she just a while ago she had wanted nothing to do with her alleged 'gift'. Kael came forward, unable to help it, then he reached out and touched the little speck that was still levitating in the air. 

" Curses! " he snapped immediately after, retrieving his hand and blowing on his finger with added exaggeration. And even after the pain dissipated, he still kept wringing his hand. 

" Are you okay? " Flame asked as she ran to him, but Kael took a step back and put his hands forward to stop her. 

" Well don't come near me while you're still up in flames! " he said as he took a step back. As if honestly fearful for his life, which was ironic considering that that he was immortal. 

" Try making it stop, " Rylan said and Flame closed her eyes, but nothing happened. She began to panic. 

" I don't know how to make it stop! " 

Immediately she finished the statement, the flames went away in a swift second. Just disappeared like they had never been there to begin with. 

" Huh, who would have thought, I guess all you have to do is say stop, " Rylan said. 

" Well that was quite the show, " Barin said. Then he came forward and Flame watched as he handed over some silver like berries to Kael.

" Here, I'm still trying to figure out why I carried them for you the entire flight. "

" Because you love and care about me, " Kael said but Barin shook his head. 

" No, that's not it. Anyways, I have work to do, " he left after giving Flame a curt bow. His white and brown wings disappearing into the wide doors. 

" What are those? " She asked. Pointing to the large stalk in Kael's hand. And he was about to answer but Rylan did it for him. 

" Those are his addiction. The things he cares for most. " 

Kael scowled at the angel, then he informed Flame that they were moonberries. She had never seen anything like them before and she was a bit curious as to how they tasted. So when Kael offered her two, she gladly accepted. And after she popped them into her mouth, she was overwhelmed by the burst of flavour. 

" Aziel and I were heading to the fort, you could join us if you want."

" As long as you give me more of those, " she pointed to the berries and Kael agreed. 

Then Flame asked Rylan if he wanted to come along and he stared at her like she was completely insane. 

" If I spend more than ten minutes in the company of these two I'll surely lose my mind. " he said before turning and walking away. 

Aziel joined them on the walk to the fort, where they found Phelan already waiting. And she walked inside before them. Settling down on the golden couch and waiting for Kael to hand over more of the berries. They were honestly the best tasting fruits she had ever eaten her entire life. 


" Hey hey, slow down there Flame, " Kael jokingly said as Flame took out another stalk of moonberries and popped them all into her mouth, not even taking the time to properly chew before she took another. 

She had finished the entire thing. Having eaten most of them alone while Aziel and Kael only ate a couple. Phelan simply watched as she devoured them. And after they were all gone, she asked Kael if he had any more. 

" Um.... I do but I was saving them up for the next month when they are completely out of season. "

Both he and Aziel were seated on the floor, Phelan was standing by the door, his wings spread out to block the space of the entrance. 

" Come on Kael, don't be selfish! Will you honestly deny the queen a single stalk of fruits? " Aziel asked, turning to Kael with a scolding look. The golden angel huffed out a breath before he stood, then he walked over to a chest of sorts right next to the bookshelf and unlocked it. Taking out another stalk of the berries. Flame nearly Jumped up with delight. 

Taking the berries from Kael, she settled back down immediately and went to work, tossing them into her mouth so fast all three angels were having trouble keeping track of her movements. 

She had no idea why she couldn't stop eating them. They were tasty no doubt, but there was something more to them. They gave her a feeling she couldn't quite name. And eating them made her feel extremely happy. Joyous actually. She wanted to sing and dance. Or run around the entire kingdom and shout her heart out. 

She finished the very last berry, then she sighed. A dreamy sigh that made her eyes twinkle. Looking up she cupped her cheeks and began gazing into Kael's eyes, then Aziel's. Then she suddenly burst out laughing. 

" What do you find so amusing? " Kael asked. Frowning as he looked around. Then Flame shook her head while continuing to drown in laughter. And a few seconds later, she stopped laughing. And a pout appeared on her face.

She turned to Aziel again then slowly tilted her head to the side, looking at him curiously. 

" Flame?..... are you feeling well? " Kael and Aziel turned to look at one another. Then together they turned to Flame who had by then jumped up to her feet. 

" Berries! " she exclaimed, running over to the chest and trying to open it up with surprising force . Then she failed and turned to Kael. 

" Are you okay? " Kael asked as he walked cautiously towards her. Standing an arms length away. Then she gasped as she stared at him, using her fingers to cover her lips as if stiffling a giggle. 

" You have four eyes! " she accused. Flickering a finger across Kael's eyes. He frowned, starting to become worried. Kael asked her if she was feeling okay again but she ignored him and began skipping merrily around the fort as she hummed and singed. 

" What the bloody dungeons is wrong with her? " Aziel asked as he walked to where Kael was. Phelan joined them as well and together they stared at Flame with both confusion, concern and a very undying fascination. 

" She looks..... drunk! " Phelan stated with a horrified look. Flame was now twirling around in the middle of the room, all whilst laughing to herself. 

" But! she hasn't even had a drink! " Kael announced. Then they all looked at each other before turning unisonly to look at the chest where the berries were stored. 

" No way! " Kael refused. 

" But those are the only things she's eaten, " Phelan said as he ran over and stopped Flame from taking out the feathers on the frame on the wall. She whined before going back to her singing. 

" Who in the bloody dungeons gets drunk by eating moonberries? It doesn't even make sense! " Kael asked and Aziel laughed. Taking in the scene with a bright smile on his face. 

" This might just be the most amusing thing I've ever seen! " he declared and Kael agreed. Then they set out to watch Flame as she exited the fort and ran all the way to the stream, and before either got to her, she dipped both feet inside and bent down to happily splash the water on herself. 

" Well, we have to do something! We can't just leave her like this! " Phelan said. Unlike the other two he was actually taking the situation seriously. But the others failed to see the big deal. And they were okay with just watching her as she acted, well.... drunk.

" Are you two listening to me? " 

They waved him off and continued to watch her as she rolled around in the grass. Those smiles still intact as they casually conversed about how entertaining it was. Phelan went to ran a hand through his dark hair,the he remembered that it was tied and he settled for simply running a hand over his face.

" What will you do if Nuriel shows up? Which I'm sure will be soon because hey... she's his mate! "

The other two suddenly stopped smiling. Then they turned to each other with grim and puzzled faces. That would definitely be a problem, and there was no way Nuriel would believe that his mate got drunk because she ate too many fruits. It sounded crazy just thinking about it. And he would undoubtedly think that they had forced her to take in wine of alcohol. Which wouldn't be hard since it was the two of them. 

The troublemakers, or so they were called. 

" This is bad! " Kael said and Phelan shook his head. 

" So NOW you see that? "

" And I'm certain that he still hasn't forgotten the whole stunt I pulled when I marked her with my scent, he'll surely make me pay for this! "

Kael fisted both hands in his hair. Then he turned to find Aziel slowly walking away.