
Flame Of Love

An average couple, Chen Xue Qin and Jiang Da Xia, had just become fiancé and fiancée. During a late night drive, the two happened to encounter an accident which then happened to lead them to something strange. When they opened their eyes, they were not in the hospital! Instead they were in some other magical world where many things still were ancient and traditionally chinese cultured . Jiang Da Xia woke up in a well built wooden house, but Chen Xue Qin woke up in a royal palace?? Throughout time they’ve made friends and found people who can be trustworthy of. Friends who soon became someone important and changed them. The two spent long searching for each other, however when they finally met, they both found out something about each other: Xue Qin was the son of Chen Zhang Yong, a powerful king, and Da Xia happened to be a reincarnation of the most hated woman in the palace! Song Wu Zhou seems like he’s just an average man, though he is someone secretly powerful. After facing many difficulties and losing Liu Wen Qiang, his loved one, he begins to see how more depraved the world actually is. While investigating with his sister like friend Hua Jia Yi for such a long time, he couldn’t find anything about Wen Qiang’s death until he met someone. About two years later after his love’s death, he meets Da Xia who first seemed extremely suspicious to him. Slowly after getting to know her better, he begins noticing she shares the same similarities as Wen Qiang. The two (Song Wu Zhou and Jiang Da Xia) begins to have a love-hate relationship bond together and there happens to be a reason to it all.. What will all of their twisted fate become of as dark secrets begin to spill? *I do not own the cover*

SaYing · Fantaisie
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21 Chs

Deep Sea Magician

The King sat in front of his desk, breathing hard while his head hangs low. His mind full of thoughts as he mumbles the same repeated words, "kill...kill.."

A black figure then runs across him in the room. Zhang Yong raises his head up and looks around, "Who's there?!" Black smoke seems to appear from the corner of the shelves and a quiet, distorted laughter is heard.

"She will get you," the black figure said. Zhang Yong stands up, "she?"

"Oh but don't worry so much, I can help you bring her down, just like last time.." the figure grins maliciously.

Angered, the King clenches his fists, "That demoness... I'll make sure she never comes back! What exactly is your plan?"

"Let us become one. Merged me together in your soul..with the both of us we shall become more powerful than ever...immaculately indestructible! We'll not only conquer one kingdom, but the ENTIRE world!"

Chen Zhang Yong smiles mischievously, "Power.."

"X-Xue Qin..." Da Xia speaks in a trembling voice. He opens his eyes and turns over to her, "What's wrong?" She grabs his sleeves, shaking, "Xue Qin..I-I'm so cold..."

"Cold?" He sits up and touches her hands. They were iced cold, it was as if she were up in the Himalayan Mountain during winter.

She buries her face in the blanket, "Something keeps grabbing my arms.." Slowly, she begins hearing ghastly whispers around her.

Da Xia remembers, it was earlier back then, when she felt the same exact thing. Feeling cold, hearing voices and sensing touches. Wu Zhou was the one who had token notice first and helped her.

Extremely worried, Xue Qin holds Da Xia up and senses the darkening aura around her. "I don't have the magic to help warm you up..but I can ward away those evil spirits by you," he tells her.

She holds onto his robe's sleeve tightly, "You can see them?" He shakes his head, "I can't see them, but I can sense them, clearly."

Da Xia looks into his eyes and speaks out, "Then please help me.."

Wu Zhou begins feeling uneasy, "Something isn't right". Jia Yi looks over at him, "Why's that?" Ying Pei raises an eyebrow and listens.

"I just feel like we need to get there faster, Da Xia..she could be in really big trouble!" Wu Zhou grabs onto Ying Pei and continues talking, "I want to protect her at all costs!" Wen Qiang interrupts him, "Da Xia? Why would you feel the need to protect her? The Prince isn't going to do anything to her anyways. After all he IS her 'Fiancé.,'"

"Liu Wen Qiang you're really not helping the situation at the moment," Jia Yi tells her. Wen Qiang shrugs her shoulders, "I'm only stating the facts."

Ying Pei tries to calm Wu Zhou down, "Don't overthink too much, like Wen Qiang said, that IS her Fiancé so he wouldn't dare do anything to her, unless he's got a change of heart for her. But we can't do anything right now since we're still afar from Jin Xing Palace. It'll take us about another day for us to get there. The only thing we can do for now is to pray for her safety."

Wu Zhou shrugs Ying Pei's hand off his shoulder, "It's just- I'm worried". Jia Yi walks by him, "We all are too, that's why we're all here together, to help bring her back."

Wen Qiang suddenly falls onto her knees, feeling nauseous. Ying Pei notices and helps her up, "Are you alright?!"

Jia Yi and Wu Zhou looks back to see what's wrong. She runs over to Wen Qiang, "Here! Your medicine! Quick, eat up before you lose too much energy!" Jia Yi hands the medicine to Wen Qiang.

Wu Zhou holds Wen Qiang's hands, "Stay close by me, I don't want you to fall down like that." After taking in the medicine, she smiles softly at him.

Xue Qin chants out the spell from the deep sea's bottom. Chinese characters, created by water formed around Da Xia and a crystal clear ring appears behind her back.

"Da Xia, this'll hurt a bit, but it'll ward away those evil spirits," he warns her in advance. She closes her eyes, "That's fine, as long as you get them away from me.."

In a quick movement he hits her back area and his powers explodes throughout her body. Immediately after the hit, Da Xia coughs out blood.

Some of the evil spirits dissolved into the water and some flew away to safety.

Xue Qin holds her, "Da Xia! Are you okay?!" She places her head by his chest, right beneath his chin, "It hurts.." He hugs her tightly, "I'm sorry, but I promise you the pain will go away soon." She weakly speaks, "Spirits..are..they gone?"

He nods his head, "They're all gone now, you're fine."

A Eunuch knocks on the door, "Your Highness, His Majesty is asking for you to meet him in the Sun Art Room."

Xue Qin looks at Da Xia, he places one hand on her cheek, "I have to go see what my father wants, I'll be back, so wait for me here." She nods her head, "Okay." He then kisses her forehead and leaves out the door.

After awhile he had left her alone in the room, she gets off the bed and walks around. She stops walking every minute due to her chest aching in pain.

Following the Eunuch to the Sun Art Room, Xue Qin opens the door. He looks around then asks, "Wheres's the King?" The Eunuch did not reply but only held his head down.

Da Xia lit up some candles to help warm her body. The door then burst opened, and Chen Zhang Yong stood in front of her. Wind blew in the room so hard, the candle's fire died out and books flew towards the end of the room.

"Demoness.." he said to her with a grin.