
Flame Of Love

An average couple, Chen Xue Qin and Jiang Da Xia, had just become fiancé and fiancée. During a late night drive, the two happened to encounter an accident which then happened to lead them to something strange. When they opened their eyes, they were not in the hospital! Instead they were in some other magical world where many things still were ancient and traditionally chinese cultured . Jiang Da Xia woke up in a well built wooden house, but Chen Xue Qin woke up in a royal palace?? Throughout time they’ve made friends and found people who can be trustworthy of. Friends who soon became someone important and changed them. The two spent long searching for each other, however when they finally met, they both found out something about each other: Xue Qin was the son of Chen Zhang Yong, a powerful king, and Da Xia happened to be a reincarnation of the most hated woman in the palace! Song Wu Zhou seems like he’s just an average man, though he is someone secretly powerful. After facing many difficulties and losing Liu Wen Qiang, his loved one, he begins to see how more depraved the world actually is. While investigating with his sister like friend Hua Jia Yi for such a long time, he couldn’t find anything about Wen Qiang’s death until he met someone. About two years later after his love’s death, he meets Da Xia who first seemed extremely suspicious to him. Slowly after getting to know her better, he begins noticing she shares the same similarities as Wen Qiang. The two (Song Wu Zhou and Jiang Da Xia) begins to have a love-hate relationship bond together and there happens to be a reason to it all.. What will all of their twisted fate become of as dark secrets begin to spill? *I do not own the cover*

SaYing · Fantaisie
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21 Chs

Always Remember

After a little nap, Da Xia wakes up, "Is it dark already?" She tiredly rubs her eyes. Xue Qin stops reading the books on his desk and goes over to Da Xia. He sits down beside her, "You slept for quite a long time."

She yawns, "I'm still tired though." Xue Qin laughs and flicks her forehead, "No way." Da Xia smiles and hugs him, "Well since you decided to wake me up even more, I'm getting kind of hungry now." He stands up, "What do you want to eat? I'll tell the maids to bring it here."

Da Xia thinks for awhile then cutely looks up at him, "Crab!"

Wu Zhou shakes his head in frustration, "No- wait up- I can't catch onto things. What do you both mean by 'love-hate relationship?'" Ying Pei smirks over at Jia Yi. She lets out a soft laughter, "You'll know sooner or later."

He mocks after her then scoffs, "You ALWAYS say that." Ying Pei pats Wu Zhou's shoulder, "Should we leave tomorrow?" Jia Yi sets dinner on the table, "Let's eat everyone. Therefore we'll have enough energy to leave." Xiao Jian curiously asks, "Will I be going too?"

Ying Pei sits down at the table beside him, "No you won't. We will be going on a dangerous mission it seems. I don't want to see you hurt so you'll stay with Grandma Xing back at Nian Zhe village." Xiao Jian frowns, "Okay.."

As Wu Zhou eats he quietly mumbles, "If they lay one finger on her..I'm flipping the entire kingdom." Wen Qiang looks over at him, "Huh? Did you say something?" He shakes his head, "Nothing. Just eat."

After they finished eating altogether, Wu Zhou holds Wen Qiang's hands, "Come outside with me. I need to talk to you." She became anxious. Did he find something out?

Jia Yi and Ying Pei sees them leave. They look at each other then shrugs their shoulders.

Wu Zhou and Wen Qiang walks deep into the forest. Fireflies begins lighting up by bushes and tall grass. The leaves rustles and twigs snaps as they silently walk together.

Wen Qiang then breaks the ice, "What did you want to talk to me about?" He didn't look at her, "Just keep walking. I'll tell you when to stop." That brought her more anxiety.

Finally, Wu Zhou stopped walking. He pushed bushes aside and there, a clear view of the village was seen. Wen Qiang looks down at the cliff, "Wh..what are we doing here? Aren't you scared we're going to fall?" He sits down by the cliff, and look at the village lights, "Was I really not with you when you fell down at the Vanishing Mountains?"

She raises an eyebrow, "What are you talking about?" He replies calmly, "I keep seeing these unclear figments of me reaching out for your hands." Wen Qiang sighs, "You're just thinking too much, you were never with me when I fell down. "

He puts on a frown and bites his lips, "Things just keep bothering me." She places her hand by his back, "Tell me, what's bothering you?" Honestly, he questions her, "Do you love me?" Her eyes widens at the surprise question. She hesitates to answer, "Why wouldn't I?"

Wu Zhou lifts his head up towards the sky to look at the stars that were shining, beautifully and blinding in the dark night. He then glances at her, "For some reason, I just feel as if we don't want to be with each other. It's like you don't want to be nearby me and I feel hesitant being by you."

"You feel as if there's nothing between us?" She tries shortening his statement. He nods his head, "I don't know, maybe it's because you don't have your core or whatever. Could be another reason as to why."

Wen Qiang then asks him, "Do YOU love me?" Wu Zhou smiles, "Of course I do. You mean a lot to me. I treasure you the most." She gives off a relieved smile, yet said nothing back.

The King slammed his paper fan onto the table, stressed he covers his face with his palms, "I just feel like I know who that woman is! The way she talked..the way her eyes gleamed red at me.. I just can't figure out WHO exactly.."

Da Xia finished eating, she wipes her mouth with a handkerchief then asks Xue Qin, "So when will we go back home? And how?"

He drinks the tea out from the porcelain cup, "We can't. I feel like there's something keeping us here, and we have to finish that." She moves up closer to him, "What do you mean we can't go back?"

Xue Qin sighs, "Where did you wake up when you first came here?" She thinks for awhile, "Ah, I woke up in a wooden house, but Song Wu Zhou said he found me in the lake while he was fishing." Surprised, his eyes sharpened, "Song Wu Zhou?"

She explains, "Yeah, he's a tall guy with very long jet black hair.. he wears a greyish blue and white robe with gold and silver linings, he has a very defined face? Like you can really see the lining of his jaws! He's kind of pretty I'd say."

After she detailed out Wu Zhou, Xue Qin begins remembering scenes from the past:

"It doesn't matter what you're going to do to me.. I will.. and always will..remember everything you've done," Wu Zhou said in an angry yet calm voice. Blood dripped from his chin as his body trembled, aching in excruciating pain.