
Part 30

Zuko's POV:

Returning to the main hall with Sokka close behind, he greeted his wife with a smile, choosing to let leave her in suspense after his open threat to the man. Greeting guests all around, they were all so thrilled to see Katara alive and well. Looks were exchanged over Sokka's release, many believing he was given an easy break. Deep down he agreed with their concerns, knowing the decision was Katara's for the making. This was his first lesson of marriage; happy wife happy life.

One arm wrapped around his lovers waist they were greeted with blessings. After a few moments Sokka approached them, two champagne glasses in hand. Offering them over he couldn't help but tease, "No poison this time..."

Katara found the statement amusing, himself on the other hand could only manage out, "Funny..." Finishing the bubbly beverage off they both set their glasses down. Zuko tugged at her arm lightly, gesturing for her to follow him. Hand in hand they made their way over to the balcony, looking out to the city before them. Taking in its beauty they spent a few moments in silence before Katara chimed in.

"It's funny how life takes its course, I don't think either of us would have ever pictured this."

"Fate is a funny thing, but I couldn't be happier."

"Agreed, this is all ours now."


"Forever and ever?"

"Don't push it now"

Leaning down he placed a kiss on her forehead, turning as both Iroh and Hakoda joined them. Both with contagious smiles seemingly stained on their faces, Iroh of course chiming in with one of his cheesy uncle statements, "Married for only hours and the happy couple is already running off from their loved ones, two lone wolves finding happiness in each others company, what a sight to see!"

"Uncle, only wed for a few hours and already faced with the lifelong wrath of your teasing!"

"You'll never be able to escape it, Zuko. Oh and Katara don't think I'll let you off easy either!"

"Of course, I am part of the family now. I come prepared."

Hakoda wrapped an arm around Katara's shoulder, placing a kiss on her cheek. "We'll leave you two love birds be, just wanted to check in. But make sure you come back to the party, I know how you are-"


Alone once more they basked in the last rays of sunlight of the day.

"We never did discuss honeymoon plans, huh?"

"Is a honeymoon really necessary, husband?"

"We could always just kick everyone out of the palace for a week-"

"Can we do that?"

"Hmph, of course we can!"

"Sounds like a plan then, but will Iroh really leave?"

"Nope, but we can pretend he's not here-"

"Haha, that would be cruel..."

"You're right, you're right. We have a lifetime ahead of us, we can escape whenever we wish."

"More blindfolded late night adventures?"

"Of course, what would we be without those?"

"You have a point! Now come on, let's pretend to be social for a few more hours..."

"Do we have to?"

"I think so, sorry to say."

"Shall we?"

Holding out his hand she accepted, both heading back down the hall. Before making it very far, Iroh joined them once more, a stern look replacing his once jolly smile.


"Zuko, we need to talk..."

"What's going on? Did one of the party members drink a bit too much?"

"No, I fear this is far greater of a problem."

"Don't leave us in suspense-"

"I don't want to cause any fear, I think we should discuss this alone."

Turning to his wife he sighed, "Katara is my wife now, she is part of the family, anything that you need to discuss with me you can say in front of her."

"Alright, if you insist... It is about your sister, Zuko."

"Azula? What happened?"

"She's missing..."

"What do you mean she's missing?!? The psychiatric center assured me this would never happen. How could she possibly escape?"

"I don't know... They contacted me as soon as she was reported missing, I was going to notify you sooner but well, we weren't sure Katara was going to make it and I didn't want to give you yet another thing to worry about..."

"I want security tightened even more so, I doubt she will show her face around here, but I want to be careful..."

"Of course..."

Exiting the halls the couple was yet again, left alone. Zuko's legs shaky and mind flooded, he slid against the wall onto the floor, eyes wide. Katara joined him on the floor, caressing her hand against his cheek.

"How can this be happening?"

"Shh, she's ill and the entire nation knows not to trust her, she will be found and captured before we know it..."

"I hope you're right, but as you know your brother, I know my sister. Let's not tell anyone about this just yet, I want to enjoy our day..."

"Of course... We can talk about this later, come on."

Holding her hand out he accepted, pulling himself off from the ground. With one threat diminished a new one always surfaces in a not so perfect world. With someone to fight for, he knew he was stronger than ever. New allies and newfound love would certainly help him defeat any threat posed. In such a world as their own, a long journey lay ahead of them. Two strong souls strengthened by hardship and friends around to support, the long battle for peace would continue on.

Before returning to the party, Zuko turned to his wife, a smile on his face, "I love you..."

Entering the room all eyes focused on them, Iroh stood before all of them, loudly clanging a spoon against his glass as to silence the room.

"Now that the happy couple has returned, I can finally make a toast! To old friends, new friends, my loved ones, and the new members of our growing family, I want to thank you all for joining us on this sacred day. Love is such a peculiar thing, a beautiful yet frightening joining of two separate lives becoming one. As I have mentioned to my nephew in the past, you are very wise to choose happiness and love. There are reasons each of us are born. We have to find those reasons. And I am certain he has now found his reason. Together this young couple will achieve great things, far beyond our imagination. Let this be a lesson to us all that regardless of our nations, positions, or beliefs, love fuels us all. Love is like a flame, with proper nurture and attention, it will burn on. I have always been proud of each of my nephews accomplishments, and I am happy to finally vocalize how proud I am of my new niece, Katara. I wish you both the best of luck with your lives, and happiness and love for an eternity. New hardships will always surface, but together we can face them all head on. Now let us all continue the celebration!"

Sometimes life is like this dark tunnel, you can't always see the light at the end of the tunnel, but if you just keep moving... You will come to a better place.