

SYNOPSIS The fireheart is a legend,the king of all planets,the one who is blessed by the Gods and loved by his people...he should have found his mate a thousand years ago on his hundred equinox,a thousand years later he is to be crowned king,has a daughter but refuses to marry...Tristan Octavius Mon-el Pentagast stopped believing in the Gods a thousand years ago but now on his one thousand equinox the Gods has sent him a gift... What is the gift from the Gods? Will he accepts the gift? Kiara Mirajane Strauss, a supe with the ability to bend and control any material, she's gentle but also feisty, a great hacker of the Gen V. She has a brother who loves her to the earth and back. Her first mission since graduation and she's with her brother's team, going out to rescue the astronauts stranded in space, the mission was suppose to be fail-proof but what happens when Kiara decides to go in the damaged spaceship to keep it together while her team get the astronauts out??? What happens when she finds a tattoo of a flaming bird on her back?? What happens when she begins to see a man who nobody sees except her? What will she do when the man comes for her?

Daost16Scarlett · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
23 Chs

Chapter 7


Ever since the particle accelerator exploded at Starks Tech twenty years ago, humanity began undergoing changes ,humans with ability started appearing,at first it started with those at the penitentiary and detention centers breaking out of their cells after discovering that they now possess abilities other humans do not.To keep it under wraps the government decided to start apprehending those excaped individuals,and later it escalated to capturing children who possess abilities; the explosion mainly affected children and teenagers between the ages of four to to nineteen,humans are afraid of what they don't understand to they began capturing those children and began using them for experiments,they wanted to know why only the children and those from the penitentiary and detention centers were affected,to see if they would go berserk and attack their families, parents willingly giving out their children just because they were afraid but my parents weren't afraid,they saw the actions of the government as barbaric and cruel,ignorance is bliss they say,what you don't know won't kill you but in this case they were wrong ;when the captured teenagers and children could no longer bear the Insane treatment they were put through,they went wild and started attacking the scientists and soldiers ,breaking out of their cages like rabid animals and attacking any human in sight this went one for two years ,back then my parents knew about my older brother's ability ,to protect him they decided to build an organization that would protect anyone with abilities, gradually, gradually,the fight between humans and those with ability came to a halt,a deal was made with the government never to attack those with ability in exchange those with ability will do their best to protect those without abilities and that was how Gen V was formed,from being humans with abilities to being super human.

What we never did expect though was the appearance of beasts [A.N. Allow me to substitute monsters for beast as it is more suitable] the explosion didn't just affect humans it also affected the animals and insects which brought about beasts and the method of grading them.

They are six classes of beasts ; Class A,B,C,D,D-and although the last one isn't common,they have only ever been one Class E,and back then nobody was able to defeat it instead it was sealed but not to digress,the classes are further divided into levels

Class A:level 1- level 20

Class B:level 21- 40

Class C:level 41- 60

Class D: level 61-80

Class D-: level 81-95

Class E: level 95-100

The beasts in D- are beasts who are in the process of upgrading to the next level and they are as strong as supes who are Class E.

Which as I imagine my brother would have a hard time fighting this beast . just as I thought it may be a level ninety five but it is still as weak as it was when I fought with it before, the only saving grace for that beasts is it fast regeneration and the ability it possess which I already know how to deal with.

Few minutes before team eight joined the fight

"Jayden keep one thing in mind ,that beast has an ability....

"what?!why are you just telling us this now ?why didn't you tell your brother ", Jayden asked,he was bewildered,it's rare to see a beast with an ability

"Atleast let me finish before you jump in,as I was saying the ability of that beast is to copy the ability of others just like mimic except it's way stronger than she is,the stronger the belief that your ability can defeat it,the stronger his defenses are so is it offensive power and my brother already used all his trump card on that beast,so listen carefully guys hit that beast with all you got but saved your best one shot attack for the last".


Both teams spread themselves out on the battlefield the support type ability users at the back and the offensive type ability users at the forefront.

"Right, who is the new girl?if I remember correctly you only have three females on your team", Savatar asked

"I don't see how that is your business,but since you're dieing to know,I picked her up recently and she decided to join our team,why got a problem with that?Zeus said

[A.N. The following are the code names of the team eight; Jayden: Zeus, Mina: Keys, Juvia:Aquarius, Freya:Red, Nate:Steel, Trey: Barricade]

"Lucky bastard,got himself a team full of sexy ladies", Savatar murmured grudgingly and Top gave him a look that said are you saying am not sexy enough or what,the glare Top shot him sent shivers down his spine and his brain seemed to remind him you've got a girlfriend man, focus on the task ahead.

"You remember the plan right guys?" Zeus said to his team as he launched himself forward throwing a series of lightning strikes at the beast.

"Wait,what plan are you talking about?", Savatar asked,but got no response as the other members of the team eight sprang into action one by one,he stood there looking at them throwing strike upon strike against that beast without giving it a chance to rest .At the corner of his eye he saw the new girl standing there just watching,a part of him felt drawn to her,he felt this urge to shield and protect her just as he was thinking a stray metal was flying towards her he was about to go move her out of the way when she stopped the metal halfway and crumbled it,he was surprised and he thought maybe I don't need to protect her ,but was that telekinesis or bending,what exactly is her power,she seems strong.

Kiara saw that her brother was coming to save her from the stray metal that flew her way but she didn't even turn and sneered within her do you really think something like that can hurt me big brother,you really underestimated me. She called the others back and said "Time for phase two".

This time it wasn't Savatar who asked but Vibe "What phase two?you guys we're suppose to work together",he said frustrated that they weren't even sharing their resources he was certain they had a plan on how to defeat that beast and he hated that they were not telling them anything.

"You don't have to know,but know this we've won this round",Kiara was the one who replied him .

All this while ,Zeus ,Steel,and Aquarius were the ones fighting the beast,now it was time to end this;Kiara,Red and Keys stepped forward getting ready to attack while Zeus was trying to replenish his energy for the final attack.

"Ready?" Kiara asked

"Damn ready"


The two replied,Red took off her mask,while Keys brought out her keys;Just as her name implies Keys[Mina] has the ability to summon beings from another world to aid her in her fight the beings she summons are known celestials,being born from the zodiacs.

"Open gate of the lion, Leo",Keys summoned her being and a golden light engulfed the area then a young man appeared dress in a tuxedo suit wearing glasses "Lady Mina,you look stunning as ever,man you haven't aged a day,maybe after this you wanna go on a date with me,I promise to...

"Loki,focus ,you still haven't changed ",Keys said exasperatedly as she cut him short.Loki turned around and look at the beast,then he rushed forward,stomped his foot and flew up as he dealt a devastating punch on the beast"Regulus impact",he shouted,the punch pushed the beast back before it could regain it bearings spikes made with earth were flying towards it "Blast",Red said and the spikes on impact exploded,the beast didn't have enough time to send out an attack of its own because it was busy healing himself red and keys kept assaulting it from all sides;the beast decided to attack with everything it's got as he opened it's mouth to shoot out an energy blast Kiara seeing this ran past Red and Keys sending out a flurry of attacks ,she turned iron into spikes,wood into arrows throwing it out,it stopped the attack it was trying to make, then he looked up and saw a figure in black,it seemed to recognize the figure as it shivered in fear but it convince itself that it was stronger now so repeated the attack it was trying to make but this time he was using all the attacks he copied from the others, Kiara increased her speed as she punched it,to the others it was a light tap but to that beast it felt it life flashed before it eyes, desperate for it's life it tried to cut her in shreds with it's claw but Kiara anticipated this so she leaped back and rejoin the others then said "phase three".The others understanding this channeled their energy through their body then got ready to send out their final attack they knew that if this doesn't work they will die here.

"Get ready Zeus, you're finishing it off",Kiara said to Zeus privately through the comms.

The others except for barricade through out everything they had at the beast

"Burn",Red screamed

"Regulus impact!!!",both Loki and Keys shouted throwing out a long distance Punch,while Aquarius sent out a water shaped spear and Steel threw a spike he made with everything he got;On the other hand Kiara controlled the harden skin of the beast bending it and changing it's properties as the others simultaneously threw out their attacks they beast gave out a beastly roar "Zeus now",Kiara shouted and Zeus knowing this was his cue threw his strongest lightning bolt ever "Lightning crimson spear",he screamed,the beast let out a beastly cry before it breathe it last and fell.


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