

SYNOPSIS The fireheart is a legend,the king of all planets,the one who is blessed by the Gods and loved by his people...he should have found his mate a thousand years ago on his hundred equinox,a thousand years later he is to be crowned king,has a daughter but refuses to marry...Tristan Octavius Mon-el Pentagast stopped believing in the Gods a thousand years ago but now on his one thousand equinox the Gods has sent him a gift... What is the gift from the Gods? Will he accepts the gift? Kiara Mirajane Strauss, a supe with the ability to bend and control any material, she's gentle but also feisty, a great hacker of the Gen V. She has a brother who loves her to the earth and back. Her first mission since graduation and she's with her brother's team, going out to rescue the astronauts stranded in space, the mission was suppose to be fail-proof but what happens when Kiara decides to go in the damaged spaceship to keep it together while her team get the astronauts out??? What happens when she finds a tattoo of a flaming bird on her back?? What happens when she begins to see a man who nobody sees except her? What will she do when the man comes for her?

Daost16Scarlett · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
23 Chs

Chapter 4


Different shadows could been seen flying over building tops at the speed of light that would take a superhuman to know that those shadows were actually people and not birds.

"The site is just up ahead after that rundown building", Kiara said ,a screen hovering over her wrists .

"For a beginner you're fast, nobody has ever been able to keep up to Jayden or me,well except your brother and his girlfriend",Mina said,the nastiness behind her voice at the last sentence betrayed her friendly face.

"Ah,ah,ah,.Kiara laughed and replied " I exercise alot senior Mina ".

"We're there guys,and it seems team seven isn't having it easy,you guys.... you're gonna be fine right?"Jayden said over the comms.

"Are you seriously worried about us? don't worry mummy,your babies are strong we're gonna be fine",Trey joked over the comms and the rest of the group burst out laughing.

Behind his cold and aloof demeanor, Jayden actually cares about his teammates alot,to him they're were his second chance at having a family,his responsibility,his people to protect,and deep down he knows that they feel that way about him,so if he sees that there's not even a little chance of them defeating that monster he'd get them out of there without a second thought,not minding the punishment he will get from the board.

He said privately to Kiara "Stay close to me, understand?".She nodded in response.

"So Cap... what's the plan?" Freya asked.

Freya is the youngest in the group and she's usually quiet,it's nigh impossible to hear her speak,the only time she speaks is during a fight and that's due to the nature of her power;she uses her voice to utter commands to her opponents,the more commanding it sounds,the more the effect and the more the strain on her voice,her power is known as Cursed speech,as the name implies, although the more commanding the word is the more her chances of talking gets slim,so she hardly ever talks,so when she asked the question fear griped the rest of the team,then relief as they saw that it's had no effect,since they still don't understand the nature of her powers naturally they were scared except for Kiara,then again surprise was evident on their faces as she spoke and they're still alive in one piece,so she asked again and Jayden was the one who replied as the others were too stunned to speak, but his answer brought the team back to reality as they heard his words "The plan....?well I don't have one but...

The whole team except for Kiara exclaimed, they're were beginning to rethink their decision of accept the mission.

"I have a plan ", Kiara said.

The team regained their composure as they heard Kiara words."I like her already, she's a smart one",Nate said smiling at her.

"Okay, let's hear it ",Jayden said.Kiara explained to them what her plan was and the group was beyond surprised.

"That's insane,that will be putting you at the forefront of the battle ",Trey exclaimed, knowing that if anything was to happen to her their whole team won't leave to see tomorrow and that scared the sh*t out of him.

"He's right,it's too dangerous for a beginner,not to mention that it's your first time on the field, alot of things could go wrong", Mina concurred and the others agreed ..

"Besides if anything happens to you,your brother will brutally murder us",Juvia chirped in and the others couldn't agree more until they heard Jayden said "Let's do it",if they was anything beyond surprised then it's how they felt.

"Are you insane Jayden, that's suicide,her plan is a suicide plan and you know it,if you're thinking of dieing then I'm sorry to say but you can go ahead and die alone cause I have no intention of dieing now, Mina yelled

Besides if that thing doesn't kill us,then her so called psychopath of a brother will burn us alive".

Despite all of Mina's ranting Jayden said in a calm but cold tone that discreetly told Mina to keep her mouth shut then he said calmly"you guys...we can this ,let's trust her",the way he spoke even after all Mina's ranting freaked them out and they just agreed.

"I won't let you down", Kiara said determinely.

"No you won't,cause you're gonna have me and Juvia as your first line of defense;you guys understand the plan right". He asked.

"Sure Cap",They chorused,then they rushed.

"Damn it,we haven't landed a single hit on that thing", Max said frustratingly,as he leaped backward to avoid an attack;re-joining with the group.

"What do we do savatar"Bella said referring to Max by his code name.[A.N. The team seven code names are as follows, Max:Savatar, Kimberly:Top, Bella: Frosty,Andy:Vibe. So that you won't get it missed up.]

"Damn if I know,I have no idea Frosty,my mind is blank, besides Vibe why the hell aren't team eight here yet",he replied addressing both Bella and Andy.

"They should be here any min....,a bolt of lightning flew past them and landed right at the monster.

"Speak of the devil,and he appears", Bella said sarcastically.

"We are here already so stop whining Savatar ", Jayden said to Max."I'm sure that strike got him good", he said only for him to be wrong as he saw the dust cleared off,he was bewildered to see it still standing that was his strongest bolt of lightning ever,yet not even a single scratch.

"You were saying", Savatar taunted

"It's a good thing we came prepared then, ain't that right guys",Mina retorted,backing up her captain.

Kiara was observing and analysing the situation as fast as she can to find a weak spot ,and when she did she knew within her that her brother had lost this fight,cause she was certain she was gonna win; Jayden's little stunt he pulled was all part of the plan and now it was time to execute the plan.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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