

SYNOPSIS The fireheart is a legend,the king of all planets,the one who is blessed by the Gods and loved by his people...he should have found his mate a thousand years ago on his hundred equinox,a thousand years later he is to be crowned king,has a daughter but refuses to marry...Tristan Octavius Mon-el Pentagast stopped believing in the Gods a thousand years ago but now on his one thousand equinox the Gods has sent him a gift... What is the gift from the Gods? Will he accepts the gift? Kiara Mirajane Strauss, a supe with the ability to bend and control any material, she's gentle but also feisty, a great hacker of the Gen V. She has a brother who loves her to the earth and back. Her first mission since graduation and she's with her brother's team, going out to rescue the astronauts stranded in space, the mission was suppose to be fail-proof but what happens when Kiara decides to go in the damaged spaceship to keep it together while her team get the astronauts out??? What happens when she finds a tattoo of a flaming bird on her back?? What happens when she begins to see a man who nobody sees except her? What will she do when the man comes for her?

Daost16Scarlett · Sci-fi
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23 Chs

Chapter 3

Team eight

"I can't believe he still sees me as that five years old who always comes running to him anytime she's being bullied", I said to myself."This isn't fair, I'm fucking twenty five, I'm a friggin grown-up lady so why is he trying so hard to keep me away from the field",I continued with the self speech as I walked down the hall coming to stop when I sighted my brother's arch enemies and rivals the team eight.The team eight and team seven are two opposite they never see eye to eye on anything, wanting to always be at the top.The team eight consisted consisted of five people who are individually strong on their own,they are ; Jayden Bartels;Team leader of the team eight and also mh long time crush,I mean which girl wouldn't fall for that angelic face and sexy eyes.

Mina Hawk; Assistant team leader and best friend of Jayden.Then they're the others; Juvia Julian, Freya Allan, Nate Snell and Trey Kennedy.I walked up to the group stopping right in front of Jayden,I had to strain my neck just to look him in the eye and as if already knowing what I wanted to say he was already shaking his head and repeatedly saying "No,no ,nope, never".

"But you didn't even let me say anything",I whined."Atleast hear me out before concluding on anything",I pleaded, praying and hoping within me that atleast he'd give me a chance even though I knew my chances were very slim.

"Five minutes,that's all you get", Jayden replied coldly, reminding me once again who this person was.

"Uhm...okay...well...I..I...",I stammered, putting myself back together I knew I had to to convince him and also I don't have much time left as he said "one minute left".It seemed as though he had asked the others to go without him which seems to give me more confidence,I started "I believe my powers will come in handy as it's can be used both ways; offensive and defensive, besides the level ninety five seems to have upgraded which makes his body composition different but also not impossible to control,it's hide is as strong as thorium and with my polarity against different materials I might...NO I will be able to take it down or better still create an opening for you to deliver the final blow", Kiara concluded breathing heavily as she had to rush her words which made her breathless.

"That sounds good,but the answer is still NO , I'm starting to get tired of Fighting with your brother so NO ",Jayden said heading for the door.

"Do you know why you're being sent out there? don't you find it weird?",i hurriedly said hoping to change his mind.

"No, I don't find it weird,and yes i know your brother's team is having a whole lot of problems dealing with that monster",he replied,a sinister smile on his face "it's a chance to finally show everyone that I'm better and stronger than him",he smirked and turned around still heading for the hallway door,which to my surprise,the hallway was unbelievably empty, something I failed to notice before.

"You'll never be in the limelight, he's always gonna overshadow you,do you know why?"i asked then i answered the question for him"because at the end of the day, he'll be the one acknowledged as the hero,and you'll always be second best to him",that seemed to have struck a chord as Jayden launched himself at Kiara with his body emitting lightening,he threw a very fast punch but Kiara was obviously faster and stronger as she dodge the attack sending out a punch of her own that broke Jayden's nose on impact and sent him flying across the hallway crashing into a pillar.Kiara was stunned ,she knew she was strong but she was sure she suppressed her strength and she didn't even go all out on the punch,the noise attracted the others standing outside the hallway and the rest of the group came running in to see what the noise was all about,only for them to see Jayden in a very sorry state and Kiara standing there looking alright.The others got into stance and was getting ready to attack when Jayden stood up and broke his nose into place he smiled and looked at Kiara, then he asked his team to leave the hall and make sure no one goes through the door; Kiara was already thinking of a way to stop the incoming battle with Jayden but was surprised when he suddenly asked "Why does it feel like you want to bring your brother down and at the same time you don't want to?"

"I have no intention of doing that, I just want him to see that I am as strong as he is and....

"As strong as he is?Kiara are you joking with me? nobody has ever been able to knock me out completely not even your brother but you did that in ten friggin seconds,hell you might be the strongest person in the organization!"Jayden exclaimed,but he looked back at the fight that just happened few minutes ago and he knew that even then she wasn't using all of her strength then what would she be like if she used all of her strength combined with her powers, she'd be a monster,this thought sent shivers down his spine.

Kiara in turn was surprised cause she never expected Jayden to praise nor compliment her, she knew Jayden would never just compliment anyone, until she heard him say those words she had always wanted to hear.Jayden began thinking fast,if she was this strong, stronger than me and even stronger than Max then I'm gonna need her,then an idea came to him as he spoke out"Let's say I let you join my team, what's in it for me?"

Kiara smiled and said "I will make you number one on the Solo supes list,and get your team to be among the top three,what do you say Jayden? do we have a deal?". Kiara said as she stretched her hands forward for a handshake to signify the sealing of the deal and Jayden gladly accepted.

Jayden just dropped a bombshell on the group ,for a while the group was stunned that they could hear the sound of a pin drop, different thoughts going through their head until Mina snapped them out of it, when she half yelled at Jayden "you did what? please tell me this is some kind of joke Cap?Mina said, half-pleading that what Jayden just said was some sort of prank.

"pipe it down Mina, I know what I'm doing", Jayden replied calmly, too calmly that the group was caught off guard and wonder if this was their team leader.He didn't know why Mina and the others were overreacting "She can be a big asset to us"he said

"How so?" a blue-haired girl asked,she was also known as Juvia, the goddess of water "What do you mean Jayden?"She asked again.Jayden smirked,then he looked at them one by one and said"What do you guys think of being among the top three in the squad list ?"he asked. He knew this was always what they wanted so he continued "Kiara is the key to that,I mean think about it; how many of you has seen how her powers work but currently she's ranked third on the Solo Supes List [SSL] even though she hasn't been on any missions",he said ,staring at their faces to gauge their reaction and their reaction was as he thought,they were bewildered, amused and confused,then Nate said"Nobody has seen her in action but it was rumored that she's on par with Kimberly ".

"Then what exactly is her power ",Trey asked exasperatedly.

"The ability to control anything that has even the slightest bit of metal or iron in it,in a way you can say she can also control the human body as our blood also consists of iron not only that she can alter the properties of an object so she can control it,be it rubber, stones, wood, you name it ", Jayden said.But all of a sudden they heard a slightly tiny voice which stunned them cause it has been awhile since the red haired Freya spoke.

"So in order words,she can kill everyone on earth if she want to, she's practically a god ",she said in a raspy tone, they all knew the reason why her voice was that way,due to the powers she possess her vocal chords have slightly been altered.

"So.... let's bring her in", Jayden added and the group agreed still amused by what they heard and slightly confused as to why the organization would hide someone like that.

I'm sorry I haven't posted in a while, I've been really busy so to make up for it I will upload three new chapters today.

P.S .your lovely writer,DS❤️

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