

SYNOPSIS The fireheart is a legend,the king of all planets,the one who is blessed by the Gods and loved by his people...he should have found his mate a thousand years ago on his hundred equinox,a thousand years later he is to be crowned king,has a daughter but refuses to marry...Tristan Octavius Mon-el Pentagast stopped believing in the Gods a thousand years ago but now on his one thousand equinox the Gods has sent him a gift... What is the gift from the Gods? Will he accepts the gift? Kiara Mirajane Strauss, a supe with the ability to bend and control any material, she's gentle but also feisty, a great hacker of the Gen V. She has a brother who loves her to the earth and back. Her first mission since graduation and she's with her brother's team, going out to rescue the astronauts stranded in space, the mission was suppose to be fail-proof but what happens when Kiara decides to go in the damaged spaceship to keep it together while her team get the astronauts out??? What happens when she finds a tattoo of a flaming bird on her back?? What happens when she begins to see a man who nobody sees except her? What will she do when the man comes for her?

Daost16Scarlett · Sci-fi
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23 Chs

Chapter 17



We set off course for planet earth,where my mate was, fifteen fleets of ship voyage across the Galaxy as per my command.I was eager to see her but at the same time I was scared; scared of rejection,what if she refused to come with me?what if she rejected me?Then they was that part of me that was afraid of hurting her,that part of me that was a total asshole and a self centered idiot that wouldn't care for her,that part of me that felt incompetent as to whether or not I would treat her right and love her like never before, different thoughts kept going through my head but despite all these I kept my expression neutral but suddenly the alarm in the ship went off forcing me out of my thoughts as I asked "What is the situation?".

"Your highness it's seems there is an intruder on the ship,we noticed food and water having been missing so we set up a sensory system around the storage room and kitchen,it seems we've finally caught them",the captain of the ship replied.

"I wonder who would dare to intrude on the royal fleet,bring that intruder to me ",Nero said angrily,the thought of a stranger coming aboard the ship without her knowledge irked her;the captain bowed and sent out a message to bring the intruder here but what they weren't expecting was for the intruder to be little princess Maya,at that moment Nero just felt that the ground should open up and swallow her, while Mon El kept his expression neutral,looking at his daughter his first thought was to send her back but then he remembered what his best friend had said 'she's your child,and it wouldn't be right for her to grow up hating you ,pay more attention to her '.but what he said shocked everyone including Nero.

"Let her go this instant",he said raising his voice at the guard "Are you so stupid that you can't recognize the Grand princess of your nation?How dare you rough handle my child",He said,his expression softened as he stared at her.Her round oval face ,and silver eyes that reminded him of the first woman he ever loved.

He felt it's only right she gets to meet the woman who would be her mother in a matter of days and so he didn't asked why she was onboard the ship,he was willing to overlook her defiance this time.

Maya was by far the most shocked out of everyone,she never expected her father to stand up for her,nor had she expected him to look at her softly or with love but his next words made her start to doubt if this was really her father.

"Nero,take Maya and dress her up then tell the head

chef to cook all of her favorite food,my little pumpkin looks skinny ",Mon El said softly to Nero,then he turned and looked at the guard who had rough handled his child then he said to the captain"Lock this fool up in the dungeon,no food and water for him till we get to earth,and give him fifty lashes every day till we get to earth,the guard knew not to beg or apologize or he would meet his ancestors in the grave,he could only thank the Gods that his highness didn't immediately kill him.


After the incident that occured in Kiara's room where she saw red tattoos depicting red fiery flames as it glowed.Kiara and Bella stood there looking at her reflection in the mirror as the glow died down with the tattoos slowly fading away from her legs to her arms then it's moved as though it was alive then resided on her back,when the glow on her body completely faded away, they saw a tattoo of a flaming bird ,the expression on both their faces couldn't be described as they were both short of words.

"Oh my f*cking gosh!!!",Bella exclaimed "The f*ck just happened? someone hit me,that...did...not...just... happened...!!",She said exaggeratedly and Kiara just rolled her eyes at her.

"Stop being dramatic Bella, you're really not helping, I'm freaking out already",Kiara said fearfully,she didn't understand what just happened,she was freaking out but most of all she was afraid; afraid of the rush of power she felt, afraid of hurting her family again.

"Bella,what am I gonna do?how do I get this tattoo off of me?",she asked

"Babe...Bella called "stop freaking out already, we'll think of something but one thing is for sure that tat ain't going off,the f*cking thing glowed then it moved,it felt like it was alive apart from that the energy emitting out of that tat is something I don't understand and....

"So what the actual f*cking do you want me to do,if I go out there everyone will know about it,how do I start explaining to Max where I get a tat from",Kiara said exparatedly.

"You've gotta come down,first we're gonna dress you up and get you ready for your party,there won't be another one, you've got to pick a new name and you ain't gonna miss it".Kiara opened her mouth to speak but Bella stopped her "And then if anyone asks about the tat you tell them I did it for you,it looks pretty normal as long as it's not glowing,then after the party we can think of what to do ".

"Alright then, I'm trusting you ".

"I'll always have your back after all am your bestie, relax everything is gonna be fine", Bella reassured her friend.


"Hey what took you so long", Jayden asked kiara as he took her hands and led her down the stairs.

"Bella kept fussing over me,it was tiring having to change into different set of clothes ",She lied keeping a smile on her face to hide her emotions.

"Then she's probably the one who got you that tat on your back right?".

"Ye... yeah,she is".She stuttered as she replied him.

"She's good,I should have her get me one of 'em some time".

"Yeah, I'm sure she'll get you the one that perfectly screams Jayden ". As they made their way through the room hand her hand, Kiara was silently praying that nobody ask her about the tattoo cause it was tiring and hard to lie to them,she was also silently praying that somebody like Trey ,or Celia or even her brother won't want the details of how she got the tat so quickly and just as she was thinking Celia walked up to them with a smile on her face 'damn it I just jinxed it,it has to be Celia of all people, Kiara thought.

"You looking stunning Kiara,and Jayden seems to be the perfect gentle man for you tonight",she said with a smile as she walked past them but her eyes caught something on Kiara then she saw the tattoo,as Kiara and Jayden moved forward she said "Nice tats by the way Kiara, you've gotta tell me who got it for you ",she said with a somewhat sly smile on her face.' It won't be long now, she's all grown up,she thought'.Then she walked away ,and Kiara breath a sigh of relief then she thought 'As long as I don't run into that blabbering idiot this should be easy'.

But then she sensed a familiar energy level she didn't need to turn cause the person didn't waste time in introducing himself.

"Hey Kiara what's up ? oh my god,you got yourself a tat,man you look badass ",Trey said as he walked up to them.

"Speak of the devil and he appears.Universe why do you hate me?",she muttered under her breath as she smiled at him."You look dashing Trey, you've got the girls drooling over you",she said.

"I'd say the same,by the way do you know what everyone is calling you, it's a pretty awesome name".

"What are they calling me?it's better not be something miss polarity or all for one",she said with a frown on her face and Jayden couldn't help but smile.

"it's something even better than that,it's a name that says KIARA ", Jayden said with a wide smile.

"Huh? What's it then?".

"She rises from the ashes to bring judgment on mankind, A flaming bird.... She's called the PHOENIX "Trey said making drum roll sounds with his mouth.

As Kiara heard that name a part of her felt pleased while another part of her didn't know what to feel,she felt her heart beat faster and a part of her felt that the name sounded familiar.

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