
Five worlds and me

Vicky is a 16 year old teen who was born without powers or so she thought. She leaves her own world and travels through 4 other worlds, plus one, just to see how they view life but she ends up in one problem or the other, learns more about herself, have friends and also go on crazy adventures. By the time she goes back home, what would she have learnt about herself and her family history

Oyinsho · Fantaisie
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10 Chs

Chapter 4- A new friend, a new discovery

Hey guys, sorry for not posting in a while. A lot has been happening so I'm making it up with a longer chapter. Enjoy

When i was out of the main land, i stopped running and brought out my phone. It was still a little bit bright out here. I had removed my chip when i was still at home so that nobody could call or reach out to me but there was one person who did. Tina

She was a girl, actually she was the only girl i knew who had technology for a brain. You could even call her a...a.., what do normals call them. Oh yes, robots. She could crack any code and had like a spell on gadgets, on a pro in video games. Who would have thought a girl could be so obsessed and serious about a video game

"Vicky, where are you? You left the party without saying anything. Not cool"

I guess she didn't branch at my house. That means she's still at the party but the thing is that i need my chip to send a message but let's see

"I left the party earlier than expected. Sorry". Not that i was even planning on staying any longer.

I decided not to tell her about me leaving the world since she would find out sooner or later on her own

"That's not even why i chatted you up. Where exactly are you?" She replied

"Why are you asking?" I knew she was already onto something

"Because my signals are not clashing. There are directing me to two different points: your chip and your cellphone. When i looked deeper into that, your chip is detached from your phone and you are not even in the same room with your chip. So where in the galaxy are you?"

I read the message and didn't reply because i knew that whatever reply i gave, she would have her answer but before i could think otherwise, i heard some footsteps. I hid behind the bush which was beside me and waited for whatever was there but nothing happened. Whatever it was, was already getting close. I came out of my hiding spot to have a better look at it but when i did, it sounded like it was in front of me and still walking

I stretched my hands outwards and circled my surroundings but nothing. Then i looked around but saw a very small fire ant crawling towards me. I bent towards the ant and the sound was actually coming from the ant. And then, I started hearing different sounds coming from all around me and it was a lot for my ear. I could hear the rustling of the bushes 10x louder and it was giving me an headache.

I couldn't take it any longer and let out ear splitting scream which also affected my hearing and then, everything went black

When i woke up, it took me a while to realise where i was.

Still in the middle of the forest


Everywhere was already dark and my head and ear were still hurting a lot. That isn't good

I was looking for my phone and finally saw it lying on the ground. Thankfully, it wasn't dead. I guess people don't come here much

It still had some battery in it. I unlocked my phone that's when i saw a billion calls and messages from Tina

"Where are you, Vicky?"

"Hope you are safe?"

"Why aren't you answering my calls?"

"This isn't funny, Vicky"

"Answer the damn phone, Vicky. I'm freaking out"

"If you are sleeping, sorry for disturbing you but text me when you wake up"

"Text me or you'll regret it"

"And I'm serious"

That's Tina for you. The worry freak

It was already dark, so i switched on my phone's touch and was about to take a step forward until i heard another rustle in the bushes

Not this again

But this time, it's like i could tell what was actually coming. It was as if i learnt how to master this power just by a slumber. Speaking of powers, i can't believe i finally have mine. Took 16 years but I'm not complaining, now i was having second thoughts of if i should go back or go forward

I could know what was coming through its weight and i could also trace the footstep of the creature with the foot size and structure which helped me to know what it was. A...a...


It was actually a very small one, you could call it a baby but you couldn't

It was a small dragon with red scales and blue eyes. The exact shade of mine

"Hi cutie, looking for your mama" The dragon seemed lost but when i spoke, the dragon lit up, ran towards me and literally pounced on me which landed both of us on the floor. It started licking my face and couldn't help but laugh

"Hey, you can't do that"

It finally stopped and i could also finally stand up. After cleaning myself up, i looked at the little creature who was on the ground, staring right back at me. I picked up the little creature, who was totally adorbs. I touched her nose but her face twitched

That's not good

It was as if it wanted to...


I immediately turned the dragon away from me towards the open air and the next thing i knew, the dragon sneezed out a channel of fire. That was close but that could be only said about me. The forest ahead was ablaze. I guess I'm not going back. Like normals always say 'forward ever, backward never' or something like that

"Oops!" I thought i was hearing things again but it was from the little creature

"You can talk?" As if terrified by this revelation, the dragon flew out of my hands onto the ground. "You can hear me?" Totally ignoring the fact that the dragon answered my question with a question. "I think so" Not sure if yes was the right answer to say with the severe headache i was having. "Cool" The dragon said with some sort of excitement while i was freaking out on the inside. "The last person who ever understood me was 30 years ago but now, you can"

"Not really sure if it's really such a good thing for me, I'm no telepathic but if you count super hearing as one, then i guess I'm the person"

"No it's not that, you're special, that's what i know, i can feel it. Anyways, I'm Nicky but you can call me Nick. And you?"

"Vicky, but i guess you can also call me, Vick?"

"Nice to meet you"

"Can't really say the same, you know why, right?"


"Okay nice chat but i have a mission" i turned around to leave but it spoke

"Not really a mission"

"What?" I stopped and turned around to face it. "Your quest wouldn't really be described as a mission, just a quest"

"Not really interested in what name soothes it, so thanks but no thanks"

"You are going to the house of monsters, right?". That immediately caught my attention. I didn't know what she was talking about but the word 'monsters' was clearly understood

" Yes, this is the route. You are going to the house of monsters" she explained

"What's the house of monsters?. Are there real monsters?" I said, really intrigued by this. "Hell no, that would be wrong, a violation and a way to a not so pretty ending..." Oh yeah, you can't intervene in another world "...it's a library which has everything involving monsters. Their histories, their way of living, which monster is which, statues which have special meanings and also, some say there are portals"

"You mean portals out of this world"


I was excited and happy but retrieve the last thing she said"What do you mean by 'some say'?"

"I mean exactly what it sounds like. A lot of peeps say there are portals but I've never been able to find out, remember the no animals policies"

"Oh yeah. Fair enough. So you coming?"

"Really?" She said with excitement in her voice

"Yeah. It's obvious that you know your way around here, so yeah and i could also not really think right now. Still have a splitting headache" i wasn't lying about the headache by the way "Oh my, sure. I'll tag along. Thanks, Vick" First time someone's calling me Vick but i think i can get use to it. I think

It took us a while to find the correct area. If it was only me, It would've probably taken me days. It was a dark huge palace. Yes, palace. It was massive but before i realise that, it took a while since it was hidden by a force field but Nick knew a way in

We walked into the palace which had no guards. "I thought you said no pet allowed"

"Yes, but I never said there were guards. Different thing"

And here i was taking precautions and acting like a ninja in the dark. Stupid

We walked through the halls looking for a light switch since my phone was close to dead

It took a while to find the switch which was still in good condition. When the lights lit up, i was completely blown away. The place was enormous, massive was an understatement. Everything was still in place and intact which was amazing. I wanted to cry but not yet, still have to get out of here first

"This is the only source of the monsters in this world. Each world has a library like this about each world which helps them connect to other worlds and can also help in transporting to that world"

"I thought you weren't sure"

"I always was but just decided not to tell you yet"

Of course


I read a lot which was actually the most I've read in my entire life. I never read this much even for my exams but this was different. It was as if there were story books or novels and i was so excited that i had to continue reading because i wanted to know what happened next

I read about the most common monsters: werewolves, vampires and witches or let me just say, the most interesting ones. After accumulating all those knowledge, i decided to take a walk round the library

I found myself in front of a door which had a circle with a dent, i didn't understand what it was at first, so i went inside. When i was inside i was in great delight

FYI it has nothing to do with Delight

"Nicky, i think i found the portal" i shouted with both surprise and excitement. Nicky was finally beside me "Lucky you. Wanna find out how it works?"

"You bet i do"

Do you guys think the portal will actually work or will her hopes be crushed. If you want to know what will happen next to both Vicky and Nicky, better stay tuned. Don't forget to vote and leave your comments. Stay tuned for another chapter. See ya later. Love ya

Merry Christmas and happy new year from our side :)