
missing children's incident

A few days have passed since the grand reopening of freddy fazbears pizza a black haired girl is locked outside of the restaurant it's raining outside and night a white car pulls up outside behind her a man Andrew walking out of the car walking towards her now behind her

"Hello Charlotte do you need help getting inside because I can help you if you'd like" he smiles a bit and before she can even respond she's on the ground barely breathing a hole her neck slit.

He then says "that was easier than i thought it would be" he drags her body to the ally hiding it behind a dumpster he then gets in his car driving away.

The security puppet then gets out of the box it was in walking out of the door going unnoticed walking in the rain breaking down as it walks through the ally once in the ally it's so broken down it starts crawling to Charlotte's body finally reaching it breaking down.

A few hours pass as Andrew finally reached his home he uses his phone to call someone

"Hello Mr. Afton I did it I killed her just like you asked me to" afton responds "good job did you get caught?" Andrew responds pridefully "of course I would never get caught we'll talk later but first I have things to do" afton responds "right we'll talk later"

Andrew walks into his office walking up to a tape recorder recording "I did it I killed Charlotte Emily it felt amazing but I'm not satisfied I need more to satisfy this rush I have but I need to make sure as to not get caught" he ends recording walking to his bedroom to sleep.

A few days have passed since the death of Charlotte Emily a blonde haired girl is standing inside the Pizzeria looking sad Andrew walks up to her in the golden bunny suit.

He then says "Hello, you look sad what's wrong?" He asks her she responds "my d....dog died" she says her voice cracking as she speaks he then says "he's not really dead I know where he is." She looks shocked by this.

She then says "Really?" He responds "of course just follow me." She follows him a few days pass there are missing signs around town reading "missing: Susie" a few more days pass and five more kids go missing.

As the days pass due to investigation of freddy fazbears it had to be shut down....for now.