
Five Days 'Till Show Time

Azume_San · Fantaisie
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1 Chs

Chapter 1

Harper Sinclair a Business major has been beaten to death, And was found dead behind Lecture Hall. For Harper, all he could see was darkness but suddenly he heard a soft voice saying. "Child, I'll give you a second chance to fulfill your dreams in life but only if you also dedicate yourself to my request... " Instead of agreeing in a hurry he asked, "Who are you..? " the soft voice then replied saying, "You'll know when it's time child." The first thought that came to Harper's mind was how overused that line was. Harper was actually a bookworm himself, He would spend hours locked up in his room reading all sorts or books with different genres and unique meanings. He would always change his daily quote whenever he finishes a book with a meaning that could fill his life with hope. Harper then finished his small flashback and led out a little sigh then said, "Fine...so may I know your request, mysterious voice? " the soft voice then said "Help the people Harper, help them survive. Show them a new path that could change their lives"Harper then asked "Who exactly are those people-" Harper then suddenly saw a bright light, Harper struggles to open his eyes because of the blinding light then he heard a woman saying in a worried yet relieved voice"You Had me Worried Arthur!" Arthur then thought "Arthur…?" The woman then suddenly hugged Harper while tears were flowing down her cheek. Of course Harper was Shocked and said " Uhm Excuse me, But who exactly are you and why do you call me Arthur?" The woman was shocked and broke the hug between her and Harper she replied while stuttering "H-huh you don't remember me…?, I'm your mother Arthur! How could you forget about me?!" While the woman continues to sob Harper tries his best to comfort her but he was also observing his surroundings then he thought " What's happening?! And who is this woman" then his realization struck him "Is this what the mysterious voice meant about the second chance" Harper stood up in a rush and started to search for a Mirror A few minutes later he found a tiny mirror inside of the cabinet inside his hospital room. Harper was completely in shock to see his new face.

"My second Chance…" Harper thought while smirking, After a few days in the hospital the doctors finally said that Harper was allowed to go home the next day. Harper was overjoyed when he heard he could finally leave the hospital, The next day when Harper and his parents were driving their way to their house Harper was already planning on how to complete the request of the mysterious voice. Once they reached the house an old woman came outside the house to greet them, The woman also known as Arthur's Biological Mother noticed and shouted in a happy voice "Nanny Lu!" Arthur's Mom then runs her way to nanny lu for a hug. Harper on the other hand was already observing his surroundings "Hmm so this family is quite rich…" Harper then gave out a little laugh and said in his thoughts "I've got an advantage thanks to this family" the mother said from afar "Arthur honey why don't you go look around the place, Maybe it'll help you remember some memories?" Harper then replied "Got it mom" and went on to explore the house. One room caught his eye, At the end of the hallway there was an old brown door that had some wood chipping off of it. Out of curiosity he opened that old brown door as carefully as he could. On the other side of that door was a mini library filled with books and maps that were pinned to a bulletin board and Two large black boards filled with theories and strings that connected one theory to another, Harper was amazed by such a sight. "You've got a sharp eye there mate." Harper quickly turned to see a young boy leaning against the Frame of the door, "Who are you?..." said Harper. The young boy replied "I'm Arthur's best friend Devon, But for your case I'm Known as your guide who was sent by Phyrlin in other words the one you call 'Mysterious Voice''".

"So you're saying the one who gave me another chance in life is called Phyrlin?" asked Harper, "Bingo" said Devon. Harper who is already having a headache from trying to process all of this is such a period of time said "Well since you're here and you're a person that Phyrlin sent why don't you help me make my life a bit a easier and say what exactly Phyrlin's request is." Devon then replied " if that's what you wanted to know you could've just ask" then gave a little chuckle, "Anyway here you go" Devon hands Harper a Book with ancient scriptures on it "I asked for an explanation not a book with weird scriptures on it" said Harper "Why don't you take a closer look before complain." replied Devon. Harper opened the book and started scanning the context and noticed how familiar the context was so he asked Devon "Hey, Why does this look so familiar to me…" Devon smirked and said "it has the same context of the newspaper that was published on August 19, 2045" After hearing what Devon Had said all Harper could think about is how familiar it is yet he can't remember it clearly, Then it hit him. Harper turned to Devon and said Loudly "Wait August 19, 2045...Isn't that the year when 12 schools got bombed?!" Devon said "hoho so you finally remember." Harper then turned back to the book and continued reading then he also realized a question which was also Important "What's the date today...? " Devon looked at Harper then smiled and said "It's August 14, 2045" Then it was pure silence until... " I ONLY HAVE 5 DAYS?!" Harper exclaimed while grabbing Devon's collar. Devon then said "woah, woah calm down buddy if Phyrlin knew you couldn't do it he wouldn't have given you another chance" Harper released his grip from Devon's collar and glared at Devon instead "C'mon instead of glaring at me why don't you go back to racking your brain for a plan" said Devon "I see you have chosen death" replied Harper after hearing the tone of voice Harper was using Devon said " I'm kidding, Of course i'll help you"