
First we fell.

Stivastin was made an orphan by the Portals, the promised happy life was stolen from him, he gained a new destiny. In the world full of Evolveds doing miraculous things, all he ever wanted is to be one of them and escape the hell hole he lived. But like with the fulfilment of every wish that mattered, there were consequences. A family. Brothers, Sisters a doting Mother and a Father, who happens to see the future. Couple that with High school and girls, add THE single most destructive ability the world has ever seen and voila .. How the hell is he supposed live a normal life? Get real friends? Go to school trips? Let alone date the girl he likes? .. not to mention those Portals and the monsters pouring out of them. This will require some finesse.

Stivanstin · Fantasy
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95 Chs

Headpats and other cute things. ~

Next morning my mood was annoyed and tired, couldn't sleep again and spent some of the night talking to the soldiers on duty.

They were a nice bunch, unlucky with the ladies and with their money. I was still talking to them when the maids woke up and asked them to make some French toast for the boys as thank you for keeping me company.

Heading towards school my fatigue hit me, I wanted to go home and sleep.

I also noticed someone ahead that made me want pick then up and run around bit. It was Amie the twins sister.

She was standing next to a lamp post and waited patiently. She was adorable like a doll, blew my sleepiness right away. I also remembered that I still haven't heard her voice yet.

" Good morning Amiee. "

She looked up and then looked away but..

"..morning. "

So cute. Her voice was exactly like I thought it would be, a perfect combination of high pitched and melodious.

" I'm heading to school would you like join me? " I asked with a small smile.


Then and there I decided .. I'm gonna get a full sentence out of her by weeks end.

Looking down at her walking by my side, I had this really strong urge to pat her head, that probably would be a little too much.

Remy did warn me about this country's customs and blah blah but still. I wanted to so bad .. it really shouldn't be that big of a deal right?

" Stivanstin!! Heyy! "

It was Tetsuya and the twins waiting just at the entrance.

" Oh hey man, tha.. thank you."

"...what for? "

" Nothing .. I meant nice to see you .. Luna, Mya good morning to you two. "

"" Morning. ""

They were cute, but not head pat material.

I also need to control myself, I can't give cute girls headpats willy nilly.

Walking in I couldn't help but be a little surprised how much different it is from just 24h ago. I mean people were still staring but I didn't mind now. It's funny, I barely knew these people yet

I took comfort in their presence.

" Look at these people want to be us huh? You must feel like this all the time .. "

Tetsuya looked pleased with the stares and kept glancing at the twins direction.

" Trust me it loses it charm faster than you think. " I said looking at the crowd.

Amie looked at me and I think I saw her little lips arch, but it was only a moment plus .. she is very small so who can tell ..

I can't wait for her to do something cool and pat her head and say .. good job. I'm sure thats the single scenario where, I won't come off like a creep.

We made our way inside the classroom. People greeted us in general and took our seat.

First class was Portal History and Ms Inoue looked dainty walking up to the blackboard.

People actually walked up and introduce themselves, I shook a few hands and exchanged some pleasantries .. it was nice.

I felt much more at ease now.

In class we learned about the Portals and it's peculiarities. Information humanity is been gathering over decades.

How they differ in size and appearance. Their first Rips, when and where.

I already learned all that just like everyone else growing up, this entire class is just to make the day somewhat longer. Considering we only spent 5 hours a day in here and other subjects such as math and biology etc .. wasn't pursued, the curriculum needed every minute.

Over the years there were roughly 400 black Portals opened .. the first happened 2041 Apr 15th and the slow moving Subiton first made their appearance.

Giant 20ft tall, slow lumbering monsters, they were small in numbers but very hard to kill, and emitting poison that can kill a man in seconds and poison the very ground they walked on.

The first yellow Portal opened more than 32 year after it appeared.

The unrelenting Mimiks swarmed the planet.

Around 10ft in size they mostly resembled octopuses with their main body is less than a basketball in diameter. They were fast and agile, had perfect teamwork extremely hard to kill.

Thankfully the yellow Portals were small in both numbers and overall rips over the years.

My mind wasn't there with them, I was thinking about tomorrow and wondering about if my sisters landed yet .. the bell woke me up.

I just noticed that Aviv is missing he is as memorable as any who looks like .. hmm I can remember glasses.

I wanted take a nap during break, I felt drowsy from the lesson and the damn sun shinning in my face.

I laid my head down and let the surrounding noise just slipping away. I was in that sweet stage of almost asleep yet aware of those around me. I felt my jacket tugged, it pulled me out of my pleasant state of mind.

It was Amie she looked nervous.

"...Are you hungry? " she asked.

Was that a full sentence? I'll take it.

I smiled thinking she just wanted to have lunch with me.

" I'm totally hungry, do you mind if Tetsuya comes with us? "

She took a look at the spiky head guy with a goofy smile, then shook her head. I remembered from yesterday, Tetsuya was telling me about knowing her and her sisters since they were kids.

On our way out we were joined by half the class and headed to the cafeteria. A swarm of others were already there chatting, the line was huge Tetsuya agreed to stand in line and this other guy Shinzo If i remember went and helped.

I decided to pay for the food it felt wrong not to.

People thanked me like I payed for their education. Amie took a seat next to me and I wanted to talk to her, get know her .. she was the perfect little sister material I always wanted.

" Tell me Amie, about your ability I didn't get to see it yesterday." I asked.

"It's fire..."

She was giving me nothing.

I didn't wanna push it after all, I only known her a day, like everyone else. She did seem like shy but also vicious if truly pissed, like a chihuahua. I need to give her some time.

I smiled thinking if it goes like this I'll never be able pat her.

They returned with dozens of variety of snacks I never seen.

They all looked colourful I did spot the ones that were thrown by Mikeyla yesterday. They something called blueberry yumyums, to bad I was allergic. My nose gets super stuffy and if I ate some more I turn into puffer fish.

I ended up getting one that looked like a mellon and tasted like one, it was sweet and delicious.

I let my eyes wonder and spotted this group of older kids having fun by throwing crumbs of food at a girl sitting alone reading. She seemed to ignore what was happening and the guys took it as a green light.

What cliches .. If you like her just go end ask her out. She was tall even seated and had long curly black hair, and seemed used to this kind of situation.

I can't stand people like that .. not the bullies .. well them too but those accepting the victim role and just give up.

I seen kids like her at Lucia's and it reminded me of them, all those poor souls I left behind for a life of glorious luxury and the familial love they themselves praying for.

I never used to feel guilty about it, it was my destiny. I was a chosen one by God himself, besides nobody ever helped me or cared for my wounds after being beaten daily. And yet ..

why do I feel so ..

I was in front of the older kids before I myself noticed.

I felt anger and made me angrier to see their smug faces looking at me as if they find no threat here what so ever ..

And I was back there .. back in that hell defending against bigger, stronger kids fully prepared each time to die after a short cruel life.

I felt something snap and everything except for the bullies in front of me evaporated with loud bang landing the four on the ground.

I was on top the one seemed being their leader and put my feet on his head and activated my eyes on the floor underneath him. His head sank and hit the new bottom with a loud bang and I pushed even harder.

"M- my Lord please .. I.."

" May I recommend you not give me any further reason to pop of that head of yours, now the way that I see it, you can leave and never bother her again or continue defy me and you and your friends life will be reduced to an unending sequence of agonizing torture. "

The entire cafeteria were surrounded us now and I saw teachers, kids all kinds yet no body moved. I was grateful for their intuitive eyes or freezing terror that made them silent and motionless.

" Now choose.."

" I'm sorry, I'll...we never mess with her again.. I again ..I'll give you my word. " he said eating some of the dust doing so.

I took my feet of his face and walked back to my table, only hearing them running away. After while the crowd dissipated and most of my class came back to the table.

" Dude that was harsh .. what happened? " asked Tetsuya.

" Just some violent impulses, I can't stand trash like that. And that girl .. who was she anyway? "

I noticed she left during the ensuing commotion. Maybe Tetsuya knew her.

" Don't know.. never seen her. " he said shrugging.

" Her name is Mayumi Takumi and she in class 3B with me. "

I turned around and saw Mikeyla standing there. She saw me losing my shit on those extras. I felt a bit embarrassed but she didn't looked away from me.

"Hey there...you know her? " I asked.

" Not really, we never really talked she's not very sociable or approachable. "

I can see that, she dashed away really fast.

" Do you like girls like Mayumi? " she asked suddenly.

" What? No.. I was just tryin.."

I looked at Mikeyla she drilled her eyes in mine looking for falsehoods .. oh shit .. she might be interested.

" I just have bad memories with bullies that's all. She not my type. " I said with my best smile.

We were staring at each other for a while, my God she is super sexy.

" Good .. I brought you this as thanks for yesterday, helping my little brother. "

She handed me the same blueberry yamyams she sniped her brother with yesterday.

" Ohh this .. this is great t-thank you I ..I .. there's no need though, your brother is a decent guy. "

She looked so happy I didn't wanna tell her that .. wait why is she keeps looking? She want me to eat this isn't she?

I smiled and unwrapped the damn thing, it smelled sickeningly sweet I took a quick look and everyone .. they were all watching this.

I saw a sweet looking girl at the end of the table I think her name was Rena..Reni? The point is, she introduced herself as a healer and she also looked the part, she had that aura like mother or Sicily.

I can eat this and ask her to heal me later. I give one more smile to Mikeyla and eat the thing in two bites. It tastes like blueberries and slow killing poison.

" It's delicious.. whoaa incredible...yumyum. " I said with my mouth half full.

She watched me chewing until I swallowed it all, I felt my DNA ejecting it but I did gave a grateful smile.

" Hmmhmm .. "

She looked happy and I had like maybe 20 minutes before I turn into a monster.

I felt my elbow being pushed, I looked at Amie, she had some mellon bread in her hand and offered it to me all cute and blushed I could wait anymore .. I was a man.

" Thank you Amie. "

I patted her hair and it was not only silky smooth but also felt like felt home after a long battle .. I felt great.

Immediately after letting it go I wanted to pat it again. It was like trying hard not to scratch something, eventually you just gave in.

I almost forgot the poison slowly eating me alive.

I looked at Tetsuya and whispered.

" What's the name of the girl at the end? "

" What you need more bread for other girls? "

Jealous fool...

"Ranni Castill..."

Thanks to little Amie I didn't have ask Ranni for her name.

" Thank Amie...um good job. "

And yes..I patted her head again. I walked over to Ranni and her group and ignored Mikeyla annoyed stare .. was jealous of Amie, whom I definitely saw smile this time.

" Umm Ranni do you have a second? " I asked when they noticed me.

" I ..yes I'll have one. "

I nodded to her to come away from the table, we had to go far because of the stares.

" Listen .. I need you to cast your healing on me, I know it's against the rules but I would really .. really appreciate it. "

" Oh .. is it the blueberries? You allergic or something.? " she asked leaning closer.

Surprisingly she was more on the ball then the rest or what I gave her credit for.

" Checkmate my lady, nicely played. "

She chuckled a bit but did rested her hand on my chest and

I felt warmth permeate my body. And no matter the situation blushing girls were always cute.

She was also more calculating then she looks, I happen to know from my mother and sister that you can heal without touching.

" Done .. now don't eat things you not suppose to, even if cute girls that offered it. "

She poked my chest to punctuate her point and smiled charmingly, then walked back to her seat.

Damn it .. I kind of liked her style.