
Why should I met my first love but not my last and why the person I love hurt me back?

its start in a simple hi

its 6am as I wake up everday

grabbing my phone to check messeges but suddenly a new messege to unknown person saying hi I smile and reply hi

thats our first conversation

after that everyday instanly we have deeper conversation ans become friends

its 1 yr.of chatting in friends relationship then one morning he told me his inloved with me

same as i felt for him

we become girlfriend boyfriend relationship

so many happy conversation anger conversation and sweet conversation we do videocall everyday and night

our love go deeper and deeper

but one day all of a sudden no messege at all even I meesege him a lot calling him he refused to to reply and call me back

I dont know what to think and feel that moment

its 3 months his gone

after 3 months he messege me telling forget me totally Im marrying other girl

its very painful I cried and begging dont marry other girl but he doesnt listen me

Im so very broken

thinking why he hurt me like that

he is my first love and I want also his my last love but what he did to me its impossible his my last love because he doesnt deserve my love he is selfish

now I start moving on and forgetting him like what he said to me really long distance relationship and diffrent culture its hard to go on

now Im happy for him because his happy maybe for now thats the important And my heart now its happy and Im not closing the door because its good tobe inlove and to be love and love its gift coming from God ❤❤❤