
First I'll Surpass Thousands!!

Four dudes in 1996 in Missouri at the times of 90's problem here's one 'the world of teenagers' which is also like the world of adults, ============ P. S. If you're wondering why I just now typed the synopsis and added the tags? It is because I'm momentarily free but still struggling due to the test I'm about to take, this will be the last time I'll visit this site before my painful studies continue. Bye bye also I mistakenly applied 'magical realism' but in truth it isn't. P. P. S. If you guys and gals find any mistakes like spelling, origin, sources, and history then I don't blame because I'm writing this using stacked knowledge (or my limited knowledge of the 90's). Any place, names, Ideas, and etc that might be real here, I can only say.... I don't mostly care and I'm not accountable for it, sincerely these are Ideas that popped up from my head. ============= the cover ain't mine folks, I just got that at my good ol' trustworthy Copilot. I don't know if this is allowed or not? but I'll just apologize beforehand!, Sorry 'po' Ladies and Gentlemen. One last thing, this ain't a magical realism, I just had to pick a base and that's just the one I picked. There are no mana magic shit, only unrealistic but logical fights. (all works from real life; music, famous names, companies, or famous people don't belong to me, only my characters and places I have made up)

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24 Chs

FIST chpt. 6 Martial Arts

Martial Arts "is a combat style where a person uses moves that blend swiftly in fighting even without using they're full strength there many varying with kicks, punches and some a companies weapons". Karate a straight forward combat used in Japan most popular for it's use in the wars some say mastering such techniques brings the opponent beaten half to death!, Ju Jitsu a combat rally used in military style way it evolved from military to unpredictable strong moves it's even considered to be as deadly dance moves!?.

Sean Also Known As the Downtown Badger "He's half Irish and a romantic he's called a badger because he picks up girls in a swiftly way of moves He's also known as one of the Executives of Frostbite his swift romance matched with his stylish fighting style".

Sean found out that Squad two was brought down a few days ago not just that but the Juggernaut of Frostbite Henry was Hospitalized because of Hansley High's Zombie. Sean knows someone from Hansley High school his favorite subject Bucky Hills he then called him and asked to trick Florence to meet up at Downtown square (He has to do that so he can settle the score against Hans High for Henry).

At Hansley High school Florence was walking up to Jessie's classroom but only to find out she was sick and she stayed home but Buck was there, Buck:"Yeah she's at home resting", Florence:"Oh my bad I just have to double check", Buck:"Wait!, she asked to get her some curly fries from the Downtown area one", Florence:"Why can't you get it?", Buck:" I have my own business regarding my homework duh" (Florence glared in a scary way, then Buck suddenly got a chill running down his spine. Florence sighed). Florence replied:" Eh, Fine whatever (he then put his arm around Buck's shoulder) you wouldn't lie to me right buck? where soon to be brothers anyway (Scary Smirk)", Buck:"Ye- Yeah! (gulp)"

At lunch break Florence thought of skipping class if he doesn't make it back in time he made it to the stand, bought curly fries and was on his way to Jessie's house her parents might get shocked when they find out Jessie has a boyfriend. He stopped at town square to see the Downtown square court the place where he decided not to be a lowlife anymore "Damn, my drawings are still here." he thought to himself that he's not coming back here or fighting here again.

He was deep in his mind, Till someone called out "Yo King" It was 7 people Florence got the Idea already what they're doing one of them said in an Australian accent "I heard from a bird that your strong and pull up a science experiment", Florence replied "... So .. you know what just get to the point. you here to fight? or talk?" (3 went and rushed to make a hit Florence dodged and kicked one then straight forward moved to the other one and punched him back to his friend then pushed them to falling to the ground and Florence stomped they're faces till one was bleeds and one was knocked out the guy Florence kicked came back he pulled a punch at Florence but missed, Florence then hit his neck which made him kneel to the ground. the other 5 was trembling backing up then in a minute, 30 more guys so rounded Florence. In a blink of an eye Florence heard running besides him then immediately ducked a normal roundhouse kick It was a a handsome dude dressed up like a Romeo like?, Florence backed up) The guy spoke "Ha! ladies and gentlemen look forward for a Mano a Mano fight" (The guy looked at Florence and unexpectedly Florence's face was confused) Florence spoke "Umm, I'm sorry but uhhhh..... who are you?" (the guy was irritated) Sean:" I'm Sean the Ju Jitsu Black Badger!!", Florence:"I've heard of you!, I thought you were black or Brazilian with an Irish name?", Sean:"why you-, who cares I'm going to get even for my doofus friend Henry", Florence:"Oh right my guy said he was a piece of cake so yeah".

A fight of Moves, Reflex and Confidence was about to happen 'but I ran out of time and computer space, overslept and got sick' see you next time at Chpt.7 Karate vs Ju Jitsu.