
First I'll Surpass Thousands!!

Four dudes in 1996 in Missouri at the times of 90's problem here's one 'the world of teenagers' which is also like the world of adults, ============ P. S. If you're wondering why I just now typed the synopsis and added the tags? It is because I'm momentarily free but still struggling due to the test I'm about to take, this will be the last time I'll visit this site before my painful studies continue. Bye bye also I mistakenly applied 'magical realism' but in truth it isn't. P. P. S. If you guys and gals find any mistakes like spelling, origin, sources, and history then I don't blame because I'm writing this using stacked knowledge (or my limited knowledge of the 90's). Any place, names, Ideas, and etc that might be real here, I can only say.... I don't mostly care and I'm not accountable for it, sincerely these are Ideas that popped up from my head. ============= the cover ain't mine folks, I just got that at my good ol' trustworthy Copilot. I don't know if this is allowed or not? but I'll just apologize beforehand!, Sorry 'po' Ladies and Gentlemen. One last thing, this ain't a magical realism, I just had to pick a base and that's just the one I picked. There are no mana magic shit, only unrealistic but logical fights. (all works from real life; music, famous names, companies, or famous people don't belong to me, only my characters and places I have made up)

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24 Chs

FIST chpt. 23 The Deal

Sam and Ted

"Now, now. I have to warn you, I'm not that patient" Tobias grinned like a mad man, but through the eyes of experienced fighters he's quite a tactful person for putting up a face,

there was an unspoken rule that most experienced fighters have 'To not go against the Mad & Unknown variables' especially when they're first impression was a facade to lower your guard.

'So he's not totally a useless drug addict' Sam thought he had a gut feeling that this dude was neither part of the participants nor the Ratbikers. his track of thought was halted when Ted walked towards Tobias,

"Look... your in the same situation as well,-" Ted pointed at his own number, specifically the tape, then pointed at Tobias' tape, which was more darker than his "-Duct tapes are kinda popular between all thugs and yours a store bought one, look it even shows the brand... now where the hell is the true participant No. 1?" Ted said in an intimidatingly calm tone, but in truth he's having trouble too

Tobias doesn't answer but he scoffs then grins,

'So he's putting up with Tobias' intimidation a little bit, so that he has some space to negotiate on equal grounds' was Sam's understanding of the situation, quite impressive to fake a face almost flawlessly '... Just hoping Tobias doesn't notice his hands trembling'

Sam just ignored the tensioned air and just walked to one of the referees and muttered something, then he punched the referee's stomach, forcong him to nod multiple times to Sam

and proceed to pick up his mic

"Umm- uh, Ladies and gentlemen we have something quite exciting to show you, there's been a change of plans No.4 is up against No.1!!" the referee said, which switched the attention of the everybody even Ted and Tobias stopped they're barking threats and glares at each other.

Before Tobias could completely understand what was announced, He felt an attack coming from behind but he was too late, he got dropkicked and pushed towards the conveniently open door of the caged fighting ring.

he looked back only to see Sam removing his jacket and pulling up the sleeves of his long-sleeved shirt showing his biceps, "That's enough chitchat from you, I hate it when I use my brain too much, especially from tricky ones like you" Sam said before lunging and closings the distance between him and Tobias,

with a swift swing and turn, Sam perfomed a right hook forcing Tobias to block, underestimating Sam's strength was a big mistake for the punch wasn't stopped and continued it's path hitting Tobias' face pushing him back,

staggering Tobias stood still and spit out a tooth a rather big one, "You calling me tricky when you're literally the opposite of what you look like, who packs a punch with that height of yours" he said wiping off the blood from his mouth, and what he says is unfortunately true since Sam was 5'4 and Tobias was 5'6 (Ted is 5'9, Ivan is 6'2, and Florence is 5'3 if you're wondering)

Sam gritted his teeth and ran to grab Tobias by his shoulder, he didn't expect him to avoid it and deliver a Meia-lua de frente on his temple pushing him closer to Tobias, then Tobias followed it with a Queixada when he was close ranged

Ted was shocked when he saw the flawless execution of Capoeira,

Tobias was well aware of Sam's powerful grip but aside from that his Grappling techniques are nothing to be worried, from what he can gather Sam tackles his opponent's and perform uncomfortably-close punches and strikes but he could fix it, after the thought he hit Sam's calf with a Martelo de chão making him fall and then followed by a Esquiva alta or a Downward Hand Swipe. Sam was shaken by his sudden loss of balance that he wasn't able to block the hit but thankfully his body's durability and endurance to hits is greater than others and when he saw Tobias' baggy pants he grabbed it and flung him to the side of the cage, Sam's recovery speed right after his moves are fortunately top and almost immediately performed a sloppy yet powerful left uppercut, Tobias grinned and grabbed his shirt and performs a knee strike. Tobias grinned and felt happy to have caught Sam off guard but his smile was wiped away when he saw Sam caught it and Headbutted his face, Tobias was suddenly pushed a few inches away from Sam and felt a deafening blow to his jaw, opening his eyes he saw Sam did a Turning elbow strike on his face, he staggered but still stood up but then in a second his hearing and line of sight was ringing and blurry causing him to kneel, he was sure he'll be unconscious in a few seconds but before that he smiled and said "You may have won this fight but your in a lot of shit, also I haven't lost yet when I say I give up hunting you and your friends down and getting revenge... ... ... ".

afterwards his eyes were white and his breathing steadily continued, it was enough for Ted to signal Sam he was knocked out.