
First I'll Surpass Thousands!!

Four dudes in 1996 in Missouri at the times of 90's problem here's one 'the world of teenagers' which is also like the world of adults, ============ P. S. If you're wondering why I just now typed the synopsis and added the tags? It is because I'm momentarily free but still struggling due to the test I'm about to take, this will be the last time I'll visit this site before my painful studies continue. Bye bye also I mistakenly applied 'magical realism' but in truth it isn't. P. P. S. If you guys and gals find any mistakes like spelling, origin, sources, and history then I don't blame because I'm writing this using stacked knowledge (or my limited knowledge of the 90's). Any place, names, Ideas, and etc that might be real here, I can only say.... I don't mostly care and I'm not accountable for it, sincerely these are Ideas that popped up from my head. ============= the cover ain't mine folks, I just got that at my good ol' trustworthy Copilot. I don't know if this is allowed or not? but I'll just apologize beforehand!, Sorry 'po' Ladies and Gentlemen. One last thing, this ain't a magical realism, I just had to pick a base and that's just the one I picked. There are no mana magic shit, only unrealistic but logical fights. (all works from real life; music, famous names, companies, or famous people don't belong to me, only my characters and places I have made up)

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24 Chs

FIST chpt. 17 Tobias Roundhouse

FIST (Ivan)

"All of you must Abide the rules, if you want the money." What Joshua said slapped everyone back to their sense of determination, and now they know he's an opponent worth trying to beat.

Ivan took notes of the participation list and rules, then a message came from Florence asking where he is?. Ivan replied saying he's getting coffee Florence asked to bring them each one too,

 Ivan:"Ugh! why can't they get it by them selves?, now I really have to get coffee." as Ivan was heading out the warehouse, He met a peculiar person, the person jumped and kicked a ball towards Ivan intentionally, Ivan reacted and caught the ball. 

Ivan:"The Fuck is wrong with you?, don't you know the rul-.", Tobias:"Your Ivan of Hansley High aren't you?,the name's Tobias by the way.". 

Ivan tossed the ball back and walked away as he turn to glare back, the dude was just smiling. (Ivan:"He's giving me the creepy vibe.").

Back at Ivan's house. 

Florence:"Thank you Mr and Mrs Silver, for letting us hangout here at your garage.", 

Pam:"Oh no biggie, ain't that right honey?" 

(Mr. Silver was carrying in gym equipment, because they needed to put they're gym equipment somewhere safe while there's still a construction going on the gym).

Florence asked Mr and Mrs Silver to leave them be for a minute and they did, also they have to go grocery shopping said they're byes and asked to take care they'll be back at 7 by then Florence, Ivan, Sam and Ted are off to a tournament.

they all arrived early at the preliminary, fights '48 were chosen from skill interviewing round(surely enough Florence, Ivan, Sam and Ted were chosen as well), then it started first rounds. 6 rings were setted up to find the winner faster, Cage Fights from left to right all in different warehouses, so it is quite hard for Florence, Ivan, Sam, and Ted to know if each of them had won. each 4 preliminary round 12 people enter to fight and it ends with 6 people exiting and moves to the "Tournament elemination" there the Judge the Founder of RatBikers (Francis /age.21/Hght.6,4) picks 8 people who will fight head on each other on the Finals and only 1 must remain to face off Joshua those are the rules' .

 A simultaneous tournament that has been going on since before Joshua joined and became leader , Many passed out in the middle of the fights from the previous match at the last tournament, and before they can land a single hit on the boss they'd fall unconscious but if not then it will take only a few hits to knock out the challengers.

 Joshua hopes to find and entertaining opponent, that could at least make him feel something during fights.

there was a close match against him, back then, before he was sent to juvenile though he didn't know the person.

------(3 years ago)------

it was 3 years ago at the farmers' market where he was almost beaten by a farmerboy who became a popular young gang boss, only three years younger than Joshua. Moreover, His body almost gave out on him due to his body's muscles stopped from the constant hits directed to certain parts on his body; triceps, right side of his stomach, right thigh, left calf, and his jaw were constantly abused with inhumane precised hits and at some point knife cuts were used on Joshua by the farmer boy, Just because Joshua tried to slit the throat of the boy's little brother.

------(End of Flashback)------

"...well memories mostly are painful for me" Joshua said as his gaze was looking far away imagining that monster bastard is still at the Juvenile's Solitary Department punching that same wall for sanity.

'That bastard got what he deserved it, but who the fuck taught him how to use a knife like an assassin psycho?!' Joshua clicked his tongue, self-mocking himself for dwelling on his past mistake. 

Little did Joshua know he'll meet someone who dearly wants revenge, for he was obviously reaching since from the start.


"I be uploading dis good shi three times a week, ya don know mi bish!"

(Sorry I think I listened to Filipino Rap while typing this, and I somehow got influenced to typing it willingly. Thank goodness I went back to check, I removed half of it and only left the important notice in the sentence)