
First Floor Adventures in Aincrad

A set of short stories highlighting the experiences some had gone through on the first floor of Aincrad.

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Harold Thornton

The sun began its ascent, casting a warm glow over the mining village to the west of the Town of Beginnings. Amidst the players who had spent more than a month (45 days) trapped in the virtual world of Sword Art Online, stood an unwavering figure – Harold Thornton, an older man with an avatar based on his real body that bore the markings of age but eyes reflecting determination.

Harold had ventured to this mining village with a singular purpose – to defy the limitations of age, even within a virtual fantasy realm. Armed with a sturdy pickaxe, he aimed to prove that his senior years wouldn't hinder him. The worn spear now replaced by the tool he believed would lead him to strength – the mining skill.

As the sun's rays infiltrated the modest inn where Harold had spent the night, he tightened his grip on the pickaxe and descended downstairs, ready to embark on another day of leveling and learning in the mining town.

The vibrant streets of the mining village greeted him, and he made his way to the bustling gathering hub. There, NPC workers and players alike assembled for repeatable mining quests. Harold's objective was crystal clear – gather enough copper to earn col and level up his mining skill, inching closer to the strength he sought.

The old miner NPC taskmaster acknowledged Harold's presence with a gruff nod. "Back for more, eh?" the short man grumbled. "Well, there's copper aplenty, and we can use all the help we can get."

Harold nodded in agreement, his virtual muscles tensing with determination. Joining a diverse group of other players, he prepared to embark on the mining quest for the day, exchanging greetings with those around him.

The quest was straightforward – mine a set amount of copper ore within the designated mining area. The reward: col and experience points toward the mining skill. As the group descended into the mine, the metallic scent of ores filled the air.

Harold struck the rock with his pickaxe, the rhythmic clinking and scraping sounds reverberating through the cavern. Dialogue flowed among the players, a mix of seasoned miners and newcomers. Tips and strategies for efficient mining were exchanged, creating an environment of camaraderie within the digital depths.

Occasionally, a stray monster would rear its virtual head, prompting the miners to switch from pickaxes to weapons. Harold, with a reassuring nod to his companions, wielded his spear adeptly, fending off the digital threats. The day unfolded in a collaborative effort, as the players ventured deeper into the mine, each swing of the pickaxe bringing them closer to their collective goal.

As the virtual sun traversed the sky, marking the passage of time, Harold felt a sense of accomplishment with each vein of copper uncovered. The pickaxe, his newfound ally, became an extension of his will, breaking through the rock with determined precision.

Emerging from the mine as the day waned, the dwarf taskmaster greeted the group with a nod of approval. "Well done, miners. Here's your col for the day, good work!"

Harold received his col, a testament to his hard work, and a notification indicated a modest increase in his mining skill level. Harold couldnt help but smile as he looked over his stats while he walked. He was so distracted that he even tripped over some rocks in the road. The fall didnt do any harm to him, in fact with how easy it felt getting back up he smiled.

"This would have normally broke a bone or something." He muttered, all too happy that he wasnt hurt. "I'll have to just look when I get back to my room." He sighed, a little frustrated that he was so impatient he embarrassed himself. Others walked past him quickly, one man avertedhis gaze when they heard Harold talking to himself.

As evening settled over the mining village, Harold made his way back to the inn, pickaxe in hand. The tool, now worn and marked with the day's labor showed he needed to get it repaired before it broke. When he rerurned he put everything away in his inventory and sat at a table. He ate a hearty meal from the inn's kitchen before making his way upstairs, noticing how easier it was to climb the stairs after his strength stat increased. This was it, this was what he wanted most and little byt litle, it was happening. In the quiet of his room, he contemplated the day's achievements. The virtual world may have confined them, but Harold Thornton was determined to redefine the boundaries of age.