
First Floor Adventures in Aincrad

A set of short stories highlighting the experiences some had gone through on the first floor of Aincrad.

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Emma Harris

The 15th day on the first floor of Sword Art Online unfolded with a sense of routine and urgency for Emma Harris, a middle-aged woman with a determined gleam in her eyes and green hair tied in a ponytail. Dressed in simple attire suitable for the virtual realm, she wielded a gathering knife and carried a satchel as she delved into the wilderness, determined to master the art of herbalism.

Herbalism wasn't just a skill for Emma; it was a lifeline. The virtual flora held the potential for healing potions, antidotes, and buffs crucial for survival in the treacherous world of Sword Art Online. Emma had spent the initial days learning the basics, identifying safe plants and understanding their properties. She had raised her identification skill by a few levels by the time the third day was done.

As she moved through the forest, Emma's eyes scanned the surroundings for signs of herbs. She approached a cluster of vibrant flowers, her gathering knife expertly collecting the valuable components needed for potions. The air, though virtual, carried the scent of the herbs, adding an oddly immersive layer to the experience. It reminded her of the first day, the panic at being told this was real. This was her new world until maybe one day she could wake up in the real world again. But then again, did she really?

On this 15th day, Emma's skill in herbalism had grown, and her confidence with the gathering knife was evident. Conversations with other players echoed through the digital realm as they exchanged strategies and shared information about herb locations. The virtual world had already become a tapestry of survival, and Emma was determined to weave her expertise into it.

"Hey, Emma!" called out a familiar voice. It was Jake, the young fisherman she had encountered at the market square. "Any luck with the herbs today?"

Emma smiled, nodding. "Yeah, I've got a good haul. Planning to craft some potions later. How about you? Catch any impressive fish lately?"

They exchanged tips and insights, forming a means to feel normal in the face of the game's challenges. As they conversed, Emma couldn't help but reflect on the interconnected web of skills and roles emerging within the players already. This was the beginning, and everyone would only learn more and survive.

With her satchel now filled with an array of beginner herbs, Emma decided to head back to the Town of Beginnings. The sun cast warm hues over the landscape as she walked, a stark contrast to the dangers that lurked beyond the safety of the town.

Arriving at the town, Emma made her way to the crafting station. The crafting menu displayed the array of potions she could create with her gathered herbs. With a sense of accomplishment, she carefully mixed ingredients, her hands no longer a stranger to navigating the process.

The result was a set of beginner healing potions, a valuable asset in a world where every battle could be a matter of life and death. Emma stowed the potions in her inventory; she would set up a stall later to sell as much as she made.

The inn was just a short distance away. She checked around to see if any gathering quests were available (there weren't) before she walked back to the inn with a skip in her step. Many players hung around the streets and market areas, trying to process what was still happening. Some tried to convince their friends to do something; others sat with their companions in silent suffering, heads in their hands.

"This can't be real..." she heard a young man mutter to himself as he hugged his arms and rocked on the stone path. He sat with two other young teens who looked up at Emma with sad looks before shaking their heads and resuming their depressing statements.

As the 15th day on the first floor drew to a close, Emma found solace in the fast growth of her herbalism skill. The digital realm, once a perilous unknown, now held the promise of a tomorrow, a future. She would do the same, slowly raise her skill, and continue to live.