
First Floor Adventures in Aincrad

A set of short stories highlighting the experiences some had gone through on the first floor of Aincrad.

NaxisNeok · Jeux vidéo
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Amélie Lefèvre

Amélie Lefèvre, a vibrant French teenager with a penchant for cosplay, found herself engulfed in the unsettling chaos that followed Akihiko Kayaba's revelation. Clad in a virtual outfit that mirrored her real-world creativity, she surveyed the town square in disbelief. Whispers of panic filled the air as players tried to make sense of their virtual imprisonment.

Amélie's wide-eyed gaze darted around, the virtual crowd a kaleidoscope of avatars expressing fear and confusion. "C'est impossible," she muttered, her voice betraying a mix of shock and disbelief. She had started with a basic spesr and now clutched it for support. She hsd only come onto these servers to practice speaking other languages and now she tried to make sense of the surreal situation.

As the tension escalated, Amélie's anxiety intensified. A sense of claustrophobia overcame her, and her breath quickened. "Non, non, non," she whispered, her fingers anxiously tapping on the spear. The virtual walls of the Town of Beginnings seemed to close in on her vibrant avatar.

Unable to bear the suffocating atmosphere any longer, Amélie burst into a panicked sprint. Her boots pounded against the virtual ground as she raced through the crowd. "Je dois sortir d'ici!" she exclaimed, her words audible to those nearby. Panic painted her usually cheerful expression with a mask of fear.

Outside the town's safety, Amélie found herself on the plains of the first floor. The vast expanse of virtual landscape stretched before her, and a chilly wind rustled the grass. The sense of freedom was short-lived, however, as the realization of her isolation set in.

Amélie's eyes widened as she scanned the plains. A group of wild boars grazed in the distance, their digital forms oblivious to the intruder. Fear crept into her voice as she muttered, "Ce n'est pas réel. C'est un jeu, non?" The line between reality and the virtual world blurred, and panic overtook her logic.

Unable to shake the growing unease, Amélie stumbled backward. The wild boars, now aware of her presence, raised their heads. A guttural squeal pierced the air as they charged toward her. "Non, non, non," she cried out, futilely attempting to retreat.

In a chaotic swirl of digital dust, the wild boars closed in. Amélie's virtual form crumpled under their relentless assault. The plains bore witness to a brief, frantic struggle before her avatar dissolved into a burst of pixels, leaving only the cold wind to sweep over the now-empty landscape.

Amidst the plains of the first floor, Amélie's virtual adventure came to an abrupt and end. The once-bustling Town of Beginnings remained oblivious to the tragedy that unfolded just beyond its walls, and the wild boars continued their grazing as if nothing had happened.