
The Truth is Hard to Hear


The door to Asmodeus' room was kicked open with a bang and Yara wobbled in slowly.

Every step taken seemed to be heavier than the last until she finally collapsed when she reached his bed.

She reached out with trembling hands and caressed the face of her supposed dead husband.

Feeling the warmth of life from him, the dam holding her emotions back gave way and she began to weep terribly.

"Mother.." Exedra watched in pain as his mother wept like a newborn baby on top of his father.

He knew exactly how much she had missed him and what this moment must've meant to her.

As someone with a family of his own, he knew that if he were in her shoes his reaction would be much the same.

Yara wept tirelessly, and eventually she lost control of her powers and body.

Silver flames burst from her body and spread out among the room.

With some difficulty, Exedra did manage to contain them using his darkness affinity.